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Posts posted by Pdaz

  1. Hey man, congrats on the purchase. Did you run across any Gibson Les Paul Customs or mostly studios. What were the price ranges for the customs and studios? Did you see any prices on small Marshall solid state amps around 50 watts or so. I am debating whether to bring a guitar or just pick one up while I am over there. Thank you.

    Yes Music concept had a range of Gibson Les Pauls and their Epi relatives too.. To be honest I was suprised at the prices.. Much better value than the UK but as usual not as cheap as the States.. I didn't look too hard at the Gibbo's prices but the seemed to start (believe it was a standard) around 26K ... My girlfriend was kinda shocked to see one with a 90K baht price tag :o .. Guess if you have a fav guitar that you don't mind bringing that would be the way to go.. But if the price of a new guitar doesn't bother you too much it may be easier to buy a new one.. Not sure where you are from but although there are quite a few shops they are all comparatively small and for Gibson/Epi they don't have the huge selection you'd expect in a USA style 'guitar warehouse' but there are heaps of other brands and plenty of good priced fender/Gibbo reps.. I was hoping to find one of the Les Paul Prophecy range or the Zakk Wylde 'Buzzsaw' editions but there were none in stock.. However I'm real happy with the tone of the axe I bought .

  2. Just an update and a thanks to you guys for all your input on BKK Guitar shops.. I did alot of trudging around over the weekend.. A lot more available than I expected and good prices compared to the UK online stores.. Lots of Gibson and Fender lookalikes plus some good deals on Washburn.. But I ended up back at Music Concept in Central World.. Got a great deal on a Epi Les Paul with EMG pickups.. Sounds great .. Worked out around 15k baht cheaper than UK and about the same as discounted US price.. Guys in the store were cool and more than happy to let me pick away and check out their stock.

    Now I just need to get playing again..

    Anyhow.. Can recomend Music Concept and the Thai ''tin pan alley'' was well worth a look too.. Especially if looking for a good second hand deal or if you really know you guitars you could find some great buys down there..

    I'm no expert so felt happier buying from authorised dealer.. At least I'm certain I got a genuine Epi..

    cheers again :o

  3. MOGIT is located in the ''pla daeng'' moo bahn. Coming along Sukumvit from Pattaya you need to pass thry Laem Chabang and continue on your way to Sri Racha.. The road enters a long straight and starts to climb a set of hills. As you come down the first hill there is a sweeping shallow right hand bend.. In th eapen of this bend on the left hand side of the road is a Thai style 'garden center' and directly after the entrance (with security box) to ''pla daeng'' moo bahn.. Unfortunaltey the sign is in Thai script so don't waste your time looking for an Englsih sign.. It's a pretty low rent looking Thai estate but soem of the houses are okay.. Enter the estate.. follow the main road in then turn left at any of the cross streets.. follow along untill you come to the MOGIT buildings they are located next to the tennis courts and swimming pool.. It's a pain to find the first time but gets easier.. if you pass the garden center and see a short parade of shop houses you have missed ''pla daeng'' and need to turn around..

    For medicals..

    I have a few mates working around the region just using a basic medical from BKK Pattaya hospital for topside work.. For diving and proper UKOOA/Oil Gas medicals for more fussy areas I go to S'pore. Dr Paul Sie is UK registered and very good.. he works at DRS. HORNE & CHIN pte. Ltd.

    In the Shaw Centre, Scotts Rd Singapore.. Website is www.drshornechin.com Phone is 65 6491 1377 Can't remember the total price but must have been okay .. Or I would remember :o

  4. MOGIT is not OPITO approved as of yet, believe they bare under going the audit process, Only OPITO approved locations are in Malaysia and believe the Phillipines

    Strange... Says to 'OPITO' standards on my cert... and I've used it in the UK sector, W Africa, Azerbaijaan and all over Asia without a problem.. In fact the MOGIT cert has been accepted in places where my previous ALERT (S'pore) wasn't.

    The course certainly didn't go into the same depth as ALERT or the Malaysian course (I've done them all and one at TSTC too :o )

    But since MOGIT seems to be widely accepted and convienient fI'd reccomend it.. Certainly much easier than flying down to Singas or JB for a week... I can go to Sri-ratcha in the morning and be home at 3pm.. Thai food lunch provided is tasty and only takes two days for HUET/Survival..

  5. I notice the beautiful nature of Thai people becoming tainted.

    That's a fair-sized generalisation. What do you mean?

    Aplogies Alan it was simply part of an overall assessment on Thailand as a destination. My generalisation was referring to the ever increasing decline in smiling friendly Thai faces, and wais.

