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Posts posted by mangojuice

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    Do yourself a favour fella and make sure when you do your premium service it is imperative you have something with both your names on from the same address stretching back 2yrs. This is what they are getting hot on. My wife recently got her ILR at birmingham office, but not without some pleading and begging at the Boss ECO. Check your documents with a fine tooth comb before going, We thought it would be a walk in the park but it never is. Good Luck hope you get it..!

    Got documents back in 3 days,can't complain.The payment slip from my application was missing so I'm guessing they tried to get money from my account but as I said in my origonal OP I cancelled my card.Got an appointment at Croyden (no chance of getting into Birmingham)on Wed 28th and its along drive from the Black Country to there with two babies so stopping in a Travelodge.

    I have got some letters but not many,addressed to both of us and some to each of us over the two years,also some addressed to each of us.

    I hope its enough,It's nerve wracking stuff this.

    Thanks for the heads up.

  2. Normally if an ILR (or other LTR application) is withdrawn by the applicant the fee is forfeit.

    All I can suggest is that you contact them and ask.

    As far as I'm aware, they have always said that ILR applications could take up to 6 months. They have certainly always advised against making any travel plans until the application has been decided and the passport returned.

    Thanks 7by7

    I phoned UKBA today and said I needed my documents back and they said it would be OK but someone might call me?,no money has been taken from my account and I have cancelled my debit card.

    You are right about the waiting times,they do say give it six months but more realistic data was available (pre 6-4-10)from UKBA stating that they aim to process visas in 100 days and coupled with the info on my OP(93% of ilr visas processed in 30 days and 96% in 60 days) normally this was the case.This info has since changed.

    They also said that there would be no charge for the return of the papers,all seems too easy to me.

    Of course you are right about travel plans,a lesson learned

    I couldnt find anyone else that has had this problem on this forum,so will post any new news,it could help someone.

    Thanks again

  3. Help needed please,

    I have just applied for an ILR in the UK for my Thai wife who is now elligable,since downloading the forms (pre April 6th)things have changed firstly the price has gone up so the payment form I sent is obselete (I know..I feel a right prat).The other thing that has changed is that the visa process is longer,it now says 6 months where as before it was 3.

    I have a confirmation letter dated 14 April 2010 saying that they have the paperwork

    I also have flights booked for July and would like to get my documents back and do a premium service

    So I guess i'm asking is what to say to UKBA,shall I be honest and tell them its a mistake?

    Will there be a charge?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated,I am stressed to maximum

    It says on the letter to contact them if documents are needed urgently in bold and underlined!

  4. I live in the West Midlands with my Thai wife and since last May my wifes 14 year old daughter has been living with us,she goes to school here.She has friends she hangs around with at school but they never meet outside school and she needs some Thai mates of similar age so she can have a rattle,tried putting notes up at the local temple but nothing.

    Can't be the only Thai girl in the same situation surely


  5. Thank you 7by7,ILR it is then!

    There will be a lot of money coming out of my account in the near future!!!

    Just to make things crystal,after ILR I now understand it would be best to get naturalisation for my wife,how long would I have to wait until I apply?She has been here for nearly four years already.

    It would be great to take my family to europe after my wife gets naturalisation,fantastic idea but would my step daughter have visa problems seeing as she can't have the same status till after she is 18.

    much obliged.

  6. Hi,I have trawled the forum for the info.but have found nothing up to date and with immigration goal posts changing all the time I really need some up to date advice.I apolagise in advance if there is current information here.

    My wife is on her second FLR visa and this ends in June 2010,she has been a keen student and passed the life in the UK test.My question is,does she need to hold a ILR visa before applying for naturalisation or can we go straight ahead and apply from FLR?

    In addition,despite our two daughters that were born in the UK we also have my wifes Thai daughter who is 14 and has been in the Uk since May 2009,I understand that if we apply for ILR she would be listed as a dependant on the application form and,if we are successfull with the application then she would automatically gain the same status as my wife,but would it be the same with a naturalisation application because she has been in the UK for a short time?

    Finally,how long does a ILR last? is there any need to apply for naturalisation?we intend to live in the UK fo the next 20 years.

    Many thanks,M.Juice

  7. Hi,sorry if this subject has already been covered but have just found out that I havnt got the letters addressed to my wife at our home address for an FLR application and I'm in a panic.My thai wife Chinda and I were married in March 2006,her visa started 28th June 2006 and she landed in England July 26th and we have lived as man and wife at my home address.Chindas visa expires on June 26th 2008 so,I downloaded the ILR form from the gov.website.I didnt know anything about the living in the Uk test or ESOL course (which she attends at college twice a week but only at level 1)that they now require,so downloaded an FLR form and found they need letters addressed to her at our address spanning two years and we have very few,a letter from the dentist,I asked the college to confirm in writing that she attends an ESOL and addressed it to her,we have other college stuff with our address on,I will get in touch with utilities and ask them to change to joint names and ask for a statement,council tax bills have been binned like all the other letters we have been having over the last two years so the few letters we do have only span this month.So my question please is how much crap are we in? my wife is due with our first baby in October so have kept this to myself for the meantime,thanks M.

  8. Just a word of warning in case you didnt know,I will tell you what has happened in the last 3 days,

    My wife is in the early stages of pregnancy and we decided a vitamin suppliment was a good idea,so the local pharmacy recomended folic acid 5mg 3 times a day,i've heard of folic acid and pregnancy so we bought them.I checked it on the net first and found out no more than 0.4mg per day is recommended unless there is a history of birth defects in the family,just 5mg a day has strong links with breast cancer in later life (info from BUPA)let alone 15mg.

