The Thai people could improve interest in Thai tourism by coming up with their own ideas, but the Thai way is to thrust their own hands shamelessly and shamelessly straight into the tourist's pocket. They always go where the fence is Matalin himself without bothering to develop and ideate the attractiveness of the country in order to get more tourists and with it income, but such "tourist taxes" annoy tourists who already know it when booking a trip and when they arrive in the country, tourist pricing, double pricing starts. In many places, locals get even less than half the cheapest prices. Now this 300B extra, even though it's a small amount and if it comes, it's a guarantee that it will soon go up and up and when they realize how easy it is to take advantage of tourists, if this was the only additional payment for tourists, that's good, but extra payments are required from tourists in many things. Otherwise, the bureaucracy is humiliating for westerners living in Thailand for a long time and makes them feel like criminals.