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Posts posted by Mic

  1. disagree, you didn't get the joke, did you? Ever heard the word <deleted>? Missing letter is an e.--coffee1.gif

    It was so funny I fell off my chair. I'll keep it in mind as an additional reason of why somebody might want to teach their kids another language.

    The German word "Handwerker" means someone is working by hand (e.g. carpenter). He is a "Handworker". - Though this doesn't specify what kind of work his hands are doing smile.png

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  2. This is the burden of mankind - to find the guilty and punish him - throw stones at him until he is dead. You are only innocent until you stop lying to yourself.

    And when you stop lying you'll find that you are guilty as well (in you mind) you will have to live a life of fear because the punishment for the enemy will be also yours. So what is the choice? Keep on lying to yourself - or live in fear because the guilt you see inside yourself? The one you punish is YOU - but noone sees that. Truly "enyoy"!

  3. This is so typical of the Thai authorities. If it is illegal to show/film footage for international consumption that portrays Thailand in a bad light then what happens with all the TV news companies, newspapers and bloggers that publish details of life in Thailand. Obviously recent Thailand-centric news items have all been from the darker side of life, Thaksins exploits, yellow and red shirt antics and anything thats happened in the south for the last 5+ years. Surely all of these items show thailand in a bad light and as such their broadcast is illegal!

    This seems like an extension of the lese-majeste debacle to cover the country as a whole and we have all heard ridiculous stories regarding lese-majeste accusations.

    This seems like just another nail in the coffin of Thailands free speech movement, if one exists.

    Let me tell you how the authorities in Germany handle such unwanted behaviour by someone. They come to visit you at 4:30 in the mornig and confiscate your computer (which will ruin your business ergo your financial existence). Prosecution could be suspected child porn or tax violations. This happened to the local wikileaks domain owner. The basic laws to protect citiziens are only for show. This counts for every country including and especially the USA. It has always been this way, but nowadays we find out about the dimensions of it - thanks to the internet.

    Best regards into the upcoming weekend


  4. This is so typical of the Thai authorities. If it is illegal to show/film footage for international consumption that portrays Thailand in a bad light then what happens with all the TV news companies, newspapers and bloggers that publish details of life in Thailand. Obviously recent Thailand-centric news items have all been from the darker side of life, Thaksins exploits, yellow and red shirt antics and anything thats happened in the south for the last 5+ years. Surely all of these items show thailand in a bad light and as such their broadcast is illegal!

    This seems like an extension of the lese-majeste debacle to cover the country as a whole and we have all heard ridiculous stories regarding lese-majeste accusations.

    This seems like just another nail in the coffin of Thailands free speech movement, if one exists.

    Let me tell you how the authorities in Germany handle such unwanted behaviour by someone. They come to visit you at 4:30 in the mornig and confiscate your computer (wich will ruin your business ergo your financial existence). Prosecution could be suspected child porn or tax violations. This happened to the local wikileaks domain owner. The basic laws to protect citiziens are only for show. This counts for every country including and especially the USA. It has always been this way, but nowadays we find out about the dimensions of it - thanks to the internet.

    Best regards into the upcoming weekend


  5. i live in a country that gets a constant traveler's warning from most of the western world so i cant imagine that i would choose a place by having more people. we are told to avoid large groups of people.

    maybe u should change your hair/clothes/walk style since u are more 'tourist accident prone' than most. when i was in bangkok i just felt i was in a large icky humid polluted city. nothing more, nothing less..... im not city wise, i hate cities, so my husband and i high tailed it back to his village where main dangers are motocy accidents and dengue fever (and scorpions, this past season).....



    I want to visit the village areas but the bright lights of the city are just too much of a lure for me... Even now while I am in my office at work I can almost hear the sounds of the disco's and their rhythmic beat thump, thump, thumps through my body and to see all the attractive people in their sharp and sexy clothes... Could I give that up for the tranquil sound of a peaceful village? Oh man... I am longing for Silom or Walking Street right now! hahah :)

    Let me be the first one : TROLL

    You do like to be the first one, don't you? Throwing stones out of a crowd - this is a behaviour which makes me log in here since a very long time just to say what I think. Even if I would disagree with Paul I sure do disagree with your behaviour CARIB!


  6. So, if that is correct, why do they have a visa specifically for retirement purposes?? If that was the case, they could be like Singapore - does not have any retirement visa for foreigners. But Thailand does.

    I think that is a matter of different opinions of the elements in power. Also the retirement regs might just be the remnant of a former gov. attitude.

    Arrogance is an attribute which is thoroughly human.

  7. I can't tell you how happy I am, not to live in Thailand anymore. Please don't understand me wrong - Thailand may be a nice place to live - but not for farangs. I know that others living in TH will not agree here, but I have been living in Thailand many years ago and I know what I'm talking about. There may have been a better time where the farang was some kind of a "higher beeing" but as Thais recognize that we are just normal humans and mostly with a normal job, we are no more the "gods from the west". The arrogant behaviour that westerners did indeed exibit in the past is the reason, why some Thai feel, they must retaliate for this.

    On the other hand I found out (not only with me) that many farangs living in TH flee something in themselfes, which they bring in connection with the country they live in. "Everything is better in Thailand" I have been on such a trip, but for me, the party is over. I feel good here in Europe where I live. It is now so, that I have to push myself evertime to fly to BKK for business.

  8. Perhaps it's the inate arrogance of farangs who think they can manage Thai companies (with Thai staff and Thai customers) much better than . . ummm . . Thai managers, that makes them want to get rid of farang management. An arrogance which is summed up in this thread.

    Having seen examples of farang managers in Thailand (loud, uncouth, wearing shoddy suits and stinking of beer from last night's whoremongering), I don't blame them for getting rid of them.

    This thread is a disgrace.

    Some farangs are like that - some Thais are like that too.

    This sounds to me that your boss is a farang and you want to retaliate.

    Farangs are not allowed to own a business in TH anymore.

    You can now buy the shares of your boss :o



  9. If my neighbour here in Germany would come to the stupid idea to lite up his plastic waste he'd try this only once unless he's a very rich man who can afford the serveral thousand Euro fine. If some guys came at night time to burn poisonous waste they'd go to jail for sure.



  10. Thailand has lost it's rank to ba a country I might want to live in.

    Yes, we have problems here in Europe and winters are dark and cold - yes - but it's OUR COUNTRY.

    After taking off pink sunglasses living is much better over here.

    They don't tread us here like unwanted money bringers.

    Come on folks...we were all running behind an big illusion.

    Nowadays I visit Thailand only for business and as short as possible.

    Thailand is not LOS to me but rather the land of cheating

    Bye bye Thailand :-)

  11. Jan. 9 (Bloomberg) -- Thailand's junta-appointed government tightened foreign investment rules, imposing new limits on stake holdings and the use of the country's citizens as nominee owners of companies.

    It's even much worse that we have anticipated.... :o !

    Waiting for the details ! But already with the "90-day deadline for Thai nominees to disclose their holdings" it's going to be a furious "Jailhouse rock" in thailand tonight !

    They are insane.

    Can you imagine ? My maid has shares in 4266 companies. That's look uggly, huh ? !

    Ah ah ah ah

    Ten years ago I was thinking to invest in Thailand for a company. I was thinking it was a good idea to live over there. I know the country since 1980. Nowadays I must say that I'm happy that I didn't do it. Not only because the new nationalism and ThaiRakThai but because of that what unfolds now. Things worsend a lot since the 80s. Do I glorify the past?

    Regards Mic

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