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Posts posted by gisele

  1. Had an encounter of the unpleasant kind during my morning swim today in Lamai. I felt the tentacles wrap around my arm and then sharp pain. I got stung 3 separate times, on both my arms and left thigh. I swim near Hin Ta Hin Yai.

    Every day I get little stings from I don't know what because I can't see them and the sting hurts only a very short time, rarely leaves welts but this morning,

    I had to cut my swim short, I came out of the water with welts on my forearms, really burning (yes, I was swearing a lot)

    (and yes, pee did soothe the pain)

    I never saw what stung me, I figured that I'd be dead if it was a box jellyfish (maybe I'm wrong here) but I did feel tentacles around my arm.

    If you heard a blood curdling scream in Lamai this morning, it might have been me tongue.png

    What stung me do you think?

  2. The Akshay Kuma bloke seems really arrogant. Totally turns me off. Im not into guys that come over as too cocky. Tbh i dont find him physically attractive either. Got a "hard man" look about him. Geez...guess i sound fussy....?

    Agree with sbk about hands..well actually i love mens forearms...especially when they are playing base guitar and the veins all pop up .....

    ..i think my knees just went weak..

    I totally agree about the hands, the wrists and the fingers,

    like you said when a man is playing the guitar or when playing pool, holding the pool cue

    stubby fingers are a real turn off

  3. <!--quoteo(post=2988150:date=2009-09-04 04:16:30:name=rethaired)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (rethaired @ 2009-09-04 04:16:30) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=2988150"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Indian men and Indian women I find very attractive in general, but then I only have Bollywood movies to go by!<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    Handsome Indians are the most attractive people on earth.

    these men are certainly easy on the eyes :)

    post-4012-000333700 1276094766_thumb.gifpost-4012-043256400 1276094775_thumb.jpgpost-4012-034455500 1276094785_thumb.jpg

  4. Go to bangkok..You know it makes sence...Bumramgrad or the other place(sorry bad head day) Do a search on the net for Bangkok lazer eye surgery....

    yeah, I know it makes sense

    I have 2 colleagues who have had the procedure done in Bangkok in the last 2 months

    and really happy they did

    I was just wondering if Samui was an option

    wouldn't Samui be a better place than Bangkok to test your new vision :)

  5. has anyone done this trip recently from nakhon airport to samui? was it worth, got cheap flights to nakhon for the date i need to get to samui, how long is the bus trip from nakhon to donsak? is there any direct bus from the airport to the ferry?


    I don't know of any bus from the airport

    a couple of taxis usually about

    the mini bus leaves from downtown Nakhon

    if it's not full you get on the van otherwise you wait for the following van.

    it is cheap, and takes about 1 1/2 hr to Donsak

    so let's say you get the 1pm van,

    you would get to Donsak for the the 3pm ferry,

    so you would be in Samui at 4:30pm

  6. Hi Gisele

    Think you are the sort of person that could make anywhere "home". Seems like you are doing wonderful things where you are now. Be careful you don't just move for the "grass is greener" or based on rose tinted spectacles. Thailand is not what it used to be and even the Thais are admitting reality these days. Home is where the heart is and you sound like you have a heart big enough to make it anywhere,,, :)

    Thank you

    that is so nice of you to say

    I've had some really great times and some really not so great times in Thailand,

    still I feel at home there more than anywhere else I have ever lived

    warts and all

  7. Hi Gisele! Great to see you back. I too am very homesick, been in Canada and away from Thailand for a year now which is the longest duration of time I have been away in 8 years. Still not sure when I will get back but for sure after surviving a Canadian winter my husband is heading back next winter if I am with him or not!

    Although both my husband and I are doing well in Canada I desperately miss Trang and the South...I still haven't figured out if its getting easier or harder homesickness comes and goes I suppose (who knew I had such a poetic gift! :D ) .

    Was it his first time seeing snow and experiencing the whole bit?