    Patong is Phukets number one tourist destination and you won't see many waiters and store keepers happy, smiling and waiing their customers.

    The wonderful values of Thailand are being poluted by the money hungry, dog eat dog values of the west.

    I also don't think the rise in drug taking is helping things.

    Please keep in mind, this is only a generalisation and certainly does not apply to all. In my opinion Thailand is still the most wonderful place on the world and most people are wonderful.

    I last went to Phuket in Dec. 2006, and I must say that I was surprised how unfriendly the Thai (or Asian if not Thai) business people were there. It was my first visit in many years, and I decided that it would be my last, ever. I agree that money seems to be the only reason for living for Phuket business people, and I had to laugh at some of those shyster's ridiculous prices. What a pity that one can live in place with such beauty and not see or enjoy it.

    Perhaps the word is quickly spreading that Phuket is not the place to go if one expects to deal with happy or honest people. So, with rising travel costs and poor value for their money, people are scratching it off their destination lists.

    Phuket has had this reputation for a long while.. Even before all the speculators and property developer types arrived.. Ever since it became a package tourist destination instead of a backpackers hideaway.. Phuket's hawkers, vendors and business owners have to be some of the rudest, crooked and greedy Thais in Thailand.. You only needed to be a Thai speaking farang and listen to what is being said around you or about farangs in general.. They see everybody as a dumb newbie short term visitor ripe for scamming and overcharging.. Tourist trap would be the politest description I could think off..

  6. I was looking to do one here, but couldn't find any OPITO approved training centres in Thailand. I am going to Johor, Malaysia next month to do it.

    You can get direct flights BKK to Johor for about 6k return with Air Asia, still waiting for them to confirm the course price, but I believe it's about 20k.

    You can do OPITO approved courses at MOGIT (Marine and Offshore Group Industry Training) They are based just outside of Sri Racha (if coming from Pattaya) They do HUET, Survival, Firefighting and first-aid.. prices are competative and courses typically laid back Thai style.. (good if you've done them loads of times before) Thai training manager is ex-diver and th ecompany was being run by a Kiwi.. but think they were being taken over by a Norwegian Company..

    I've used them several times over the last few years and my certs have been accepted Worldwide..

    There is a website but I don't have a link.. Contact number is 66 (0)38 772 591

  7. There's no market for sporty cars in Thailand. Honda considered introducing its Civic TypeR here but they needed to sell at least 100 cars per month to justify the production. Their marketing division said they can forget about it.

    Toyota couldn't sell even one hundred turbo Vioses they introduced as an image booster, and the price was just above the regular model.

    Funny I saw the turbo Vios mentioned in an article soem Months ago.. I asked my girlfriend at the time ( a Toyota salesgirl) and she knew nothing about the model.. :o Saw that the price was hardly more expensive than the other and it had a manual box..

    As for the guy that couldn't negotiate a manual car thru Brighton :D:D Where did you get your driving licence ? Thailand.. What you need is clutch control, coordination and some spatial awareness.. Maybe you'd be better of walking ?

    As has been said before manuals are more fun and you have more control over the car... Yes I know many fancy top end performance cars come with auto/flappy paddle boxes (yes I know the latest change gears quicker then a manual) but for me the feel of car with a manual box is much better... if you drive in heavy traffic and only go 5 mins to the shops auto is fine.. If you are an enthusiatic driver they are pish... Also I'm not so old that I can't be bothered to operate a clutch yet..

  8. I'd love to buy a Frod Focus.. But as usual the largest capacity version on comes with an auto gerbox.. It has sporting pretentions, spoiler, alloy wheels etc but a crappy slush box cos Thais are either too lazy to change gear or think an auto is 'HiSo' :o

    If only Ford (or any manufacturer) would make the two door versions of their cars available here.... The Focus ST or RS would be great..Not to mention the Civic type R and a plethora of other 'hot' hatches...Nope bring on the boring four door family boxes.. Why is anything even slightly 'sporty' hugely overpriced and taxed ? Surely there is a market for a Thai assembled sporty hatch ?

  9. Don't bother with the ''big name'' Irish bars.. Head down to ''Maggie Mays'' third Rd end of Soi Chaiyapoom..(same road as the Crazy Daves dump) Small friendly English style pub.. A good selection of English Ciders.. and Strongbow on tap.. Pint is only 160 baht (cheaper than my South London local) Plus John Smiths for 150baht a pint.. think they do Asahi for on 70baht a pint in happy hour too... Good place to have a quiet natter and a pint..

    I've got no business interest in Maggies.. just a satisfied customer.. :o Oh and I've spent a few bob there too..

