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Posts posted by Stekmer

  1. Thanks for posting the link MichaelMF - most appreciated.

    The dilema - wait for AC comfort or jump the baht bus cheapie ..... guess its worth trying the Bus for novelty value if nothing else.

    I got back from Spain a couple of months back and found the 'Bus Turistic' in Barcelona a great way for a first time visitor to get orientated and take in the main sights. (I’m sure this approach is common in many other places - eg Singapore)

    They use open topped buses and sell one or two day passes. The fare includes maps, discount vouchures for admission to places of interest as well as junk food outlets. I could see the same deal working well in places such as Pattaya..... bound to be a market amongst a certain group of visitors.

  2. Completely agree kriswillems ....

    It is not a good impression for the trusting, first time visitor and it does leave a lingering bad impression.

    The practice is deliberately deceptive and aimed at the naive and/or unsuspecting.

    Free enterprise and choice are desirable features of any service but I prefer to know that people I engage to provide a service are providing me with honest information to assist me with my choice.

    Introduce the same service as in KL airport – buy a ticket at a counter and get exactly what you pay for.


  3. Greetings,

    I have noticed the signs going up for the Pattaya Beach Bus over the past year and a bit, but (being only a twice a year visitor), have never used it.

    I've read that one route (yellow) has been cancelled, another saying that it was to be developed further with links to major tourist interest spots - but - can't find any actual comments about what its like to use.

    Any comments would be most appreciated.


  4. Yep it's a standard IDE Hard Disk Drive (HDD) and the cheapest way would be as Crossy has suggested.

    You can buy a converter to plug into the back of the HDD, connect the power connector to the HDD and plug it into a USB port on your laptop.


    The photo is pretty much how it should look like.

    The Laptop will take a minute or two to recognize the USB drive but you should then be able to copy all the files you want from the old HDD.

    Makes a good backup device as well - plus you can use the same connector to connect a DVD Burner or another laptop HDD.

    Hope this helps.


  5. If you just want to record what you are hearing from your existing sound card you just need a programme that will save the sound - Audacity is a free download and very good at recording what you are listening to.

    I sometimes listed to Internet radio and record it with Audacity - works a treat and its FREE. There is a link to the Audacity web site HERE

    The file can be saved as a wav file or MP3.

    Your sound card obviously plays a large part in the quality of what you hear but it might be worth trying your existing card and see if you really need an upgrade.

    Hope this helps. :o

  6. I've been using BitComet for a while now and the dowload speeds vary significantly - eg from 1 Kbs to 70 Kbs and that just seems to be the way it goes. I gather that this is related to the number of peers that are online ... different parts of the world are active at different times.

    I leave my PC going for a few days at a time to get some large files downloaded - other times I can have a 700 Meg or large file downloaded overnight.

    Then there is always the 98% download that goes no further. Use the torrent sites that have a forum associated with each file so you can read what others are saying.

  7. If you didn't want to take the chance on Microsoft closing the hole with being able to install Vista upgrade over itself you could always look for a cheap version of Windows ME or 2000 or even 98 (on Ebay for example) and install over that.

    Not sure how this would work as an Upgrade can only install over top of Windows 2000 or XP whcih means if you have a version of 98 or ME it would have to be a clean install (ie. reformat which is probably best anyway) and hence you might just need to have your 98 or other OS serial number available.

    Would appreciate any comments on the above - if anyone has actually installed Vista and been asked for proof of legal OS, other than XP or 2000.

  8. Ive been playing with a few LiveCDs lately and really find Knoppix a far better option, particularly compared to Ubuntu 6.10. It loads faster and has considerably more applications. It also is far easier to 'mount' drives and to access files on your system when booting from the CD.

    If you did want Ubuntu then they were posting out copies (minimum of 5 I think) for free from the Unbuntu web site. Not sure if Thailand was included in the list of countries serviced. Let me know if ou want one - have some of version 5 and 6 sitting around.

    Knoppix is a 700 Meg download but I think it is worth it.

    I tried to install Ubuntu from the CD (Ver 6 is both a live Cd and an install CD - Ver 5 is on seperate CDs) but was quite disappointed with it - couldn't get it to accept my password after three boots and had to reinstall.

    Live CDs are a good way to play.

    Mandrake Live is also a reasonable option - got mine from a PC magazine cover CD but believe it can be downloaded for free as well.

    Lots of luck :o

  9. This is my story …… Fat middle age man slims down :D

    I find weight management to be a constant problem.

    I love to eat and could previously eat whatever I liked and keep my weight at an acceptable level.

    Then I turned 40.

    Then I changed jobs and now spend more time behind a desk.

    Then I gave up smoking.

    Kept eating and drinking as normal – exercise minimal.

