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Everything posted by pauleddy

  1. The big news 3 months ago was that wine would come down maybe 10pc. Beer also. Fags due to rise. I buy 4/5 wines a week in Villa. Apart from occasional promotions (which are pushed by the girls who get commission from some wineries)---I have seen no price falls at all, except for Tesco that has one-offs on 6 packs sometimes. When are we getting these price cuts for wines? Eddy
  2. I have been done 4 times (long story...) The papers are stamped and signed. How to make them good for travel to UK? One nurse told me to take the proof paper to the airport, The vaccine pport has gone now. The hospitals only gave the vaccne papers. I know a few people stuck on this. Most like me will be returning in 2 or 3 weeks. Anyone know the procedure? Eddy
  3. So what happens to people with the covid visa who want to stay after Jan 25? If they are not monks, teachers, retired or getting married? Can they apply for a 6 month stay with an 0 visa? As an aside, what happened to the Immig law 5 years ago to prevent the broke from living on beaches.You could stay 6 months but then had to leave for 6 months before a new application? Did Covid void all that? Eddy
  4. Thanks. After that, can he ask for a further 60? He has met a lover and does not want to leave. Or can he fly out and fly in? I seem to have read that you cannot do 60/60/60 forever. He is of the impression that agents will get more 60s but it will cost 4500b. Eddy
  5. A filipino friend (single) arrived here 18 months ago and got a job (now quit). His idea was to head back to the Pines, but due to quarantine etc at both ends, he was stuck here and obtained a Covid visa. This runs out tomorrow, it seems! What are his options? Can he now convert to an 0 visa for 60/90 days? Can he extend the Covid visa? Or will they throw him out now? Thanks Eddy
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