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  1. What's that make you? A Ukrainian agent? I think that's an appropriate term for you. Perhaps ukrainian bot is more apt? Ukrainian NPC?
  2. Yes. I think any of you rabid Ukraine supporters should be immediately sent to the front lines. I'm being dead serious, I think all of you should be given a gun and sent off.
  3. Anyone who brings Trump up in every conversation is low iq. It's really the lowest form of conversation.
  4. Low iq post. It was clearly trending up under Biden and peaked in Jan when Trump took office on the 20th. So the first real month for Trump was -0.2%. Go back to plebbit and find some better arguments.
  5. A prostitute asking for money, wow what a revelation. Definitely need another 5 pages to figure out this mystery.
  6. When are they gonna get rid of the ones on Sukhumvit?
  7. It's not 24 hours but Koh Chang is very unwalkable in general.
  8. 131k posts of garbage. Why do YOU lie so much? He proved you wrong right here:
  9. Lol, go watch the video, the Brit walks straight up to the bouncer in a fighting position, he wasn't walking away.
  10. Which is more likely? A) Brit gets knocked out and learns his lesson, no more drunken fights. B) Brit get's coddled and this situation happens again except he gets beaten down by 7 thai men? These cretins ruin the nightlife, not bouncers cleaning up the trash.
  11. Did you even watch the video? The old Brit clearly wanted a fight. 62 years old is old enough to understand that if you F around you'll eventually find out. The Thai guy hit him one time, didn't punch or kick him while he was down, didn't attack him with multiple people, just one clean punch. It's not the bouncers problem that the brit has a glass jaw.
  12. I see no issues. Brit ran his mouth and wanted a fight. Thai guy was restrained and didn't hit or kick him while he was down. Fair fight. Tough luck to the senior, he shouldn't spend checks his ass can't cash.
  13. Why are you so delusional to think Europe is going to help you in any significant way? They're gonna use this situation to get out, they'll back out and blame Trump for letting you down. They buy more gas from russia than they give you in aid, you aren't worth freezing to death over.
  14. Maybe Big Z should have come with a little more respect instead of playing tough guy? Welp, good luck to the guy.
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