    Went from 75 Kgs to 100 Kgs :o

    Not sure what happened, perhaps it was not being able to bend over to put my shoes on, not being able to see my genitals without breathing in and bending forward …. Not to mention becoming breathless on fairly minor exertion.

    Its about 15 months ago now that I started to turn things around.

    I dropped 22 Kgs in just over 3 ½ months and swore I would never allow myself to get above 80 Kgs again.

    The diet was very austere BUT I could see weight loss every time I weighed myself - which was daily. It was called … "The busy working woman's diet" ….. from the Australian Woman's Weekly series of cook books. (can elaborate if anyone wants). It's not a long term option but for quick weight loss to kick start the motivation it is very good.

    There are countless diets, all with their own fans with success stories. I don't think it really matters which one you choose. Mine is very low fat and carbohydrates with lots of salad, vegies and fruit and moderate amounts of protein and low fat dairy products.

    The booze was cut down dramatically and replaced with diet soft drinks – diet dry ginger ale with a slice of lemon works for me. Booze is now a weekend only indulgence.

    Moderate exercise, in my case walking - with an increasing degree of ease and an increase in the distance walked. I now miss walking if I can't do at least a 30 to 40 minute rapid walk every day.

    What has helped me stay in the range of 78 to 80 Kg for almost a year now are the following;

    • Weighing myself each day
    • Using a weight chart software programme to give me a visual display of my progress
    • Saying to myself …I don't eat that (bread, potatoes, cheese) anymore, except on special occasions.
    • Looking at myself in the mirror.
    • Trying on my old clothes and smiling as my jeans fell to my feet.
    • Throwing out all the 'fat clothes' and buying a new wardrobe.
    • Breathing out, leaning back and waving at my genitals

    I have noticed that when fat people would comment on how much weight I had lost there would be a longing look in their eyes as they asked "how did you do it"?

    I sensed that they wanted to hear a magic formula that required no self denial or will power or commitment. Sadly, it takes all of these.

    My usual response was …. Eat less and exercise more.

    There is nothing special about me. I'm not know for self restraint or denying myself what I long for (food… ) – BUT – If I can do it I really can't see why others can't.

    The battle goes on however, it is not over and will probably never be over.

    I LOVE to eat. Totally unrelated to hunger. It's a hobby. I miss eating some foods very much.

    Giving up smoking (for 6 years now) was relatively easy compared to keeping my weight down.

    What keeps me going is remembering how I couldn't bend down to put my shoes on …. How I couldn't walk for more than a few hundred metres without running out of breath.

    It's hard work but the improved self esteem and sense of accomplishment help keep me going.

  10. I've generally gone for rest and fluid replacement as a first line.

    I carry some electrolyte replacement sachets that I mix with bottled water. These are readily available from any/most pharmacy in Bangkok etc and it's worth having a few on hand.

    If I have to keep moving then I will use some Imodium but prefer to try to get what ever is causing the problem out of my system.

    If it persists for more than a couple of days then I'll get to a pharmacy and just ask for some antibiotics for diarrhea and possibly an antiemetic for the nausea.

    I guess prevention is fairly important but ..... I've had as many problems eating at restaurants as I've had from street vendors.

  11. Why don't they just close the place and move all the flights back to good old Don Muang, and then do a proper repair of all the faults.

    Absolutely agree !!

    Even on casual inspection - the attention to detail in finishing off the structure is pathetic and a lasting monument to 'quick and cheap'.

    I was hoping that this was only the case with non-vital, cosmetic elements of the airport.

    Unfortunately it would now seem that the same attitude that lead to the creation of the new international benchmark for a rushed job and with corner cutting at every opportunity is complete with disregard for safety of those that use this facility.

    A disaster waiting to happen.

    Close it > use Don Muang > get it right > re-open.

  12. I never use the My documents.

    Firstly it is on the C: drive and will be lost if I have to format and reload,

    secondly it is an untidy concept to me. Like stuffing everything in one draw

    and hoping to be able to find something later.

    I partition my HDD into 2 and the have a second internal drive (Desktop PC) to backup a ghost image of C every now and then ....makes restores very simple.

    C = Operating System and all Programs

    D = My Documents - easy to do .... just right click the desktop shortcut for My Documents and select 'properties' You will then have the option of moving it to anywhere you want - even a whole HDD.

    I find this makes it easy when saving files as My Documents seems to be the default location for everything. I use My Pics, My Music etc and create sub folders for specicif groups. Downloads go ito a folder called Downloads in My Documents.

  13. Stekmer please do help with s sheet ( normal categories like everyone else ) can u PM it ??

    Not a problem OneeyedJohn ... just give me some suggested categories and I'll put one together and send you a link to download it.

