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The Legend

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  1. Thanks I agree. My issues are discipline to exercise properly (cardio, strength) and I've lower back problems. I'm now on the couch..back is killing me when I bend after only 20 mins mobility exercise today. Didn't stop me from shagging the wife , but otherwise painful. Yeah, I think it's metastatic and cured entirely with proper exercise
  2. This entire war with million vietnamese and 57k US lost was based on a total LIE Look up Gulf of Tonkin Why think this war or Libya, Afghanistan, Ukraine , Iraq any different?? Remember weapons of mass deception oh I mean destruction. Colin Powell holding that vial up and bald face lying to the world? Of course you remember all that ... suckers
  3. I think that is extremely bigoted. No, I do not. Nor do I believe they instagated the war. It was all Obama /Biden / Nuland et al.
  4. You are a very simple minded person. Enjoy your holiday
  5. Wait..you think Ukraine is winning? Prepare to have your eyes opened.
  6. Name calling. You're an adult right? The two nations are kindred souls as close or closer than Thai Lao, UK and US. The history, culture, religion, script absolutely everything are intertwined. That's why Putin was always reserved in his actions. He could have ended it any day by bombing Kiev. Russians take no pride in this win to be sure. It's a dirty proxy war. You're all fools. Russia will take Crimes and the Russian territories in S Ultimate. I can't wait till it happens to laugh in all your clown faces.
  7. This is all rubbish. You disparage the US president, but take the money none the same. The countries you rattle off are undemocratic and I include New Zealand in that and especially scoffing at Israel. In the United States, elections have consistently been held even during major conflicts like the Civil War (1861–1865) and World War II (1939–1945). For instance, Abraham Lincoln faced re-election in 1864 amid the Civil War, and Franklin D. Roosevelt was re-elected in 1944 during World War II. These examples show a commitment to maintaining democratic processes despite wartime challenges. I'm going to figure out how to use ignore because this is just pure disingenuous propaganda . Like I said before it really doesn't matter because ITS OVER. Putin and Trump will resolve the entire thing shortly. Save your tears and sad clown face for then. Imagine a few good men, maybe with children have died since you started this propaganda baiting thread. It's over and I laugh in your face at your bullheaded ignorance to accept reality - but it gonna slap you hard Ukraine bro
  8. Damn Here's the winning post of the day innit??!!
  9. Oooh another clever guy. Yes.. But at least they are clear eyed, reality based assessments drawn from hours of reading daily. BS in political science and history from a top 50 US university These other posters many of which have huge weekly posting numbers, dozens of hours on the forum weekly - all wrong. DEAD wrong since forever. Absolute lunacy. Done
  10. I'm done fighting the disinformation today. I told myself I wouldn't jump I to this sub forum but I saw a post or two in the bottom of the threads I was reading/ commenting/ creating I would like to say to all those not dealing with reality. All of you use the same vitriolic, hyperbolic language and appeal to emotion. All of you are dead wrong on this Ukraine issue AND ALL THE OTHER nonsense. EVERYTHING you grown adults post here is WRONG. Have some humility, but also know you have no respect from people centered in reality. Keep crying ladies - just keep it off the subforum
  11. Logical fallacy appeal to emotion. Of course, none of this is true.
  12. This has nothing to do with the topic. This is just more emotional blah blah.
  13. I don't understand your silly retort nor am I going to view some stupid yt propaganda piece you toss up in a tantrum. Trump and Putin will end the war in the weeks ahead. Godspeed and despite so many of your ignorant and most likely paid for opinions. I feel so sorry my tax dollars went to fund this idiocy. Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Ukraine any numb nuts see a pattern??
  14. Lol Oooh the big guns are out. A well written if not disingenuous post based on a logical fallacy/ies. Also, you have a lie by omission. Correct, Zelensky has not outright refused elections - he just isn't holding them nor is he stepping aside. His term of presidency is LONG over. Legally grounded power grab, silence and murder of media, banning opposition, banning media...on on. Not to worry though because it's OVER You're all wrong and you're all DONE .
  15. You speak in vague terms and generalities to make your opinion plausible. You state the above as if it's some grand epiphany, but it's just your weak opinion again. "Most Americans" don't know much about the realities of the Ukraine war given the diet of US legacy media. Nevertheless, they have broken their malaise. It's finished and that's only a positive thing for the world, but especially the Ukrainians and Russians. Like I said - you are wrong about absolutely everything. Have some humility F F S 🤯

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