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Posts posted by dtoodnut

  1. Friend of mine claims that :

    -Beer Lao was originally brewed by Czechs under Ruskie supervision in Lao with no additives and 30 day natural fermentation.

    -Thai beer purportedly contains 30 per cent rice(mandated by government to increase Thai rice sales in country) and many additives to accelerate fermentation to 3 days. He cites Heineken in Malaysia as an example, as the taste and hangover is completely different(ie. better) than the Heineken of Thailand.

    Any brew-experts here who know the truth?

    All I know is I can drink tons of beer Lao without hangover and a couple bottles of any beer from thailand gives me a nasty headache.

    Over to you experts!

    Bud gave me wicked hangovers and I think it was because of the rice. I drank it for 20 years and it was people from the UK living in the US that pointed this out to me, switching me to other beers. San Mig light and Bintang gives me wicked heartburn and the Aussies tell me it is because of preservatives.

  2. While Thailand bills itself as the "Land of Smiles" with sunny beaches, there are regular incidents of foreigners involved in sexual assaults, drug offences and sometimes rape or murder.

    Right around the same time, an ex Policeman turned bar owner near the Kwai river bridge shot a man from Liverpool that had just kicked his swarmy Thai ass because the drunken ex cop had made passes at the limey's girlfriend. The ex-cop then ran over the woman and shot her too. Just like in the Phillapines, these killers of tourists are usually released early. The victims don't reside there to complain when they see the return of the killer to freedom and the victims are looked at in a very envious way as a lower form of life. It would be interesting to see what kind of stuff the female backpackers encounter over there. A methed up, drunken Thai/Pinoy dude is dangerous, but get them riled on US made porn, you have some liquored up Apaches.

  3. I watched as the yahbah turned sweet pooyings into wired power drinkers, and I feel very sad when I see some cute lass that is drunk and wired. The smack is also used to take the edge off the meth high and I fear that that these sweet lasses and prettiest girls in the world will be junkies next. All that adding to an increase in HIV cases. Any farhang that adds to the drug epidemic in The Land of Smiles should be executed. I'd take execution over a life of misery anyway.

    Screw these guys.

  4. You can blame the Swedes for this. Their government started this crap. Substance Abuse Counselors, cops, Lawyer/Prosecuters/Judges and probation officers have to ensure that they will have plenty of work for them. Sweden went from being tolerant to now randomly entering discos and singling out individuals that they deem "wacked". They take you to the toilet and give you a piss test. If you come up dirty, you can count on being charged, and spending a fortune in counseling and repeated drug tests. Failure to comply will land you in Jail. The US will probably start doing this as well..The Patriot Act will make such Orwelian practices easier. So far so good....

  5. That swarmy looking cop probably told that Englishmen that he wanted to boink his woman. This cop probably extorted sex from a few backpackers in his career, probably both male and female. I am sure it was a well deserved ass wooping, but if this guy was from NYC he'd know that there is nothing more dangerous than a drunk cop, because they all have guns, and attitude. Kicking a cops (and a drunk one) ass in Thailand is like calling a US Black Gang Member the "N' word in front of his crew. It is suicide. The guy is armed, in pain and just lost a whole lot of face. Remember when you run from a gun to do so in a zig-zag fashion, or better to turn sideways and run laterally from the line of fire. Better to just avoid any friendly advances from any Thai male. "No poot passat Angrit"

  6. I knew there was a reason I never go to National Parks or mingle with anybody besides pooyings or the people that come with me. I found that while they are all friendly over in SE Asia, you don't need to make friends. Having a gun won't do any good because people sneak up on you. The bandits knock on the passenger side and while your attention is turned that way the guy on the driver side has his gun out. In Colombia and S. Africa (and Miami a few years back) bangers or people who'd been robbed instinctively turned and looked the opposite way of the tapping on the window.

    All the people that want to save money and get cabs at the airport at the departure side should know about a few years back when arrivals were getting wacked by guys in unschedued cabs.

    You are Big Game in much of the world, so be on the defensive. I laugh at continentals sporting Rolexes and gold chains over there. They'll stalk you like an animal for days in Java to get a shot at it.