  14. Hi all

    110-120kgs minus your 20kg allowance leaves 90-100kgs, thats 15-16stone in old money. Thats not average thats a big big person, should be more like 75kgs for the person(12 stone)+20kgs baggage 95kgs total. If your over you pay more.


    I was thinking more of average (Western) passenger weight (plus clothing, shoes etc) = 75 to 85 Kg

    Luggage = 20 to 25 Kg (25 Kg before being charged for excess)

    Carry on allowance = 5 Kg (or in some cases 10 Kg .... just look around the next flight you take)

    Total of clothed passenger + Luggage + Carry on = 115 Kg ... ish

    PS - I've had the misfortune of sitting next to some people that could reasonably be described as 'cargo' and should have been seated accordingly.....

  15. You can always go to the website of your motherboard manufacturer, all the well known brands have plenty of downloads available, update your BIOS while you're at it.

    This is the smartest approach - just go to the motherboard manufacturers web site and search for the model number. Every manufacturer will have a web site with all the latest drivers (much better than the outdated ones that came with the original CD) plus bios updates .... NB ... don't update the bios unless you are really sure that it is needed and you know what you are doing.

    If you aren't confident enough to open the case and look at your motherboard to find the model number then download Belarc Advisor (freeware - just Google it). It will tell you all about your system - including what model board you have plus all the serial numbers for your software and OS ... a gem of a little programme.

    Hope this helps


  16. Thanks very much so far.

    Will power is the secret.

    I hate to limit myself in anyway, a lifetime fault I guess :D

    Absolutely right ..... will power is the crucial ingredient .... plus some self restraint.

    I was hopeless at saving or managing my funds until I finally had a saving goal that was important to me.

    My approach was to create an envelope approach - i.e. work out your spending requirements into the key categories (eg. food, transport, utility bills, entertainment, saving etc).

    Allocate an amount of money for each - based on a realistic assessment and within your income limitations. Keep track of how much you spend on each category for a week or two if your not sure how much to set aside for each.

    The envelopes can litterally be envelopes (kept in seperate locations) or virtual envelopes that can be tracked in some way - eg a simple spreadsheet.

    It requires discpline to stay within your budget for each envelope.

    Take out your full ammount of entertainment funds and put it in one section of your wallet - live with in it. If you over spend from entertainment and cut into the transport "envelope" then you may end up walking when that runs out.

    It all hinges on self discipline - there will be lots of different approaches to living within your means - all will require discipline and committment.

    Thats my two bahts worth .... lots of luck.

    PS .... happy to do a spreadsheet for you as a demo.


  17. There seems to be quite a lot of problems with the limits on baggage these days and as a general observation offer the following.

    Without wanting to appear discriminating i would like to post a thought i,ve had for a long time now.

    Does anyone else think they should have allowances graded to take into account the weight of the passengers over a certain limit, along with size.

    If you are at / under a reasonable weight then surely you ought to be allowed more baggage allowance above the 20 kilo limit and also be able to relax in the allotted space per passenger / seating area.

    Some passengers are so big they take up their own seat and part of the unlucky passengers space as well.

    Either side if there are more than 2 seats and they are in the middle or worse you are in the middle with above average passengers either side.

    I am not referring to the old ect. by the way as i am more than happy to make allowances along with doing my best to help them during the flight at all times.

    How can one argue with fuel consumption and weight distribution according to the planes safety load and the reasons for not exceeding their allowances for one.

    How can safety be observed should an emergency take place and your movement is further restricted due to the size of others who do make a difference.

    There is nothing worse than having your own space invaded, especially on long haul flights in particular.

    I can see the time coming when passengers are charged accordingly and having to purchase seats that are suitable to their size.

    I don,t have a problem with size as it,s a personal thing in most cases, but why should others be inconvenienced in a restricted area relevant to travelling, via air, road, rail ect.

    Many are also very aggressive when you politely ask them to ease off a little and give you room to allow comfort and room to move instead of the straight jacket feeling, trying to eat the meals is a real pain when you cannot even move your elbows ect.

    I once flew long haul on KLM from Amsterdam to Bangkok.

    I was boxed in by larger passengers who as the flight progressed got a bit tipsy :D

    I asked the attendant if i could be reseated and finished up having a right nightmare of a flight for being considered, inconsiderate as the flight was full and they couldn,t oblige.

    I asked in a quiet polite manner only for her to respond like she was on the public address system.

    I have never flown long haul with them since.

    marshbags :D and often :o

    Absolutely agree marshbags.

    I think there should be a total weight limit of something like 110 to 120 Kgs - includes your weight and all baggage.

    This would allow a little extra luggage for those in the average weight range and leave the unhealthy obese with enough luggage allowance to carry on a calorie counter or healthy living book to read on the flight.


