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Posts posted by TheMatrix63

  1. Background:
    - Me and my Thai wife got married both in Sweden and Thailand around 10 years ago 
    - We have lived together in Sweden for ca 15 years
    - We have a prenup registered in Sweden, but not in Thailand


    We are now in the process of moving to Thailand to retire. Neither of us owns anything in Thailand for the moment(except the wife's land in the village), 
    but I can never own that anyway and I don't really want it either...


    I've been starting to think about buying a condo in Thailand. My plan is to buy it in foreign name with my money transferred to my account in Thailand from my Swedish account.


    We are in no way planning a divorce at the moment, but you never know what happens in the future and I want to have the papers in order before anything happens...


    - How can I make sure that I don't have to split the condo 50/50 in case of a divorce? 

    - Can we sign a legal document that makes the condo my personal property?

      / J

  2. Me and my Thai wife are currently living in Sweden and we will probably do so for a couple of more years. I am trying to learn as much Thai as possible so i will be prepared when we move to Thailand, beacuse that is what we will do.

    We have been talking about to try to open a 7-Eleven shop somewhere in the Kingdom and this lead to a lot of questions. I hope i can get some input and good advice from this forum.

    - How much would the initial investment be?

    - How do the CP group give out the licenses?

    - What demands do the CP group have on the owner?

    - Anyone know somone who has already done it?

    - Can you make some money on this? (I dont meen be rich, only make enough)

    - Is it even realistic to try to get a licence?

    Any tips and advice highly apprichiated! (Spelling?)

    / JH

  3. One of my friends just bought a elite card!

    Is he stupied? According to almost everyone here the answer must be yes...

    But i'm not sure, two weeks ago he got the 5-year visa in his passport and he also got all the bennifits that a elite member get when he arrived in Thailand.

    Everyone here asks about visa, on-year, retirement, marrige...

    The easy answer is to buy an elite card! (No, i do NOT work for them...)

    I think most people that talk against this simply dont have the money to act themselfs, and therefore must talk BS about this to everyone else!

    I will probobly buy one myself real soon. Thay is if you guys can not talk me out of it!! Give it a try!!

    / JH

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