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Mighty Mouse

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Posts posted by Mighty Mouse

  1. You are what you eat.

    Red meat eaters tend to be more on the nose than vegetarians.

    Having mixed with the Thai people for most of my life, I can't remember ever being offended by their body odour. Maybe it's because their main food is rice based,or maybe it's because they rarely eat processed food. But whatever it is, they're nice to snuggle up against.

  2. Does STD stand for Serious Terminal Defects or Serious Temporary Defects? Which ever way you look at it, they're serious.

    The good thing about STD's is that it is keeping a lot of Thais wearing white coats in permanent employment at the clinics.

    • Like 1
  3. You are obviously one of those a-peeling people, the apple of your mothers eye.

    The main tourist fruit shop is the row of stalls at the rear of Mikes Department Store. Avoid them.

    Try the permanent market on South Pattaya Road, the Tuesday and Friday markets at Soi Buakhow or the fruit markets along Central Road.

    Go easy on that yoga, it'll give you the pip, and stay away from the cherry girls.....not that you'll find too many in Pattaya. whistling.gif

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  4. When you live in a house day in and day out, you fail to see how untidy and dirty it really is until you visit a house where the owner is fastidious about cleanliness.

    I have managed to obtain some photos of the OP's house prior to him going away on his trip.


    With the help of his female employee , I managed to obtain some photos of his house after he came home.


    It's easy for us to see that nothing much has changed in the OP's house, so why is he complaining?

    • Like 1
  5. Sorry, most of them have as much common sense as my "pet rock", no matter how hard your try to teach or educate them/

    What "education" do you think "most" might need? I'm sure that "most" could teach you a thing or two about how to attract and extract money from the wallets belonging to gullible men.

  6. "another one who goes down to beach road at all hours looking for birds

    there are three of them sharing a married thai women

    another is constantly talking and fantasizing over young slim wasted women

    while chasing a bird with one of the biggest belly's I've seen."

    Let's face it.........

    ..........look at what they have back home.


  7. Well I wouldn't do that to my neighbour, because he is Thai and justice is too one sided, that comment was against an obvious farang where I wouldn't really be too bothered about the same level of reprisal.

    Thailand sure attracts some really oddball and evil minded farangs to its shores.

    I fight contempt with contempt.

    If I was ever in a position where I felt I needed to take a Thai down, I would get my wife to make a couple of calls and have the problem sorted out Thai style. Trust me, it would end there and then.

    I don't know what nationality you are but I bet your country of birth was glad to see you leave their shores.

    What you have written above is the type of confrontational diatribe that starts neighbourhood disputes. You are the epitome of the farang that many Thais hate.

    Your second paragraph (above) would have to be a very accurate self-assessment and I bet those who are unfortunate to have you as their neighbour, rue the day that you arrived.

    Your last paragraph (above) shows how you embrace Thai culture and Thais themselves. You have to be totally ignorant if you believe that Thai elders in your local village would "sort out" other village Thais, just on your say-so.

    ....and all this has come about because your next door neighbour sees a need to do some work around his house at an hour when your lazy ass is stuck in bed.

    If you don't like it, do everyone a favour, and leave.

    • Like 2
  8. "I know that the local council and police could not care less as these people are doing work for the government and the city."

    You're stuck.

    Give them time to settle in to their new location and you might find that their noisy habits change.

    You can only hope so.

  9. I love starting particular threads to draw out this sort of TV poster..... lol

    Do you mean, the type of TV poster who believes in 'live and let live,' not the type of TV poster who regards his next door neighbours as

    Noisy B*******ds and who would get upset if his "noisy b*******d" of a neighbour regarded him as an 'irritable, whinging b*******d.
    • Like 2
  10. Sunday Morning at 7am and my neighbour starts angle grinding steel box section.

    .................... at the latest, then gets up at 6am every morning

    Your neighbour gets up at 6am and starts working an hour later. If he was totally inconsiderate, he would have started grinding at 6am.

    He probably already knows how obnoxious you are, believing that if he started grinding at 10am, you'd still find a reason to criticise him.

    This guy might one day be on hand to put out a fire in your house, to stop a burglary, to help save your life should you fall off a ladder....etc.

    Be nice to your neighbours.

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