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Everything posted by steve73

  1. I didn't get a reminder when mine was due, but remembered and applied within the window. Took a few days longer than usual to approve, but it finally came through on the 6th Nov.
  2. I had recently renewed my passport, AND received a new 1-year extension, so was a little surprised when I was sent an on-line reminder to next renew the 90-day report.. I decided to try, and as expected it was rejected when I submitted... Unexpectedly though, it was subsequently approved (albeit with the old PP number)... But I decided to go to my local Imm office (Rayong) who said I needn't have bothered since the 90d report was fine (..??). They did print me a new receipt with the new PP number, although with the same "next due" date as before, and assured me they'd updated their system to allow me to be able to use the online system with the new PP next time... We will see...!
  3. 67 thousand arrival per day is around 200 international flight arrivals per day (of 333 pax per flight). Is there really this number of flights into T/L every day...? I guess so if TAT figures are true...
  4. I did my last 90-day report on-line using my old PP, even though a new PP had been issued (but I hadn't picked it up from the agent)... My next 90-d is due just before my extension expires, so I'll do them together, along with swapping my stamps into the new PP... Kill 3 birds with one stone to avoid multiple trips to my immigration office and save a few 100km trips...
  5. Fortunately most of Thailand is not particularly seismically active, and earthquakes are very rare (other than a few minor shakes). Hardly surprising that it was commented by a Japanese tourist since Japan has perhaps the most earthquakes of any developed country.
  6. Looks like he fitted a cutting disc to his strimmer perhaps to sharpen the metal blade....? Cutting discs are notoriously fragile and easy to shatter from "grinding" with them too hard rather than cutting, or if the fitting is incorrectly sized for the hole and they become unbalanced.. I've seen one fail in a proper cutting tool where the fitting was too small for the hole, but it at least did have the guard fitted so no damage beyond the tool. Grinding discs are usually thicker and more robust for use at an angle, but can still shatter if unbalanced, not fitted correctly, or too much pressure applied. Poor guy, but a good reminder to others about the dangers of tools.... if they'll listen..!
  7. Good point about the "auto-fill". My recent on-line application was rejected as I'd missed changing my "visa valid until" date as a result of a new extension..... corrected, resubmitted, & approved a couple of days later. Also note, if you've missed doing an on-line report, and done it in person, you won't get a reminder from the system next time - it's up to you to track the due date. ...but it seems that the system does allow you to apply on-line (at least) a few days before the 14 day window should open.. (which you can't do if you last submitted on-line).
  8. Not so much road-rage, but certainly innappropriate use of the middle finger can generate this response....!
  9. I (or more specifically my old dog, now sadly passed away) have found loads of stuff that looked like this on Rayong's beaches over the years.... but never recognised it for what it was. Perhaps time to get walking again...?
  10. I did fill in a fresh TM47 at the office, but I didn't have my previous reciept printed. It was on my phone as a .pdf but they didn't ask for it so I assume they could see the previous report on their computer OK... So some progress at least..
  11. I applied on line on the 3rd Dec for 17th due date.. After no approval after 1 week, I cancelled and resubmitted (as this has resulted in an immediate approval in the past).. still no approval so visited my Imm-office (Rayong) on the 21st and got the receipt. I asked why the on-line system wasn't working and was told too many people using the on-line system.. 3 days later I got an e-mail rejection.. 555 Seems they haven't expected the return to high numbers of visitor needing 90 day approvals..
  12. my 90 day is due tomorrow 17th. I was sent the on-line reminder on the 3rd and submitted... no approval or rejection after a week so I cancelled & resubmitted.. by the following wednesday still no feedback so cancelled again and resubmitted... ...and still nothing.. not looking forward to a 100km trip if they don't pul their finger out by tomorrow.. Anyone else experiencing recent delays?
  13. A few months ago I helped a friend set up an account for on-line 90-day reports.. She got the password the next day, and we proceeded with the application, but without realising it was still a few days before 15-day window before the report was due. It was however, accepted and approved.
  14. Yes - this was the reason the pension was stopped.. We e-mailed the necessary document (downloaded from the Ozzy .gov site), back to them and the pension was restarted successfully. The only "problem" was the extortionate cost of a Thai lawyer to confirm he was still alive... more than half a months pension payment... which will be a problem if it's needed to be done every 2 years...!!! Need to find a better alternative for 2024, if necessary.
  15. That's useful to know for next time... we ended up needing to pay a Thai lawyer a HUGE fee to do this...
  16. Progress update.. Phoned "centrelink" free number didn't work, so god knows how much the call cost (it wasn't my phone). Called at 8am Thai time and was answered immediately. C/L still had his old Oz address on file, which was where the forms had been sent. I tried to tell them the current Thai address, but they couldn't find it on their system, so asked me to e-m them with new address.. they would then resend a form, and we'd need to fill in and return. I expalined that mail rarely arrives here, and asked if I could use the "spanish" pdf form that I'd found online.. after some long delay he confirmed I could use that: download, print, fill it in, then scan and return it to them by e-m... Result..!! And his pension has been restarted for another month to get it sorted. Now I'm struggling to find someone "official" to verify that he's actually alive. Been quoted an astronomical sum by a lawyer..!! So looking at alternatives.
  17. Thanks for those clarifications scorecard, and my apologies for misnaming the OAP as the SP in my original request. So it seems the toll-free number is not free from mobiles. I'll warn his g/f to have plenty of credit on her phone... as a lengthy delay could prove expensive.. My pal has been getting his "OAP" for the few years I've known him, so he should already be in their system, although whether he knows his CRN is debateable.
  18. Thanks, so can you confirm the "toll-free" number that you used from Thailand, as there still seems to be some confusion..
  19. Many thanks to those of you for your suggestions, assistance, and selection of numbers for Centrelink. My pal doesn't have a laptop nor phone, and due to his age, his brain is "slowing down", although he does have the odd lucid moment... His girlfriend speaks little English (and reads even less), so it's difficult even for me to communicate with her... ...But I now have a forward plan to be able to help him, although visiting him to make a call at 4am Thai-Time is beyond my call of duty..!!!. btw, does anyone know how often the "proof-of-life" form needs to be completed?
  20. I'm British, and not yet of state pension age, so I need some help for an Australian pal. He's 81, been retired here in Thailand for about 20 years. Recently his State Pension has stopped being paid into his Aussie bank account... I know that the UK SP requires that you inform them you are still alive every so often, and I assume the Oz SP has a similar requirement, but he's not received anything from them (or course, we all know how reliaable the Thai postal service can be, so perhaps it went missing..). He's not in the best of health, and is understandably quite concerned, so I'm "reaching out" to anyone that might be able to help. I did hear recently that Oz pensioners must now return to live in Oz for a few years(?) before they are entitled to start receiving their SP, but I wouldn't have thought this requirement would be applied to those already in receipt of their pension.... IDK? Thanks in anticipation..
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