    I remember my Thai students wanting to experience snow, how beautiful it is,

    yeah, well, beautifull yes but

    all the while I'm thinking how throughout my childhood I had to shovel the driveway after a snowstorm, how hard the snow was difficult to shovel after the snowplow had gone by,

    or yet again the morning I spent half an hour clearing my little red Mazda only to discover

    it was somebody else's little red Mazda :D

    do I miss Montreal winters? :)

    what do you think! :D

  8. The floral bath I took was a milky bath, full of flowers. It was actually a huge tub...intended for two as part of a couple's spa package. :) I don't know what was in the water, but it smelled amazing and made my skin so soft. It was an outdoor tub at a spa, and the atmosphere was amazing. Ahhh...now I want to go back there!

    sounds lovely!

    was it expensive?

  9. post-4012-1274357112_thumb.jpgpost-4012-1274357060_thumb.jpg[attachm



    Life is about happiness - giving and sometimes receiving it. Ours is only to make the most of the time given to us - as old friends often remind us, even across great distances or from one life to the next. Being unhappy (or homesick) comes to us all at some point - yet in reality it is only a choice. Appreciate what you have, and try not to dwell on what you don't. Good luck :D

    I'm homesick but I am not unhappy :D

    I am enjoying the adventure I am presently living,

    and trying to get the most out of my time here

    I love my job, my students

    I have started a charity where I help very poor family men who are rickshaw drivers, these men rent the rickshaw they use so on a bad day they might pay out more than they earn, on a good day, they are lucky if they've made 50 baht. So giving them a second hand rickshaw changes everything. I find people who want to be a sponsor, it costs less than 3,750 baht to buy a second hand rickshaw but it means a better future for everyone, he's is own boss. 100 % of the money goes to help the rickshaw driver. The sponsor gets pictures of the man and his family so they are happy to see who they helped.

    and selfishly, it makes me feel good.

    Happiness all around.

    Homesick for Thailand


    because in my heart that is my home now


  10. She had TB. Sadly too late to treat fully

    I've heard Bangladesh is pretty hardcore. Sounds more peaceful than Thailand at the mo tho!

    Living here, sure makes you appreciate what you have a whole lot. :D

    Bangkok is not peaceful from what I see on the news :)

    but it's peaceful on Koh Phangan right? :D

  11. Gisele, I would have thought with your experience, qualification & past knowledge of Thailand that you would have your choice of jobs in Thailand?

    got lots of experience and qualification but there are limited openings in my field,

    so it's more a question of luck, being at the right place at the right time :D

    keeping my fingers crossed :)

    so, where are you now? back in Thailand?

  12. Hey Gisele, welcome back. You sound like you have healed great and really moved on. I would love to live in Bangladesh, you know it's my kind of place... If you are at the main international school there then I know it's got a good reputation and is the reason a lot of families extend their tours there. Have you made it back to Thailand for holidays?

    You should come visit. It's quite an interesting adventure being here,

    I really enjoy what I am teaching, the students are great, it's a good school and Bangladeshis are very nice people,

    but I really hope a position teaching Theatre will open up next year in Thailand,

    There's too much I miss in Thailand to stay away too much longer.

    I was in Samui for a few weeks at Christmas, and in Pattaya for Songkhran,

    and I will be in Samui again in July.

    Can't keep away, but those were just a few weeks of holiday,

    it's not the same as living there and just makes me miss it even more

  13. Hi,

    It is sad to hear about Seonai, was she sick?

    I am teaching theatre in Dhaka, Bangladesh at an international school.

    It has been a journey, I didn't last long in HongKong, too hectic for me

    especially after living in Nakhon Si Thammarat (which I miss)

    living in Dhaka is challenging,

    it is like being in a National Geographic documentary

    I ride a rickshaw home everyday, I see women in colourful saris everywhere,

    the people are nice

    so much poverty, pollution and garbage

    it is an adventure being here .........

    I really really really miss Thailand

  14. It's been a long time since I've posted, 2 years I think.

    I'm terribly homesick, :) so I'm back to the forum.

    I'll be back this summer for a bit, working on making it permanent (again)

    So catch me up, what's new with everyone who have been around for ever?

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