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Posts posted by sweedey

  1. Dear Fellows,

    I regret to inform you that I am presently abroad and that I will not be able to attend the party at Tropical Bert's... I am missing my opportuniy to "meet and greet" with all the friends here and I apologize for that!

    I hope everyone has a good time and gets to become even better friends! Perhaps someday in the future I will be able to say yes to one of these invitations. I would like to meet the Soundman someday... I am a musician and I think we might have something else in common!

    Thanks so much for asking me to come! Peace and Love to All...


    sweedey :o:D:D

  2. My apologies to all who seem offended... and for my lack of lucidity... which is a misnomer, but I acquiese... I think sometimes that when you are too simple it means you need to be analyzed and "spun"... what part of the difference between "extremists" and "one love" did not appeal to you?

    It really does not matter who is responsible in order to condemn the actions of blatant cowards, is it? ... Can you not agree that innocent men, women, and children should not be subjected to the angry cowardice of those who feel obligated to inflict their will on the masses? Why try to justify that kind of thing in ANY way? The placing of blame with dispersion is almost criminal in itself... it could be misconstrued as culpablity...

    Someone once said:

    "If you are not part of the solution, then perhaps you are part of the problem" ... I am not trying to offend anyone ... I will not take offense for something your Mothers Fathers Cousin did to any relatives of mine... in any century you can find or remember... and I will not use that kind of inane logic to rationalize, justify or condone any form of selfish idiotic violence... Sorry ... Perhaps you will brand me now as an extreme one love advocate...

    You need more Bob Marley in your diet... I doubt there is any nourishment in chewing on ghosts and old bones... I suppose now I am still not lucid enough...

  3. Who cares if there is any wrong or right intelligence? Has anyone ever heard of an extemist christian group? ... (I mean other than the group running the USA White House right now!...) It is a sure bet that the extemists are responsible for the violence... whoever those cowards are!! Too bad they don't protest like truly religious monks... or like real martyrs... and set themselves on fire or kill themselves some other way... then there wouldn't be any (extremists) left after a while and there wouldn't be any extremist problems! heh heh

    My Father always told me that something is not worth doing if you cannot tell anyone and be proud of it... nothing to be proud of when you hide a bomb, set it off, and kill completely innocent people... I wonder how they feel when someone they know is killed... it is quite likely that they have no feelings of compassion or guilt... how else could you live with yourself knowing what you have done to innocent people?... it makes no sense to kill people for any form of God... we really are all the same, you know... no matter what form of religion you need to feel comfortable... the fringe element (extremists) are not truly religious at all... this is not a moot point... someday this nervous world will find one love...

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