  10. Noooo,noooo,real estate is still booming in pattaya.You don't read reports from raimon land and consortium or what?

    :(:D:D:D:D ....

    Guess he doesn't read the free Pattaya property glossies either..... All the evidence needed to prove the property 'boom' :o is over can be easily seen over in East Pattaya.... Dozens of half (if you are lucky) built estates... Some more than two years old with the paint peeling off the un-sold houses... And yet more never to be sold houses still being built.. Funny 5 or 6 years ago I used to cycle thru these fields and sometimes spot partly complete relics from the previous boom... ''Oh how the wheel of life turns''

    Luckily for Thailand to para phrase a well know saying ''a new one arrives everyday''

  11. I feel like putting a brick through the display.

    That, or a few flat tires, should get the message through.

    Like you said his business shoul hire an industrial unit somewhere and park his shit there...

    The village has no rules forbidding commercial operations in a residential estate?

    Unfortunately this is Thailand.. Village doesn't have a commitee, just one fella who does his best to collect the monthly maintenance fee... Despite his best efforts it's amazing just how many people with 6 million baht + houses refuse to pay for the communal light and refuse collection.. This selfish attitude also extends to blokes like the ''narrow (minded) casting'' owner.. And also to my ignorant neighbor who insists in parking his car outside my house despite the fact that it blocks my car in.. There just isn't any law to prevent this sort of stuff.. Or should I say there isn't any enforcement..even if there are bylaws.. For me i'd happily go round and torch my neighbors car and give him a hiding.... But then the law will come looking for me.. This is what many potential buyers in Thailand don't realise till it's too late... I was well aware of the risks when I moved here 20 years ago.. just one of the chances you take..just little I can do unless I take th elaw into my own hands.. being reasonable and asking politely didn't work :o

    Now that I know he's Dutch guess there wouldn't be any point trying to reason with him. It ain't just their shoes that are made of wood :D

  12. Well the ignorant *nob-end who runs ''Narrowcasting'' lives in Suwattana Gardens.. Guess he must have been bored or short of funds? he's converted part of his house into a studio and now parks one of his LCD mini trucks outside (sometimes with the display running :o ) which along with two or three of his staff's cars creates a right eyesore and nusiance.. Considering that Suwattana was a well run and reasonably tidy village it's a shame that some people are so selfish.. It's a residential housing area NOT AN INDUSTRIAL ESTATE !

    Guess I would be more forgiving if the owner was a rural Thai and didn't know better.. But he's a farang (think he's German but may be wrong) and really should know better.. (TiT) Okay it's not noisy like a karaoke place.. But i get sick of seeing his advertising trucks and other <deleted> blocking the entrance road and making it look like business park.. If he's got enough spare money to start a business why not rent a shop house/office and keep his work shi*e from clogging up and defacing our neighborhood..

    Just another example of the greedy/needy selfish farang who has little interest in the impact he has on others quality of life..

    IMHO opinion he's just as much a scurge as the ignorant dog owners who push their beloved pets out the gate in the morning to shi* in the road and in front of other peoples houses..

    Oh I forgot.. he's another one who lets his dog run around the village and shi* everywhere too..

    Ignorance :D .. It seems to be becoming more and more common these days..

  13. Yep.. I'll be back home in another week.. Will be heading down to the Blues Factory to show Lam to my girlfriend.. Went down to his bar several nights to introduce him cos my silly girl had never heard of Lam Morrison :o But unfortunately on those nights he was a no-show :D

    Still can't believe a Uni educated chick had never heard of Thailand's very own rock legend....What do they teach in Thai schools nowadays ?.. :D ...

    Anyhow glad to hear he's back.. even if it is cos his own places was flagging..

    Can only make BF an even better night out.. Only hope that they are still a ''No Smoking'' venue cos in the past that was my only gripe 'cheap' anywhere.. They certainly ain't expensive at Dave's place but if it keeps the riff raff out so much the better :D

  14. Thanks for all the great info guys.. Looks like I have a bit of leg work to do in BKK. Glad to see that there may not be a huge price premium to pay compared to the States.. Only a couple of music shops in Pattaya but they don't carry much stock other than Yamaha and a few cheaper Chinese/Indo guitars.. They say they can order whatever brand I want Epi/Fender etc. But been in Asia long enought to know they will only buy from their BKK contact and pad the price to me for the service.. Don't mind paying for their time so much but not being able to play before I buy means once ordered I'm kinda stuck if I don't like the tone or feel..

