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  1. Thank you for your response. The answer I got from the Thai consulate here in the US was that in order to renew his birth certificate, he needs to be in the tabian baan (house registry). He was never in that database so they cannot issue him a new passport. And in order to get him into the house registry, we need to submit documents detailing his education in the States and diplomas/degrees. We also need witnesses to attest that he is our child. Additionally, we also need various documents as mentioned on my initial post (marriage cert, etc). I called Thailand yesterday and spoke with the local municipality as well as BKK. They all said that I need to show up with every document that I think would be relevant to his case. However, none was able to confirm whether I can authenticate the US passports here in the US versus the US embassy in Thailand though.
  2. Thank you for responding with this info. I really wish it was this streamlined. The difference here is that my son's Thai passport has been expired for over 20 years, so the municipality wants to establish that he is in fact my true son as his picture on that passport was a baby pic. The Thai consulate here in the US also advised that we needed to go to Thailand to accomplish this given the length of time that has passed.
  3. Thank you - I will check into this. Appreciate the recommendation.
  4. Hello - I am a dual Thai/US citizen, and my son was born in the US and is a US citizen. My wife (his mother) is also a US citizen but not Thai. I am trying to get our son to be a Thai citizen based on my Thai national status. Please note that my son has a Thai birth certificate and a very expired Thai passport from when he was very young; both were issued by the Thai consulate in the US. I believe this was for the initial purpose to travel back to Thailand to register him as a Thai national which we did not do for reasons unknown as it's been over 20 years. Now I have to go through this lengthy process, and I understand that our US marriage certificate needs to be authenticated/certified by the county, state, and federal US governments. Once this is done, I will have to submit the full document to the Royal Thai consulate here in the US for review to get approval as well. Once in Thailand, I need all pertinent documents translated from English to Thai and submit my marriage certificate and translated US passports to the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) for review and approval. Only then can we start the actual process for him to be a Thai citizen which is another series of steps. My questions are, do I need to certify my wife's and son’s US passports before submitting to the Thai MFA? If so, then can we do the authentication here in the USA from the Department of State and then certified by the US Thai consulate similar to the marriage certificate, or do we need this done in Thailand by the US embassy in Bangkok? We have already reached out to the US embassy in Bangkok but unfortunately, they gave us a very generic response without any real answers. I am also hearing conflicting information and would like to know if anyone have had similar experience and/or info that can be shared to help with my particular situation. We are all travelling to Thailand later this year and still have some time to finalize and hopefully optimize our timeline. Thank you in advance for your time and attention.
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