  7. sorry, I am trying to put humor where it doesn't belong. Everbody sounds so angry. this goes on all the time to sweet backpacker girls, and in many cities in the US and Europe to locals. The victims are often taunted like they were asking for it, and it often never makes the local papers. the stats often indicate that rapists also sodomize

  8. get rid of all faiths except the good one, that where the word for god came from GOOD!

    The worst is the muslim one though for sure

    You can kill for alhla.

    its all BS if you ask me!

    The word fanatic springs to mind here, how many of the UK and USA posters sound like fanatics? Quiet a few I think. You guys do not help the cause, be reasonable with your comments and expectations and people won't be able to criticize you. Be fanatical and you are no better than the Arab fanatics.

    It is time to seriously consider a coordinated joint military type campaign, under the auspices of the UN if possible but in the name of humanity if not, and deal with these people and their threats as we would to a more formal threat to our survival.
    Would this also include Israel for their acts of terrorism?

    The UN has declared the wall they are building illegal, will the US invade them for refusing to stick to the UN Resolutions

    There are currently in excess of 75 outstanding resolutions against Israel that have not been complied with.

    I am all for stopping terrorism but it has to be multilateral, and it cannot be used as an excuse to wage a personal war for the wrong reasons. (Iraq)

    The USA creates a situation and then wants a pat on the back for fixing it. Any one remember Rumsfeld shaking hands with Sadam as he supplied the military helicopters and nerve gas that was used on Iran?

    Do any of you remember how the press worldwide ridiculed GWB before he and Blair decided it would be a good political move to go to war?

    My Point is if Thaksin is wise he will not get his head stuck up the "coalitions" Butt, and will do what Thais have done in the past and look after Thailand by staying out of it.

    As for the Americans saving France and winning 2 world wars get real you jerks, you only fought the last part of it and only then when you were personally attacked, you refused help to Europe for the first 2 plus years on numerous occasions.

    I long for the day when all terrorists are at the Hague on war crimes trials including Blair, Bush and Osama and his crew.

    Comment all you want but if you are a reasonable person then you will understand that Laws are for every one not just the weak and downtrodden.

    Hey don't forget about Canada, eh...only we're fanatics about beer and Hockey, cuz that's what is all aboot!

    I want to know how many of you posters live in their Parents basement.

  9. Maybe Nigel the Pom become angry because girlfriend no do butt thaing. Old Persian saying is that when you drink too much and boink you need a handle to grab, so boy is better. Thai girls tell farhang man to get ladyboy if they want boom-boom dtood, and many do.

    Soon the Thai Jails will need a wing just for the British hooligans.

  10. I thought the faashion crowd were the pretentious, cocaine sniffing, bulimic set that no normal person would care to associate with. And that goes for the wannabee hangers-on as well. they are welcome to pay stupid prices for their drinks and welcome to have their own place to gather. As in most major cities, there is an 'in' place for these superficial, supercilious super egos. Let them keep to it and not disturb the rest of the world.

    And if it gets raided occasionally, so what. Happens everywhere in BKK. Not that there's some missing tea money - just spreading the pain around a little.

    I'm not sure why you have it in for the fashion industry old boy, but at least you could take the trouble to spell the word correctly.

    This is quite serious stuff when the police raid an upmarket bar in such a rough manner. And as far as forcing all the customers inside, including foreign correspondents, to provide a urine test; well, that's simply not kosher in today's world.

    Beleive me, this story about the Q Bar raid will have international legs. Is that what was intended by the Thai government?

    In Sweden they do it. Only they single you out by erratic behavior. In the US, Dewey Beach in Delaware Wash. DC's nearest beach, they arrest you for walking home a couple of blocks with beer on the breath. Somebody stumbled off a bayside bar there with a beer in hand and they fined him $500 for drinking in public. No vehicles whatsoever. The Thais are far more civilized, and just want to discourage it while padding their income. In just a few years I watched the yah-bah turn sweet, modest girls into crazed floozies. I don't want to see such sweet people get wacky from drugs. Hey, those cops want their daughters to go to the university, not work in the bars. That costs money.