    Cheers again .. Any more info for other locations still appreciated


  15. Guess they are another ''improvement' from the Big Banner Company.. Same as the trio of mini vans crawling up and down Pattaya's roads blaring music and reducing the traffic flow to zero... Another example of a newbie arrival farang with a ''get rich quick'' scheme that only reduces everybody else's quality of life.. Sooner he goes bust or spunks all his money on his bird the better.. last thing Pattaya needs is more ''entrepreneurs'' or potless dreamers willing to try anything to ''live the dream'' :o

  16. Can anyone recommend a decent guitar shop in BKK ? I know there are a couple of places in Siam Paragon but was hoping to find a shop in a more normal shopping mall or center.. I wanted to find an Epiphone (by Gibson) dealer or reseller..

    Not interested in Chinese copies or Thai knock offs.. Just genuine Epi or other quality brand.. (Guessing Gibson's are paeng gern bai)

    cheers PD..

  17. Close all the ''Indian'' tailor shops

    Close all the Real Estate agents (apart from the two or three that were sufficiant 10 years ago)

    Ban motorcycle rental guys from displaying more than one bike

    Reduce the ammount of songtaews (baht buses) by 75%

    Return beer bar ''bar fine'' to 100 baht

    Make max 'bar fine' in GoGo 500 baht and make ST rooms compulsory

    Ban the 20 baht ping pong balls in GoGo's

    Ban flower/watch/wooden junk sellers from town

    Oh and most important...

    Ban shi*e HIP HOP/TECHNO/RAP music and anybody who wears a baseball cap backwards...

    Did I mention the Russians/Eastern Europeans ?.... you guessed it ban them too :o

    Oh... and soi dogs should be rounded up and sent to Korea...

  18. Speaking English is an advantage that is for sure, however if your cousin is an engineer/mechanic or electritian he would have no problem.

    Just google drilling contractors or check out this web site and post his CV. www.rigzone.com

    There is an idustry wide shortage of skilled and qualified people in the oil and gas industry.

    FD :D

    Thanks that site looks helpful. I guess what I really need to know is how much English is needed? His daughter speaks perfect English so I guess she could teach him but how much is enough? hopefully some one currently employed in the field can advise

    I'm offshore right now.. And I'm certain we could find gainful employment out here for his daughter... :o

    To be honest.. jokes aside. The chances of him getting a job are next to zero.. The crew here doing unskilled and menial manual tasks are all from the former Soviet Union or Poland and all of them to a man are fluent in English and have a technical qualification.. However they are only employed as roustabouts/riggers/galley hands. They are qualified but have little experience compared to the other Western expats .. Offshore experience counts above education unless you are a project/field engineer. The low paid no experience end of offshore work is a dog eat dog World.. Your relative wouldn't only be competing for work against other Europeans.. There are thousands of experienced English speaking Malaysians, Philipinos, Indonesians, Indians and even Burmese already doing the work.

    Most guys of 40 out here (like myself) have 20 years of offshore work experience behind them. If my comapny hires trainees they prefer young guys in their early 20's with a basic technical qual and an abundance of common sense and practicality..

  19. It's not just a Thai thing.. It's endemic all over Asia. I've lived and worked all around the region and everybody wants to know, ''how much you earn?'', ''how much did it cost?''' ''what did you pay?'' etc.. I used to get offended or think they were being crass.. But I have come to realise they don't see it as offensive behavior.. My current girlfriend finds it a sorce of constant amusement when complete strangers ask how much I paid for my Ducati.. She says that the average 'Somchai' in a parking lot would never dare to ask a wealthy Thai the price of his BMW.. So I'm starting to think many are just being cheeky and doing something that they think they can get away with cos I'm not Thai.. My predicament is how to answer ? If I tell them the cost (like for my bike) they roll their eyes and give me the ''crazy farang look'' or they think I'm bullshitting them.. Or I mumble something and freign memory loss and they still think I'm a dumb farang.. lastly I can tell them in Thai that, ''It's none of your business'' which can sound offensive or tell them that they are being nosey (which is deffo insulting) None of these seem to be good solutions especially the latter.. I have a few middle class/moderately wealthy Thai friends and they never seem to get interogated by strangers.. Nor do they ask me about my financial situation.. Guess they are smart enough to work it out for themselves ? I've been with my current girlsfriend for a couple of years now.. She has a well paying job and we often discuss her finances.. She knows I'm well paid and can see from my lifestyle but in all that time she has never asked what I earn.. But I guarantee when I get in the taxi to Pattaya next week the second question from the driver will be ''One Month , how much you get?'' :o

    i assume you speak thai, if so i find answering with the following to be inoffensive, but also to stop these sort of questions in their tracks.

    i just answer, por piang, por gin por chai (your g/f can explain if you dont understand) the look on somchais face is priceless, deer in the headlights look.

