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Posts posted by brain150

  1. Cameras make nothing safer !

    They simply take away your liberties and freedoms ... you think it's a good thing to be controlled and watched and surveilled 24/7 ?

    Think again and maybe you come to a different opinion.

    BTW .... if you would be correct then London would be a crime free city ! [well ... it's not !]

    Camera's can't prevent crime, they make it easier to identify the criminals

    BTW .......Isn't London crime free yet? I thought all the criminal had moved here already biggrin.png

    So, if I understand this correct:

    Many people [actually it's ALL of us !!!] have to give up their liberties and rights because of a small group doing wrong ?

    ... and at the end of the day we all strip naked in front of a security guy because maybe, just maybe one in a million is trying to do something bad ???

    I might take the risk and keep my liberties and basic human rights instead of giving in to these wanke_rs !!!

    They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty or safety" Benjamin Franklin (1759)

  2. Just tried their 25/3 MB Fiber plan. [8,600 THB/month !!!]

    Turned out to be a total hoax.


    Speed from Samui to BKK:

    Full 25 MB down and full 3 MB up.


    Samui to Frankfurt [Germany]

    1.7 MB down and 1.4 MB up.

    Multiple speed tests showed the same results.

    A call to CAT telecom came with a surprising result:

    I was told as follows:

    The 25/3 speed is EXCLUSIVELY for connections in Thailand !!!

    On international connections the line is shared with 20 (!!!) users so the average speed to expect would be about 1-2 MB download speeds.

    ... TIT

    Tested the connection on a 3BB connection for 590.00 THB/month with following results:


    Speed from Samui to BKK:

    6 MB down and 3 MB up.


    Samui to Frankfurt [Germany]

    6 MB down and 3 MB up.

    Cancelled the CAT Fiber, told them to pick up the equipment and leave it for good.

    Went to 3BB and ordered a 5/1 premium plan for 2,900 THB/month.

    Got the line the next day:

    So far:

    On ALL speedtests [multiple tests over the last 6 hours] the result is allways the same:

    FULL speed up and down domestically AND international: 5 MB down and 1 MB up !!![stabil and reliable]

    As a result:

    CAT Fiber is WAY too expensive and not even close to what they promise !!!

  3. It would be interesting to know where they would take all the electricity from for the new Airport and all the new Hotels.

    Also what they intend to do with the waste water or garbage all these many new tourists would bring.

    Or maybe they should finish the roads first .... but then again, who needs a proper road, all you need is a new airport

    But it's probably just easier to demand a new Airport to generate more income [for few] and don't worry too much about the effects [for many] it would have.

    I guess I am just missing the point on this one.whistling.gif

  4. 1. I am not aware that not wearing a helmet ever caused an accident

    2. I am not aware that not wearing a helmet ever avoided an accident

    3. I am not aware that having a licence plate [or not] ever caused or avoided an accident

    So, I do not understand what any of these points has to do with road safety ???

    Speed limits [and control] might be a good point, but as much as I can see on this topic it's all about the same old stories ...

    Maybe a good idea would be to check if people who rent a Motorbike can actually drive a Motorbike ? [or at least have a driving license]

    ... but then again: this would be bad for tourism and cut down income for Thai and Foreigners who rent them out, so we better not talk about it.

    [but I guess that's all fine]

  5. [maybe you should spend a minute or two tofind out WHY eerybody has to wear a helmet in europe ... and NO, the REAL reason is NOT because it' good for you !!! It's because social security systems save huge amounts of money. That's why they took the liberty from you to make a free choice.

    I don't see how this can be true. Surely its cheaper to scrape your brains off the roadside than treat you in hospital.

    yep .... i was quite sure a comment like this would com up.

    It's always easier to talk BS than spending one minute to think about things.

  6. How about starting some campains first about avoiding accidents than rather do these funny campaings about the results ?

    Learn to drive a motorbike campaign

    Learn not to use your mobile phone on a motorbike campaign

    Learn the rules of traffic befor riding a motorbike campaign

    Learn to be careful on a motorbike campaign

    Learn not to drive piss-drunk on a motorbike campaign

    Learn to respect others in traffic on a motorbike campaign

    No no no ... it's allways the same old story, beter talk about the popular things which are sooooo much easier to tell everybody: "Don't lern how to do it, just wear a helmet and you are fine."

    Sorry, but that's pretty naive.

