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  1. We are meeting in person. I am taking my time to get to know her better and not rush into anything. Cannot handle long distance at all, it's a situation I did not expect to find myself in, especially at my age. One of main concerns of mine is her staying in Isaan by herself while I figure out my stuff. A year or two? She has grandparents to support and some business ideas to keep her busy, but from my past experience with women back home I learned they find someone local pretty quick if they are bored. My ex found someone practically overnight when I moved 200 miles away for work lol. And I was driving back and forth to meet every weekend. This is way worse and I guess I'll just try my luck
  2. Thank you so much for your perspective. Yes, my first thoughts were a pizza place or a coffee shop lol. Doesn't everyone love pizza? I'm in IT, so don't think it will transfer to LOS well. I Iooked up IT salaries there. It's a pittance even in BKK.
  3. I have considered it, and I see some issues. First is the immigration processing and visa processing which is a complete nightmare and takes years. Also I know some people in Vietnamese community here. It just seems despite potential economic benefit, overall immigrant experience for those coming to US is quite traumatic even in best circumstances. Especially when host culture and language are so different. And it is different for Thais as well, if not more than Vietnamese. So this may be an option, but I feel it's basically ripping apart all the ties that bind a person to their identity.
  4. Yeah competition is a killer here too. But I know this one guy in Austin area. He put a food truck right next to a gas station and he's making good money selling breakfast tacos. He's basically stationary. The gas station is in suburban area, the only one within a few miles and has ample parking, so it's easy to buy from his truck. Gets a steady flow of morning commuters as they start their drive from the subdivision. They're all repeat customers too. Thank you very much!
  5. Thank you very much, this is definitely something to look into for seasonal stuff. Used to sell ice cream during hot days only and it was good money. Great advice, much appreciated.
  6. You're a bit older than I am and wiser, I hope. So realistically what would be my options? Just moving to LOS? It's nice and all, but I make good money in the States. Will probably retire in Hungary or some other place in Central Europe. Thailand would be not my first choice tbh. My concern is she'll get bored in Isaan anyway, regardless of business or family. Should I forego all the bull<deleted> and whisk her out of the country? I live up north in the States. Don't think Thais can handle real winter.
  7. What about selling one orange the first day, then 2 oranges next day, etc. This seems a sure success, no,?
  8. Thank you very much for the information. Online seems the way to go from what I gather, and it's easy to move the business elsewhere if it's not tied to product unique to Isaan. I appreciate your time.
  9. Thank you for detailed write up. I'm from Texas and my impression of Isaan is that it is just like rural Texas and has the same difficult business climate. Thanks again.
  10. Hey there keen investigator. She suggested growing and selling vegetables in a small plot. What do you think? Or is it a better bet go to settle in Pattaya or Hua Hin? It just seems in coastal areas initial investment has to be substantial and okayed by local authorities via kickbacks.
  11. Hello, for those in LOS living in Isaan. I am interested in understanding small business opportunities for 1-2 people in the area. Don't know anything about Isaan and have never been. It would be something that doesn't require specialized equipment and hopefully small initial investment, something along the lines of buy bulk/sell retail, food services, growing food, educational. Any ideas are greatly appreciated, looking for some guidance and shared experiences from those of you who were both successful and not successful at it.

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