    My wife insisted I needed help because I had had the trots for 4 days,I'm not keen on taking drugs in England let alone Thailand but 4 days of having to be near the toilet and drinking bottle after bottle of water i reluctantly went and came back with some pills to be eaten with food twice a day,I'l check them out on the internet before I take any just in case I told my wife(My thai family are put out that I trust the computer upstairs rather than their advice).Results from the net said,for uninary tract infections such as sexually trasmitted diseases,DO NOT take with food and guess what,a side effect of them is the trots.

    Yesterday my mother in law came back with some pills for a tickly cough,I checked those out,one was a antihistamine which seemed Ok couldnt get much info but the other was a tranquiliser for sleep disorders,so what do you say to the mother in law?I thought it best just to say I had looked on the net and it didnt look good shall we go to another pharmacy,I had to say something!She shoved one down her neck so fast in defiance of the internet and still has the cough but sleeps anawful lot.

    Thank goodness we can buy the things we need if we are ill but thanks for the internet too.Gaz


  9. Immigration can not provide more than 7 days and as your OP said you only needed five days it has caused confusion; as now you say you need 8 days. There is a special 60 visa wife one time provision for extension but they may have provided you (per your post) or they may not know about it. Believe your best best is a quick border run - which means you must exit Thailand, obtain visa(at border)/entry other country and then return. You will need normal visa photos and money for visa (about 1,200 baht I believe but varies by nationality). Your wife should stop for border pass at Thai immigration office and then will be able to go into Laos with you if she wants.

    My apologies I did say 5 days,I meant 8,so I'l take your advice and go to Laos tomorrow morning,it does seem odd that I always use the same immigration office and had the 60 day extension issued at least 3 times before?? Cheers Gaz

  10. If you just want to make a border run, and get another 30 visa exempt stamp, you do not need any re-entry paperwork since you will be leaving and coming back in on a new entry, not trying to preserve a previous entry. There is a limit of 90 days in the last 6 months using visa exempt stamps though.

    Don't know anything about this border point and if they do 30 day visa exempt stamps there.

    Did you use your one time 60 day extension for being married to a Thai? Not sure if you can do it on a 30 day exempt stamp though.

    Sorry didnt read your post properly,I dont know anything about the 60 day extension but I'm sure that must have been what they have given me before.Gaz

  11. Usually Immigration will give you 7 days if you have a flight ticket.

    Thanks for the prompt reply,not so lucky then I need 8 days!I'm told Chock Mek do the visas,just a bit nervous,if things dont go to plan I've got to rush to Bangkok,dont want an overstay in this passport.Gaz

    I'm sure the Immigration officer would have helped me if He could,it must be something to do with having a visa exempt stamp rather than the old style 30 day visas,i'm guessing,thanks for the help just have to try my luck.Gaz

  12. Hi,I am a newbie to posting and had a look trough previous postings before asking for advise but I get confused with so many different visas and time is not on my side.So,some good advise is needed please.I am from England and have a Thai wife(if that makes any difference)I have a 30 day tourist stamp from the airport when I entered the country which expires in 4 days(March 15th),I have been to Thailnd many times and this is the first time I've been turned away from the local immigration office in Phibum and told I must laeve the country to get a visa!I only need an extra five days before going back to England.The odd thing is I only did this a few months ago and the immigration officer who is normally so helpful said he had a new boss and wouldnt or couldnt do it for me?,if I have to go to Loas then so be it,I'm only 60km away from a border immigration,so my questions are these,

    Can I go back to the imm.office and ask them again?

    If I go to Laos (chok mek border)tomorrow what documentation do I need?(re-entry paperwork?)

    can I do it at the border?(my wife wants to go shopping for a couple of hours and come back to the border)

    Many thanks Gazbev.

  13. Hi Egg,I dont know much about jasmine but my wife grows it in England,I know very little but feel I must share what I do know with you because you have no replys.My wife tells me it is easy to grow in well drained soil with compost but must be kept watered.They also dont like direct sunlight (thats in england so the Thai sun would do it no good).My wife wants to grow it now.Very best of luck!

  14. Having lived here 5 years i foolishly forgot what ex-pats were like as i shared my information on this forum. 25 of you downloaded my spreadsheet without reply, needless to say i will not share any more info, which is a pity for you as most of you seem to not have a clue.

    Being a parasite is not a virtue.

    Thanks for the info charlie.Chin up!

  15. One of the Hotels (can't for the life of me remember the name) has a bar outside and there is a huge place that plays live music (mainly Issan music). It's a bit noisy inside to talk but enjoyable or you can drink and talk outside. I'll have to ask the mrs later what the name is of the hotel and the big place.

    Hi Mr Bo,I,m in Ubon now but just visited a friend in the Chiapum area and had a blast for a week,its so hard to find farang around but as soon as you break the circle and meet a couple of people you meet their friends and frieinds of theirs etc.I wish there were as many farang in my wifes town.Outside Chiapum is a place called non be deang (excuse spelling but it sounds like that),near the market opposite a school is a shop on the corner with some seats outside,this is farang corner(named by the Thais).Most afternoons farang drink outside there from a lot of different nations and they are a friendly bunch,most of the drinking goes on at their houses when people go visiting and parties happen out of the blue a couple of times a week.I got a lift back to Ubon from a Norwegean who had a house in Ubon with his wife but was thinking of building a new house in Chiapum because of there are so many farang?Regards MJ

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