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Posts posted by kb

  1. one thing im not sure of is that if the business is set up now under the 2 million baht LTD scheme will it be required to inject the new millions later into the business or is it not retrospective

    ALSO AUSTRALIANS NOTE that there have been high level talks regarding the FTA between Australia and Thailand and guess what the thais are asking for "less restrictions on thai business visa" see http://www.bangkokpost.com/Business/05Sep2003_biz75.html

    Surprise Surprise Surprise - so when the OZ government agrees and signs it off i hope they realise that the thais are about the jack up the price and conditions.

    maybe they are just getting parity with OZ costs?

    So contact the chamber of commerce and protest in case the OZ powers that be were a little " to happy" when this was being agreed to

    thai OZ FTA :laugh:

  2. I think the current correct political term is SOFT TARGET.

    hitting foreigners with outrageous fees and taxes. And worst of all being more accountable than the massage parlour owners and the mafia

    As i cant see myself raising this kind of money (would i want to)  i now have to face the prospect of putting my young lady back on the street after 2.5 years - as i simply dont have this kind of money for new business.

    does the thai government have a retraining program for street girls

    Any ideas  - SHOULD I TELL HER NOW or mai pen rai it?

    so bring on the 3mil business plan and the 1 mil smart card and then count the social consequences later


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