    PAY UP, or go to Brighton, Devon or Cornwall instead. I will take Thai Cops over American Beachtown cops any day of the week!!

  11. Many of the young ones did not witness the epidemic of the late 80's and early 90's are often willing to go bagless. Now many look at being a CSW as a self imposed death sentence. I can tell you first hand, that many that are willing to boink bagless now do so because they have nothing to lose. They already have it. I heard some very sad statistics from a few Issan girls about how many of their friends go home to check out. They are too young and sweet to meet such a tragic end. The finger is also a place for transmission. Beware of post manicure diddling. To boink unbagged in the LOS is like walking around Bagdad without body armour and wearing a stars and stripes tee shirt...you are asking for it. The bullet in the back is much more humane than the sah-lower death.

  12. The guys/gals at pantip are very annoying. I mean over there you can be the pornstar every night if you can find somebody that will hold the camera and if the gal is not too shy. They usually are too "sye" if they are cute & sah-weet, and your camera man/pal is off starring in his own feature. Somebody must be buying it or they wouldn't be there, but if buying porn in Thailand ain't like buying canned pineapple in Hawaii I don't know what is. Plus the name porn is very common as a person/street name so it must be confusing.

  13. Let me tell you about the poor British guy that went to Thailand after his divorce.

    He fell for this Thai lady, and not even a younger one. (Why do I see all these old British guys with Thai women their age...?) He buys flats and buildings in the UK and re-does them to rent to the subsidized tenants and does quite well. This Thai gal he met was so interested in his worktalk, he was convinced she was for him. At Heathrow there was a Thai lady with a sign w/her name on it. He's smiling, and surprised about the VIP treatment but what he didn't realize was that she was not flying up north w/him but bolting in London. That was in the days when they gave out Tourist Visas. Now she competes with him for those same buildings and flats.

    This one was not even a bargal, but one he met someplace else, or is that what they all say?

    Do you have any idea how twisted a mind gets that had a different guy every day, and of different nationalities, ages, physical & weenie sizes, etc? One week it is many stud young sailors and marines and the next week a pot-bellied german in a speedo. Their only sanity is their "Thai Ties": Man, Family, etc. The passage to other countries is like they have a winning lottery ticket and when they "lose" you they cashed it in.

  14. Hey, Vegas Dave>>>

    Ferget abouditt!!

    I met this poor guy in the Phillapines that worked the GM line for 30+ years and could have retired like a king in the LOS or the Peenze with his sweet pension. Instead he got talked into marrying this Filipina 1/3rd his age, and took her to Nevada (her choice). It seems with Nevada's liberal marriage/divorce policy it is a favorite of those cunning wee lasses. Of course she got pregnant and he bought the best house in his budget 'cuz he was in bliss. Then, she claimed abuse, and this guy wouldn't hurt a flea. Now he lives in the cab in the back of his pickup truck now. His entire pension goes to support this Daughter of a Bar Gal from Angleles City in the Peenze. His little "cath-o-lick" honey is now the mistress of a Philapeno divorce Lawyer in Nevada. There is a big community of them there. He will never be able to even afford a ticket back to SE Asia now and his family has disowned him.

    This guy did not deserve this. US courts are very very hard on old geezers that bring back economically deprived gals and like to make an example of them.

    C'mon buddy....think about what you are getting into. Hire a Thai private eye first.

    Go to the Dept. of State Website and read up on the Affadavit of Liability. The US Embassy will do a thorough check on the gal, including a physical one. Sometimes guys find out things they'd rather not at this stage.

    I apologize, and I hope I am wrong in your case but I can't think of one happy guy that did this. I live north of DC, so there are many people that have done it here with all the Military Bases and people employed abroad and BELIEVE ME, you will be expected to send $600 back a month in addtion to whatever happens here.

    The local Philapeno paper openly advertises Lawyers and their "Divorce from Americans" ads. Most Thais prefer the West Coast, but there are distinct similarities. Prenups are null and void when the girl claims she didn't understand it, and the courts back them up.

    FYI: www.state.gov Do a search on Affadavit of Support, AND you will need to do an I-864, and in some cases an I-134 also. Below is the link to whatever they are calling the INS these days pdf file on the affadavit of support.


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