greetings to everyone, I found myself reading several K1 topics on this forum but there are not many comments about using a K1/CR1 agency. are most of you doing the process by yourself? (besides translation certification)
my fiance had contacted the police department in Bangkok about the background check, and immediately one of the top brass chased after her outside and pretty much forced her to take his contact info and said that if she wants the background check done quickly she will have to pay for his "express" service. I was shocked by how conspicuous this guy was, and he's high up apparently.
before we go down a very hairy road with police and whatever else I'm thinking about getting a lawyer involved.
do you think it's worth it or not? any honest lawyers in Bangkok who do this? I have read others say that many agents end up having you do most of the work so I'm not sure if it's worth it. but I wanted to at least ask for your experiences and if those who did it alone had many "hoops" to jump through like this...
any sincere feedback is greatly appreciated, thank you.