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Posts posted by TakingAVacation

  1. Hello: Does anyone know the deal to put boxes,bags , etc on a bus from bangkok to CR? Approx cost etc? Will they do this? I am moving to CR and flying up but too much stuff to bring via Air Asia. Advice appreciated....

    I used Nim See Seng when I moved from CR to the south. They have offices in many parts of LoS, including BKK and will ship door-to-door at no extra cost. Fast, reasonably priced and certainly more secure than the bus system. No need to guess when your shipment will arrive at the bus terminal (if it ever does!), then hire additional help to deliver it to your place of residence. And if you don't have a set address in CR yet, they will hold the shipment for you at their depot in town for up to a week or so at no additional cost.

    Nim See Seng

    (Thai language only, their brochures are better. Look up their BKK address in your local Thai Yellow Pages and check them out. Highly recommended over the unsecure Thai bus system or post office...)

  2. If anyone have info about Chiang Saen, hotels, restaurants, shops, etc, and also what kind of transport which are available from Chiang Rai Airport to Chiang Saen district would I be very grateful.

    Thanks & Regards :o

    Not much there except for the historical sites. Chiang Saen is basically the dropoff point for the connecting leg to The Golden Triangle from the bus to/from Chiang Rai.

    Since I've never stayed overnight, I don't even know of any guesthouses to recommend, so you are on your own...

  3. Sorry. House already gone. All furniture, appliances, etc. gone.

    Moved to the south. Started a new chapter already...

    Best of luck.

    I would love to hear about that too as I am interested. I am just about to make the move. I have a house to take care of. Coming over next year for six months to look things over etc.


    I sent you a PM. Let me know if you didn't get it (the moderators here can be a little too 'ambitious' sometimes...)

  4. ^ Same :D . Computer + passport + decent underpants.

    Where the h3ll can you buy decent underpants in Thailand? :D

    Why bother wearing them? Go 'au naturiel' old man! :o

    I don't recommend that.

    The warm weather and ample eye candy here can cause you to be walking around with a semi-woody half the time. I know it did for me the first few weeks I was here, even when I wore baggies. It's especially embarassing if you are of 'above-average endowment'. The Thais frown on such 'indecency', anyway.

    Try Tesco or Carrefour. They carry a few imported brands with western sizing. Just bought a set of 3, all-cotton bikini briefs, size XL (that's more of a western L, actually) in the thin wastband style for only 149B. Good support for my tackle, yet very comfortable. Wish I had switched to them earlier.

    I don't recommend boxers with pants, either (except for wearing around the house by themselves). No support and too hot for this climate.

  5. From what I've gathered from the ADSL forums, their service is generally good. Not great, but good. This was from about a year ago. Their GSHDSL service is interesting, in that it offers symmetric 2/2mbit speeds at competitive prices.


    I had a manager of an internet cafe strongly recommend CAT over TOT/TT&T's offerings.

    Because I didn't choose that location to live, I ended up with a Maxnet acct, which is still acceptable, now that they've finished with their latest upgrade cycle and have gotten most of the bugs out...

  6. The White House is NOT 'walking distance to the Night Market'. You are out of your mind (or prolly just not familiar with C.R.). Anything which is north of the Mengrai Monument is not, I repeat, NOT 'walking distance' to the bus station and Night Bazaar. You'll have to flag a tuk tuk to get there.

    I recommend the squeaky clean Orchids Guest House. Yes, it's not what you wanted but for 200B/day (fan room) you get a nice, new-looking room where everything works. Comfortable, clean beds. Hot water. Free internet, etc. etc. In short, 'Best Western' quality at a Thai price.

    The entrance is a mere 50 ft or so from Jetyod Rd. down a quiet little soi, so you can quite literally step out of your room and be at the bars within a minute or two. As anyone who's been to C.R. knows, Jetyod is a quaint little street with a few bars, eateries and massage places lining it, and it is indeed only a short walk to the bus station and Night Bazaar as well. I stayed there about a month ago and couldn't believe my eyes. A real gem. I'm hesitant to disclose this little place, but what the hel_l. Word's bound to get out about it soon, anyway. It'll be booked solid in no time.

    Check out the photos in the gallery section of their website for a thorough look. Highly recommended.

    Orchids Guest House

  7. now THAT sounds delicious.....happy eating

    cook the worms before eating :o

    Uh, you mean cook the fish to kill the worms.

    Problem is some parasites are spore formers and the heat isn't sufficient to kill the spores. So they hatch in you and still infect your liver.

    Fun stuff, eh?

    I think blood electrification (i.e. 'zappers' like the Hulda Clark-related models you can buy on eBay) will get rid of all of 'em. There are also herbal combinations available that will de-worm your liver and other organs with no harmful side-effects.

    Also, merely steaming fish or crabs is not sufficient to kill all the parasites. Always thoroughly cook any water-borne animal before eating to be safe. Assume parasites are present.

  8. ... only US$400 a month gets you a retirement visa ...

    I trust you really meant a year?

    Also, if I'm not mistaken, Central American economies are more or less tied to the health of the US Dollar. And the whole region will likely fall under the influence of the NAU and the new Amero within a few short years from now.

    How much will your Ameros buy then? It's anybody's guess.

    Kinda iffy, if you ask me.

  9. My wife and I had not planned on getting this old

    To clarifly the age question, if we retire in late 2008, I will be 62 and my wife 60. I would be drawing Social Security and my wife a pension from her job. In 2010, she would also start drawing Social Security.

    Social Security? Under the planned North American Union, expected to go into effect by 2010? Still 'solvent'?

    I'm not banking on it. Neither should you.

    Besides, there won't be USD anymore. The Amero will take its place. And at what exchange rate is anybody's guess at this point. It might be 1 to 1. Then again, it might not. Depends upon how nice the intl bankers feel toward us (and since when have bankers been known to be fair?... )

    If we wait until 2010, I would be 64 and collecting an increased amount from SS, my wife would have SS and an increased pension from her job.

    And we would almost certainly have more savings.

    And, unfortunately, it is likely that, with the way things have been going, Thai Immigration will have also moved the goalposts yet even further, requiring everyone to show even more money up front, just for the priviledge of spending it here.

    They have a relatively simple formula for doing this, too: just double it.

    Now that you can bank on...

  10. I know which one you're talking about but I have no idea on a price for hire to the border and back.

    To give you an idea of their prices, they want 300B for a one-way trip to my house which is about 10km from the airport. Mae Sai is about 68km from CR.

    You do the math...

    Thanx to all for your input.

    As soon as I wrote the thread, I just remembered that there is a taxi counter in the airport on the left just before you exit. Do you think they would do it for B1,000 (return trip)?

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