  18. I was married to my first Thai wife for 7 years,we jointly agreed to having a house built and made the deposit together, unfortunatly after paying aprox 12 months payments we where divorced. My wife remainedc in UK so she could earn enough money to pay for the banks loan repayments over the next 5 years, she manages 2 care jobs and works very hard . Since we have been divorced i have been living and working in Thailand and enjoying the fruits of my labour besides beeing married and divorced for the second time, i am also in my 3rd serious relationship.

    My marriage to the present lady is debateable as her mother is demanding 10,000 b per month from me for life . My first wife in UK is still friends with me and wants me to go live with her in her house (our) when she has finished paying for it , she will come back to Thailand to live when she has finished the payments. My second ex wife who lives in Thailand also wants me to go back with her as she has just had a house built and owns a large buisiness, My dillema is should i help my 1st ex wife to pay the remaining loan on the house so she can get back to Thailand quicker, she is age 48 or should i go back to my 2nd ex wife she is 29 or should i marry my present girlfriend who is 27?

    Thanks for sharing your dilemma davidthai

    I will save a copy of your post to read whenever I am feeling like a hopeless middle aged tw’t.

    Have you thought about keeping your dick in your pants for a while and seeking alternative comfort measures that are more cerebral than carnal?

    If nothing else it could be a lot cheaper and attract far less mirth and criticism from others.

    Please let us know what you decide …. Seriously …. I can’t wait for the next episode.

  19. I have a couple of mates that own condos in thip.

    they have been trying to sell them now for about 6-8 months

    with no luck.

    maybe it is the price they are asking but

    i really think that overall

    the managerment is poor with no maintaince being done.

    no painting etc the guard lets anyone in when he is not asleep

    pool upkeep is not worth talking about,

    if you have a phone line you need pay office rates(as you go through there switch board)

    which means they can listen in.

    they turn over office staff at a great rate.(not sure why)

    most don't speak much english.

    so they are some of the grips i see with the place.

    i would advise you lok at view talay1, you could still pick one up there for about 1 mil if you look around and take your time.

    better location for baht taxi to pattaya, 300m walk to beach, low maintaince fees annually (3600 baht) pool is great,

    nice cosy shop one ground floor etc

    anyhow good luck

    ps no i don't own a condo in view talay 1, I have one in view talay 2.

    Thanks chris2155

    Exactly the type of information I was after.

    Have your mates had any difficulties or concerns regarding the electricity and water fees?



  20. Have you considered renting there for a few months.

    Then you will know whether you like it or not :o


    A great suggestion Naka.

    Unfortunately I only get there a couple of times a year for a week or so at the most on each trip.

    I'm hoping to be able to spend several months each year over the next 5 or so years ..... struggling with wanting something sooner than that - but - not wanting to be impulsive and make a descision that I'll regret.

  21. Hullo,

    I'm heading up to Phitsanulok for a few days (with the obligatory side trip to Sukothai).

    I have read about a tram that opeartes each day from 0900 hrs to 1600 hrs in Phitsanulok and doses a run around the local sights at a very cheap price of around 30 baht.

    Is this still running?

    Is it 'hop on anf off' arrangement with trams running the same route or some other arrangement?

    What's the best way to get to Sukothai - local bus or another option?

    I'm staying in the Pailyn Hotel - any comments?

    Thanks for any replys ..........in advance


  22. After visiting Jomtien Beach twice a year for the past 15 years I'm starting to think about buying a Condo with a longer time view of semi retirement. I'm heading back there again in early March

    I have noticed some sub 1,000,000 baht studios in Thip Condos plus a lot in Majestic Condos.

    Does anyone have any recent experience of Thip Condos - ie management, maintenance, utility fees etc, etc? The location is near where I usually stay (Theinthong Condos / Surf Beach Hotel etc)

    My head is still locked between buying and renting so any general tips, stories or comments about the hazards would be greatly appreciated. I've done some reading on the laws around foreign ownership etc but some tales based on first hand experience would be great.

    Thanks in advance


    Why Jomtien over Naklua or Pattaya? Just curious. :D

    I quite like the feel of Jomtien - quieter, good walking path along the beach and all the facilities I need without the hustle and bustle.

  23. After visiting Jomtien Beach twice a year for the past 15 years I'm starting to think about buying a Condo with a longer time view of semi retirement. I'm heading back there again in early March

    I have noticed some sub 1,000,000 baht studios in Thip Condos plus a lot in Majestic Condos.

    Does anyone have any recent experience of Thip Condos - ie management, maintenance, utility fees etc, etc? The location is near where I usually stay (Theinthong Condos / Surf Beach Hotel etc)

    My head is still locked between buying and renting so any general tips, stories or comments about the hazards would be greatly appreciated. I've done some reading on the laws around foreign ownership etc but some tales based on first hand experience would be great.

    Thanks in advance


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