    BTW ... I am quite happy to NOT us a hlmet and it's MY decission. And I would prefer if I could keep this choice of NOT wearing a helmet !!! [maybe you should spend a minute or two tofind out WHY eerybody has to wear a helmet in europe ... and NO, the REAL reason is NOT because it' good for you !!! It's because social security systems save huge amounts of money. That's why they took the liberty from you to make a free choice.

    And plase, spare me the whole discussion until you can tell me where in Tailand I can buy a real SAFETY helmet .... or do you realy think the 300 THB helmets from tesco will help you anything els than giving you a false impression of being safer ?

    Start making a campaign about the real traffic problems plaese before always comming up with the same useless stories. Just becaus the europeans forced this apon every sheep there [for completely diferent reasons than the sheep think btw] doesn't mean it is good.

    A helmet is NOT at any kind a solution to the real problem ... and it is NOT good to tell people otherwise.

  7. any news?

    better question would be: any fakts ?

    as it was a "normal" car accident that can happen to anybody antime, anywhere. (bad enough it happened at all)

    I find it amazing to read stories about Mini Vans on 2 wheels and all that ... would better fit into a "I also want to write something" topic :o

    I usually drive about 130 km/h on the highways here in Thailand (and the Highway to the South is quite a good one) and i very rarely experience a Mini Van trying to pass me. Maybe people start to overestimate speed when they get used to the "slow" speeds on the Islands where a Truck with 60 km/h is considered "enormously speeding"

  8. Hang on, so a Westerner has been caught encroaching on public land, owning land illegally (he never owned any land - the company did, just like most other property owners in Thailand which are not Thai)) and now some posters want the investigation to arrest all the people that assisted him.

    not some posters but the authorities maybe (surely)

    Seems to me these posters are trying to deflect attention from the very real crimes (not to mention mistakes) this man has made. (did he ? there was not even a trial yet)

    Again, the bottom line is he was breaking the law in a foreign country. He knew what he was doing, now it's time to take it on the chin. (did he know ? :o )

    "If he followed the officials who advised him what to do and gave him the documents, then how can he be guilty?"

    Ignorance is no excuse in the eyes of the law I'm afraid, and let's be honest, he was in this with full knowledge of what he was doing. (was he? :D and what about the buyers who hold perfect landpapers signed from the land office ? :D are the also guilty ? :D )

    Even if he didn't know that he was encroaching on public land he was operating illegally. (did he know that ? :D )

    We all know what Samui is like (and I've only been there once very briefly) (yes, I know all about the property market in Alaska, too B) ... because everybody KNOWS it :D ) and if you dance with the devil you're going to get burned.

    much talking and no clue what he is talking about ... but he knows everything :D

  9. It is truly amzing how much people talk (or write) without having any clue what the whole thing is about.

    How does anybody know he built on public land and knowing it (maybe he was a victim to a fake land transfer himself ?)? Maybe the fake was before he got involved ? Maybe he was just stupid ? Maybe other people are investigated ? Maybe the media just knows a small piece of what is really happening (happens quite many times) ? What about the Lawyers and officials ? Maybe the whole thing is more complicated and much bigger than many might think ?

    ... still everybody makes his own story out of it ... truly wonderful. Not really funny but obviously many people in here miss the yellow press from europe and try to create their own in here.

  10. Thai government will limit foreign investors to holding no more than 50 per cent of the shares or the voting rights in companies here under legal changes approved Tuesday, Finance Minister Pridiyathorn Devakula said.

    I really wonder who is going to pick up 50% of the shares in Coca Cola Company Thailand Co. Ltd. after this. Or 50% of IBM, or Jotun, or, or... -?

    / henningj

    As I understand, none of the major foreign players is affected by the new regulations as they all probably do have a proper set up for foreign investmentship in Thailand.

    In general it would be quite usefull for everybody to stick to what is KNOWN by now more than speculationg what PERHAPS might be ... if you read the details then there are quite some limitations on who is really affected by the new regulation and who is liable to reorganize the shareholder-structure of his company.

    Basicly it can be said that the new regulations just try to bring allready existing law back in order (which was turned arround by "smart" lawyers who turned the existing law just upside down).

    It might be said that rightnow the information is very vague and there is a huge overreaction like allways.

    Surely it´s not very smart to make a policy of changing regulations up and down on a fairly regular basis, but yet again - the regulations are not even finished yet, neither are they active law yet.

    Still it´s very disturbing and somehow quite typical for the current political circumstances in Thailand.


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