    Mai tong tarm kao.. Pom khao jai laew :D .. Sorry for the crap transliteration into English. But I didn't know if you could read thai script? Anyhow no choice cos I can't type in Thai on my work PC.. I too have a few glib sayings for nosey Thais and others that need a quick answer but to tell you the truth I get tired of repeating them on a daily basis..( See so, hai quai fung. Is another that springs to mind - ask your GF :D ) Even if you stand there and genially answer their questions they are often none the wiser.. The Pattya Police officer who stopped me a few Months ago is a prime example.

    He saw me on 2nd road and gestured for me to stop.. He asked for my driving licence and rego. Then proceeded to look all around my bike with great interest, as if he was a bike enthusiast.. He then comes back and stands next to me and asks (in Thai) ''yeehaw arai'' (what brand is it?) Considering he was staring at D U C A T I printed in three inch high capitals on the tank at the time I was slightly taken aback... Not wanting to answer any more questions I jokingly replied ''Yamaha'' :D ... ''Oh'' says the cop nodding his head .. ''paeng mai?'' ''Paeng si'' was my reply.. Then I was commanded to go on my way.. Laughing to myself as I rode away..

  20. It's not just a Thai thing.. It's endemic all over Asia. I've lived and worked all around the region and everybody wants to know, ''how much you earn?'', ''how much did it cost?''' ''what did you pay?'' etc.. I used to get offended or think they were being crass.. But I have come to realise they don't see it as offensive behavior.. My current girlfriend finds it a sorce of constant amusement when complete strangers ask how much I paid for my Ducati.. She says that the average 'Somchai' in a parking lot would never dare to ask a wealthy Thai the price of his BMW.. So I'm starting to think many are just being cheeky and doing something that they think they can get away with cos I'm not Thai.. My predicament is how to answer ? If I tell them the cost (like for my bike) they roll their eyes and give me the ''crazy farang look'' or they think I'm bullshitting them.. Or I mumble something and freign memory loss and they still think I'm a dumb farang.. lastly I can tell them in Thai that, ''It's none of your business'' which can sound offensive or tell them that they are being nosey (which is deffo insulting) None of these seem to be good solutions especially the latter.. I have a few middle class/moderately wealthy Thai friends and they never seem to get interogated by strangers.. Nor do they ask me about my financial situation.. Guess they are smart enough to work it out for themselves ? I've been with my current girlsfriend for a couple of years now.. She has a well paying job and we often discuss her finances.. She knows I'm well paid and can see from my lifestyle but in all that time she has never asked what I earn.. But I guarantee when I get in the taxi to Pattaya next week the second question from the driver will be ''One Month , how much you get?'' :o

  21. Actually I love to hear about rising flight prices and cuts in flight service.. Hopefully this will mean Pattaya can return to being the quiet third World backwater it used to be... Less tourists/wannabee expats mean less greedy developers and property speculators. Less ''high end'' dreamers who want/need first world service and goods but can't afford to live in the South of France/manaco.. So try to change Thailand to suit them.. and less ''get rich quick/I'll start a bar/Farang food place types too.. Keep Thailand ''Thai Style'' if you need English fish and chips so bad.. b*gg*r off back to Blighty.. One or two places is surely enough. But now the amount of ''Irish pubs'' and ''Trad English cafes'' is getting out or hand... Not to mention German restaurants and the Estate Agent blight...

  22. I've been playing electric guitar for a few Months.. (finally have the time to play) I've had some lessons with a couple of Thai fellas.. Both good guitarists but their lessons were a bit too structured and despite my reasonable Thai kinda dificult to get the answers I want.

    So anybody know of any expats with time to spare who'd like to teach guitar ? or failing that recomend any other Thai tutors..

    Interested in all the usual heavy/classic rock and modern stuff like Nirvana/Green day etc...

    Oh I live on the darkside .. but happy to travel



    PM me for info/renumeration

  23. Cos quality has improved.. you can get a 3 door hatch with a reasonable engine and a manual gearbox.. and the interior isn't that bad.. Guess depends what you want from a car ?.. The soft, bouncy automatic hondas/toyotas sold in Thailand don't suit everybody..

    Some of us would love to be able to buy a 1.5 litre (or larger) 3 door sporty hatch with a manual box without paying the earth.. Yes I know a proton is hardly a golf gti or renault clio.... but it's closer than most of the other stuff here... and reasonably priced..

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