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Posts posted by ballzafire

  1. Lived in Chiang Rai a number of years, myself. Suggest you contact Duranee Sinthanee. She and her husband own a number of housing developments there as well as Chiang Rai Mazda. Check Facebook or Google for more info and examples of some of their properties for rent or sale.

    She also knows of other development owners in the area and can refer you to them if she has none available for rent.

    Duranee is probably the wealthiest woman in all of Chiang Rai. Having met her once, I found her to be very helpful and nice. Speaks fluent English, too. I'm sure she can find something suitable for you.

    Don't settle for some cramped, overpriced condo, with its common walls and noisy neighbors. For just a few thousand baht more, you can rent a nice house.

    Good luck.

  2. Great topic. Lotsa good info here.

    May I suggest using numbeo.com to do cost-of-living comparisons between cities and/or countries. VERY useful.

    Also, surprised no one mentioned Bali as a worthy alternative to spend some off-time from our beloved LoS. AirAsia flights are cheap and plentiful, and the 30-day VOA is free for most western countries now. For longer stays, look into getting the 60-day Social Cultural Visa, then extending it up to 4 times, for a maximum stay of 6 months, after which you can readily fly back out to Singapore or KL to renew.

    Bali is a 'saner' Thailand, IMHO -- and much more enchanting, too...

  3. Climate cycles are simply linked to solar cycles. CO2 increase/decrease is a CONSEQUENCE of cyclicality -- NOT the driver. CO2 has NEVER been a driver of climate change.

    Natural processes far, FAR outweigh anything produced by humans. Human-produced CO2, therefore, is inconsequential.

    You and others are reacting to the brainwashing you've received from the incessant drumbeat of the globalist-controlled mainstream media, and all the bought-and-paid-for corrupt scientists and politicians, who see fit to enslave you with a global carbon tax. If that's not a problem for you, then welcome to your Brave New World, son...


    Watch the video from the link I posted -- and get educated...

    • Like 1
  4. Lived in Hat Yai 2+ years. Elsewhere in LoS, 4+ years. Can read and speak Thai. Yes, I know enough about the southern border areas to avoid them, except for immigration purposes.

    And, yes, been to Naratiwat, Stocky. Not making things up. Really, truly, thoroughly, detested it. Like I said, 'never again'...

  5. Katia,
    Ok. Up to now, I have not read anything published in the MSM that said an announcement was made to all passengers. I have flown many times both domestically and internationally and have never once encountered this scenario. I'm sure it did occur on some flights, but was handled diplomatically, so no one on board was aware of it.

    Another thing that is odd: don't airport security pack tasers these days? Punching people in the face -- particularly elderly people who are much more susceptible to skull fractures and possible death -- is really quite 'unprofessional'.

    Nonetheless, I hope his 'compensation' from the lawsuit allows him to retire early -- and in style... :)

  6. I agree with the cautionary comments here. The trend is not good. And it is not just Thailand that is cracking down. Other countries of interest in SEA are also tightening, too, as well as some popular Central and South American locales (namely Costa Rica, Ecuador, etc).

    But, if you want to continue to play the visa game, and have the funds to do so, go right ahead. Just remember who writes the playbook...

  7. I think it's time to read the writing on the wall (like I already did a few years back) -- dancing the perma-tourist, visa shuffle in Thailand is not going to be possible much longer without a lot of hassle and expense. It was great fun while it lasted, but now, sadly, a losing strategy.

    Time to pack it in and return to your home country and go back to work, until you can qualify for something more longer-term.

    And trying to cut corners by arranging a quick marriage or starting a biz might lead to more grief than you expect...

    • Like 2
  8. Excuse me if this has already been suggested somewhere in this thread but, why isn't there a policy of announcing to the passengers if there is anyone who would WANT to give up their seat for twice or three times what they paid for it?

    They could simply do a quick walk thru of the plane and, if no one raises their hand, they could then announce that they are going to pick a seat randomly, using, say, an app on their phone designed specifically for this purpose (easy to create).

    This way, everyone's rights are protected (provided of course, they read the fine print when they purchased their ticket that this might be a possibility...) and the airline and security personnel can do their job without overreaching their authority.

    Just a thought.

  9. What...? Exercise is not 'painful' if one is out of shape? Of course it is. That is what the body's endorphin release is for -- to reinforce the activity.

    It's also the reason for the high drop out rate among overweight/out of shape people when they first join a health club -- they can't handle the initial pain.

    But, you knew that...

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