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Benyapa Barrett

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Posts posted by Benyapa Barrett

  1. I don't read thai and neither does my wife. Any ideas on where to get a cot or a website in English please?

    Thanks :o

    I dont mean to advertise on here but I know a website called www.britbaby.com.

    My husband is English. He bought loads from there.

    They do free P&P. This might help if you dont live in Bangkok.


  2. Thank you for all of your replys, yes that is him on my av, hes a handsome little chap luckily he gets his good looks from his mother. I have another issue on my mind. How much water if at all any would you reconmend we give him a day. Ive read loads about how water can damage a baby and that it shouldnt be drunk. When we was at the hospiatal all the nurses were feeding the babys with water so i guess its ok I just cant find anything on the net but negative comments about it. My mums a nurse in the UK and she said we shouldnt give it to him but once i told her about the Thai hospital nurses giving them water we kind of guest that its ok because of the weather is so hot out here. Ive also noticed his mouth drying up and getting sticky if he doesnt have any water. Thanks again for you comments and im sure my mind will be at ease soon.

    Hi I did not give any water to my baby at all because it is not good to him, however, I had him here in England, so it might be different issue in Thailand cos it's hot there. I would use the humidifier instead to keep the moisture in the air, because the air con would make him thirsty. My son is 19 months old and he is a happy chap. Benyapa.

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