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Posts posted by ShinMeiDokuJoh

  1. .....Of course you can also interpret the Vinaya Pitaka to say that all tattooing is forbidden for monks, whether for men or women.

    Dear Sabaijai,

    from which rule can I interpret this? I looked up and didn't find it by now.

    Covered by the monastic code proscribing the use or production of charms and omens.

    Dear Sabaijai,

    thanks a lot, I just found the information I needed here: which practises are not allowed according Vinaya:


    in the capter: Wrong Ways of Behavior

    and here:


    under number 112:

    112. Divination, casting spells, mediumship, giving protective charms, exorcism, fortune telling, astrology, ghost-lore, etc., are classed as 'low animal-like knowledge' (see Wrong Ways of Behavior) and do not come under this rule.

  2. .....Of course you can also interpret the Vinaya Pitaka to say that all tattooing is forbidden for monks, whether for men or women.

    Dear Sabaijai,

    from which rule can I interpret this? I looked up and didn't find it by now.

  3. I have heard about the white sheet ceremony before, but never seen one. ..... :o:D


    all what I know about so far is that the water splashing ceremony is a kind of blessing

    and the ceremony with the white sheets is to put away bad things happening

    to you in life caused by bad spirits.

    But maybe there are also other explanations for these ceremonies.




  4. Many years ago i learnt " Nammo Tussa Pra ka Vato Arahato Summa Sum putthasa" and was told to repeat it three times. Unfortunately I do not know exactly what it means.

    Can anybody help

    regards bram001

    You learnt it with a thai accent :o

    In Pali it's "Nammo Tassa Bhagvato Arahato Samma Sumbuddhasa".

    The translation we use is "Homage to the Blessed Noble and Perfectly Enlightened One".

    Hi, here you can find "Namo Tassa..." In Pali written Thai Script


    นะโม ตัสสะ ภะคะวะโต อะระหะโต สัมมาสัมพุทธัสสะ

    Namo tassa bhagavato arahato samma sambhudasa

    Honor to Him, the Blessed one, the Worthy One, the fully Enlightened

    And some more Sutta: http://sutta-sutra-pali-in-thai-script-lette.blogspot.com/

  5. Some information from Bhante Gavesako from another forum:

    And here is some more information on introducing real training for nuns (i.e. not just some kind of doubtful 'ordination') in India, also facilitated by monks from Sri Lanka and Thailand:


    Recently there was a Bhikkhuni Seminar organized in Australia which brought together a large group of Buddhist nuns of various kinds and robe-colours:



    There are more "brown nuns" in Thailand these days. For example, in northern Thailand (which is culturally a bit different from both central Thailand and the north-east) there is one centre with a whole group of them. They received their "samaneri" ordination in Sri Lanka and may have already been ordained as bhikkhunis. See http://nirotharam.com/dhammaway.html

    With best regards


  6. here are some chantings etc in Pali using Thai script

    and a romanized version how to pronounce the Pali

    and an english translation for Morning Chanting and Evening Chanting with text

    in romanized Pali and Thai Script

    Morning Prayer สวดมนต์ทำวัตรเช้า Part 1

    Morning Prayer สวดมนต์ทำวัตรเช้า Part 2

    Evening Prayer สวดมนต์ทำวัตรเย็น Part 1

    Evening Prayer สวดมนต์ทำวัตรเย็น Part 2

    Pali metta chant with subtitles




  7. Thirdly.

    My learning progress and ultimate success will heavily depend on not doing it alone, and involving my current or future partners here in Thailand.

    Are there sources that not only are English-Pali, but Thai-Pali in parallel (my Thai is pretty good in speaking and writing, so I am not limited here)?

    Hi jts-khorat,

    it is difficult to find English-Thai-Pali sources in WWW. Here ist a CD: http://www.buddhist-canon.com/PALI/

    You can download it where this is written: 整片CD下載 (Windows ®版本) But it is a very, very slow download.

    and here is a file with the eight precepts in http://www.lioncity.net/buddhism/index.php?showtopic=41296 .

    With best wishes


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