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Posts posted by mooshcat

  1. When u donate blood in Thailand you have to complete a form. One of the questions is "Have you ever visited Europe?" If you tick yes they wont take your blood. I assume it's a tit for tat because most European countries won't let people who have visited Thailand donate blood. Americans are okay though.

    I only know this because I had to donate blood as part of a "Community Service" deal with the Probation Office. I didn't want to lie because it was to do with the law.

  2. I don't want to appear to be jumping to conclusions but I noticed a few things from the information you gave. You said your boyfriend was "middle-class" but had only been educated to high-school level. There are very few middle class Thai's who are not educated to degree level. And a fair number of people from working class families that have managed to get degrees. You also said he had certificates from Wat Po. And you supported him on a tour of SEA. The assumption I made was Thai beach boy, which will be regarded in the same way as a Thai bar girl. Even if that is not the case, and even though the embassy must provided you with a visa if all the T's are crossed and i's dotted, if they make the same assumption, they will be extremely strict with the rules. The same way they are with men requesting visas for women they assume are bar girls (and are learning to be hairdressers).

    I'm not trying to be prejudice, and I personally don't care either way, but it just makes life harder. Use a lawyer and make sure you have everything you absolutely need. Having the house in his name (which is a pretty simple transfer if there is a Canote and no ties to the title), and try and get him on a course or job to come back to after his trip, and an initial one or two month "holiday" stay, will make life easier.

    Good luck.

  3. She sells all kinds of whitening, tit-lifting, snatch firming, nipple pinkening creams in Pratunm. Many times I've seen her miserable face sitting alone surrounded by her boxes of <deleted> with her picture on. One sad lady. Maybe she was trying to dig some gunk out of the klong to make in to "Hi-So-Leena's Win an election cream." Works the same as the rest of her stuff.

  4. For some reason this subject burns my biscuit.

    The Thai news seems to doubt that the man was guilty, or if he was, he was guilty alone and for the reason stated - just theft. They, the free-ish media, seem to want to know what really happened.

    But us fat white blokes on this forum dont.

    Hang him now!

    Killing him wont help the truth come out. It will simply end the story.

    It seems the pattaya boys on this site would love him to be dead asap. Cos Pattaya is a happy land of adult fun with no crime.

    Yeah ...

    Kill the poor boy now and let there be an end to the idea that there is a Mafia in Pattaya, because, of course, whores and organised crime dont mix.

  5. 24 or 26, isn't the issue, but the victum's families should decide the outcome of his crimes, as long as it isn't letting the guy off with a short sentence!

    Yeah ... I want to cut the nuts of a guy who walked on my daisies.

    It's a pity people like you have the vote (assuming you do).

    If victUm's family sentences a person for their crimes they'd all be hung, drawn and quartered like the good old Christians used to do.

  6. I have a non-immigrant multiple entry b visa issued in the UK and valid for 12 months. My visa is based of the requirement of a UK company that i am in Thailand. I recently left thailand (and re-entered) a few days before the visa expired and got a final 90 day stamp that expires on September 26th. My return flight to the UK is September 20th, so all well and good.

    However I need to do an overseas trip in august.

    1). Can I get the 30 day visa waiver when i re-enter (even though the required 30 day exit date will be less than my original non-imm exit date).

    2). Am I allowed to have 90 days of visa waivers after my non-immigrant b is over (i will probably need to do two visa runs to make my sept 20th flight).

    Thanks for any knowledgable advice.

  7. I have yet to reach all your levels of sobriety, hopefully one day i will. Many of the things you state are things i greatly miss. But an incredibly good thread, good to know that what i'm going through is shared by, or was shared by, many others. I've always been a drinker but of late the drink has started to rule. So to add my thoughts, more aspirations, than where i am at the moment:

    To not vent my anger at myself on other people.

    To avoid Casualty (ER) ... beaten up, falling down, fear that my withdrawals are a heart attack.

    To enjoy sex with one person who can remember rather than bad sex with numerous people who i cant.

    To have good friends, rather than drinking buddies.

    To be able to post without editing because of daft mistakes.


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