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Everything posted by Whale

  1. How can it be disrespectful if they are not aware of the culture? You've been here too long.
  2. Yes, similar in the crypto. The entities that are providing liquidity (bookies/Market Makers) are manipulating price and therefore those with exposure to leveraged futures/bets (punters/'investors"). The punter in betting is the "investor" in crypto. The market maker (coupled with the exchange who work hand in hand I believe) in crypto is the bookie in betting.
  3. Agree 100%, I would not put my own money into it.
  4. I was just going to say the same. The word "expat" seems to have a different meaning to many people.
  5. To cut a long story short .... Land (you can own the villa per se but not the land) - buy outright in your name NO. Rent on multi-year rental/lease contract YES. There are legal contracts offered to lease the land in your name over for periods of 30 years (fully legal) with agreed extensions of 30 years. It'd done by many and some lawyers back it (the extensions over 30 years that is) BUT some say if it has a risk factor because it may be construed as circumventing another law in certain circumstances. So yes you can "buy" a villa with land under certain circumstances. Ground floor condo. The Condo Juristic Enterprise owns the land not you.
  6. There must be less and less sectors that need to hire non-Thais these days compared to the past. The sector I worked in is all Thai these days and is doing very well.
  7. I agree with you as well. 99% of them are ruses/cons or will die through attrition. But the betting is that some will survive and go on to become very important. If you are happy gambling on gold then good for you, whatever we gamble on be it stocks, fiat, crypto, horses, football, gold, silver, whatever - by buying/saving them we are all taking a punt on future value or trying to beat inflation.
  8. You did not ask this question I know but ..... take 5/6 on for 2 months. After the two months take on the best two direct. The PEO will take a big cut and you will never have loyalty from them while they are with the PEO. My personal experiences with PEOs was negative when I used them myself. At 400k they will probably take home 20-25 a month, thats not enough IMHO unless its something very simple. What they are developing in is going to make a big difference as well.
  9. Sure, I agree. etherium and the coins based on etherium's ERC20 system are milking money and too expensive for the retail user IMHO. But there are other L1s not using ERC20 which charge minuscule amounts compared to ERC 20 and standard banking transfer charges. Solana is a. great example of a network that is technically more advanced than etherium and has minuscule charges. It has crashed itself a few times but the technology is in Beta. Any system develops and fixes faults over time.
  10. It interesting isn't it. IMHO Bored Ape is little more than a Ponzi with people try to make/trade money - it has no inherent value IMHO. Also shows how weak the etherium (V.1) network actually is compared to some other L1s., its may be the biggest but is technically weak in capacity. Not the only L1 to crash in the last week as well. But if the crashes are all throughput related its shows how adoption is increasing. It's a model for the future like it or not. I have been looking forward to another thread on coins.
  11. The Aljazera video ( can watch on YouTube) of this case is a stunning watch.
  12. I quite agree with you. I am retired and I have found if you remove bars, pubs and "entertainment" places from your schedule then theres little else to do here FOR ME. I find the weather for most of the year is a bit of a hindrance to enjoying many things, its just too severe for my old body.
  13. Agreed, I tried registering last year remotely, no chance. Told to come to surgery with proof of address/bills.
  14. They sold Thai retail arm of HSBC to Ayuthaya. HSBC commercial still open but does not service retail accounts/customers.
  15. I read the article and all the quotes and info are about tourists not DNs. Are DNs an actual thing? Or is it me backpacking in the 70s, but with the ability to make a little money on the side by doing some not so hard task for money? We already know that the Thai immigration version of a DN is not a tourist who does a few gigs to pay for basic expenses, its someone with a valid work contract who can work remotely. Am I just showing my age?
  16. But think about what he is saying to them. More money for services (more services) but someone else will pay not the voters. If I were a voter I would be interested in his thesis. And, sadly, on a macro economic level the tourists will not even know the tax exists never mind be overtly bothered by it. Will it reduce tourism? Not one iota. Will it bug long termers? Of course. Is it one more crappy thing from a crappy politician, probably yes. But he does not care he is playing the political game. Many politicians become rich off the back of lies, false promises and divisive statements. In ALL countries.
  17. The sad thing is that this will probably appeal to the Thai electorate.
  18. If in Minburi just have a trip to Bangkok. All of the supermarkets sell "British" tea. I settled on Liptons yellow because its the cheapest.
  19. Yes the euro has gotten weaker against the baht virtually week on week since October 1st 2021. The euro will fall further IMHO because it printed so much euro during covid ergo, if I am right, Thailand is going to become even more expensive for euro earners in short/med term.
  20. I join the leavers in another 3 weeks. Been here 30 years. It's changed a lot. I have had some amazing experiences and loved it here but people change with time. I have and now yearn for something different. I am sure I will be replaced by new arrivals who will also have a great time and experiences. Life moves forward.
  21. I agree, tourists aside lots of long termers seem to be leaving. I go to the pub and theres few I know now outside my own circle. Many don't have work where I live and have moved on for work. Quite a few of the retirees off as well it seems. It's all a pity but I suppose its part of normal movements as a country develops.
  22. Wow. Does this point to who the owners actually think the demographic of this site is. You can't talk about buying a prostiute according to the rules but wife buying is acceptable?
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