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Muang Nok

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Posts posted by Muang Nok

  1. I have three hard disk drives from previous computers. I would like to retrieve some of the data from these hard drives or maintain them for future use. Is there some type of adapter or receptacle to slip it in instead of mounting it in the computer or installing it in an enclosure? The web site shows what I'm writing about.


    Hopefully some place in Thailand has it.

  2. Jingthing. I think I'll do that. I'm only lacking 5,000 Baht per month. I will have that much and more multiplied by 12 easily in a bank account at the reporting time. Come to think of it again, I'll attempt (to go with) the retirement option next January when I do my annual application for extension. The marriage option is somewhat cumbersome and very challenging with all the extra hoops that you have to go through. I will have 60,000 per month retirement income plus at least 100,000 in my Bangkok Bank savings account at the time. Thanks.

  3. Thanks for the help. Advice very much appreciated. Next year I think I'll go ahead and try the married with Thai spouse approach. She is also a Thai citizen. It will be different than what I've done for the last four years, but doable (maybe being overly optimistic) if I dot all the i's and cross all the t's paperwork wise. 40,000 Baht a month is more comfortable than tying up (seasoning) 800,000 Baht.

  4. I currently have a monthly retirement income of 60,000 baht. My Thai/American wife gets a monthly US Social Security retirement income of 20,000. Our total combined monthly retirement income for us equals 80,000 every month. I am assuming that when we reapply for our annual extension next year that this monthly retirement income will more than satisfy the 65,000 baht monthly retirement income requirement.

  5. My receipt of notification slip tells me to "This is not an extension of stay - Please notify your address again on 9 Jan 2009 - Keep in Passport."

    But the stamp in my passport shows 26 Jan 2009 as my extension of stay permitted up to date.

    Does my reporting on 9 Jan 2009 automatically extend the 26 Jan 2009 day by one year or do I have to make a second trip later in the month.

    Thanks In Advance

    Muang Nok

  6. Per chance, does anyone know where I can get Doctor Pepper, Mister Pibb, and A&W Root Beer in Thailand? :o I live in Nakhon Pathom, but I can go to any of the neighboring provinces (including Bangkok). Especially Doctor Pepper, I like its distinct flavor. Oh well, just reminiscing. :D


    Muang Nok

    Nakhon Pathom


    Ban Tak Daet


  7. I have lost two cockatiels so far and I'm trying to remedy the situation so it doesn't happen again.

    It looks like they initially developed a slight discoloration around their 'dooty fruity'. I know it sounds crazy, but that is what I call the lower belly and poop ejection area. It sounds less nasty.

    Then there is a little feather loss around that area, soreness and itchy rash develops, diarrhea, lethargy, and death.

    To put a stop to this I am assembling a Bird Emergency Kit, hopefully containing all the necessary items for most contingencies.

    The cages are clean and their water dishes are cleaned and scrubbed every day.

    All my other birds have no symptoms of this. They are happy, energetic and love attention. Our bird inventory so far is: One Blue-Front Amazon, one Quaker parrot, nine Cockatiels, one green parrot, two yellow parrots, and four Mynah Birds. With spacious cages.

    Will a pharmacy or vet clinic know what I'm saying in English such as?: (English/Thai mixed verbeage.)

    "Mee Baytril Oral nam sip percent, kahp." (Antibiotic.)

    "Mee Ivomec la Propylene Glycol dooay, na kahp." (For mites and no-see-ums.)

    "Mee Nyastin, kahp." (Fungicide.)

    "Mee Flagyl, na kahp." (For Chlamydia.)

    Muang Nok

    Ban Tak Daet


    Nakhon Pathom

  8. Thanks Lopburi for your help.

    "Why is your wife using a US passport? She will have to do the extra paperwork and make address reports for no real reason."

    It was a year ago and it seemed all too easy to send our passports off to Los Angeles, pay the fee, and get our passports stamped with the Non-Immigrant O-A visa.

    "But if she is Thai and has an ID card there is no reason to extend as your dependent as she is always free to obtain one year extensions of stay as a Thai citizen."

    She has a Thai ID card. How does she do this 'one year extensions of stay as a Thai citizen' route?

    "One of the supporting documents is your passport with a one year extension of stay stamped in it if she needs to use the dependent thing. What visas do you have? She would have to have a non immigrant visa entry to use dependent."

    She has a Non-Immigrant O-A visa stamped in her passport.

    Thanks for your patience and helpful advice.

    Muang Nok

    Ban Tak Daet


    Nakhon Pathom

  9. I am heading to Suan Phlu on Tuesday, 15 Jan.

    I have my TM 7 and supporting documents prepared and ready.

    My wife who is both a Thai and American citizen came here with me on her American passport. I am preparing her supporting documents and what I have so far is an additional TM 7 with her identifying information on it (reason for extension: to stay with retired spouse in Thailand), our Thai marriage certificate (no need for translation I would assume), and copies of appropriate pages of her American passport w/90-day reporting slips. Would this be all she needs to get her Retired dependent Thai visa?

    I am using the 65,000 baht per month scenario. Didn't plan on getting a bank letter since the verification of income from the American Embassy and pages from my bank passbook showing a steady monthly influx of pretty near 70,000 baht for the last 12 months would seem to suffice.

    On the Thai Visa web site it shows a sample of a completed TM 7. It doesn't show the second page. Does the second page get filled in or is it left blank and filled in later at Immigration?

    I dread this coming Tuesday, but I'm going to suck it up and press on. :o

  10. Taking Delta Airlines (China Airlines Operated) to Bangkok in late-January 2007. Will transit through Taipei, Taiwan with a stopover of 3.5 hours. The airlines mentioned that I need a transit permit from Taiwan before I can board the plane with my pets. They will be travelling in the cabin on the floor under the forward seat. Has anyone experienced this procedure?

    They are a Blue Front Amazon parrot and a Monk parakeet.

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