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Posts posted by Rideau

  1. In staging the rally, organisers have outlined four demands - release political prisoners in custody since the 2006 power seizure, reform the judiciary to introduce trial by jury, retool the economy as a welfare state and close the income-disparity gap and institute a price guarantee for farm products.

    At least they have come up with some real policy at last.

    Previously it has just been 'bring back Thaksin'.

    However they still have to learn to put them forward as "What we will do if we get to power" rather than demands

    Those are just to make the rally sound nicer to the public, also paving the way for PTP at next election. The real agenda remains the previous "bring back Thaksin". Just like last time they say "we want democracy", it still boiled down to "bring back Thaksin".

  2. What Thailand needs now is not a snap election but a constitutional amendment on politicians' asset declaration.

    The current asset declaration system is a farce.

    Most of these politicians are already filthy rich with big pieces of land and companies here and there.

    They are required to declare asset prior to and after taking up a ministerial/MP position only. It's a total farce.

    But no one cares to check if they ever paid any tax at all and where the money come from. A sure bet that over 90% of the MPs can't prove it.

  3. What a fool abisit is.

    An unelected , hand-picked military junta puppet, with blood on his hands making such demands before a world democratic audience.


    Keep it up abi,

    Your challenge is to put yourself before the thai people, but not so keen on that eh.


    None of the Thai PMs, with the exception of ones appointed by coup makers, even Thaksin, has ever been elected by the Thais. They are all elected by the Parliament just like in the U.K. and Canada.

    You can ask either Gordon Brown or David Cameron. Your Thai wife should be re-educated about her country's political system.

  4. If Abhisit would just return to his country of birth and stay there, Thailand could go forward with its long, long reconciliation phase. With the waters polluted with the hi-so hate-speech of Abhisit, Kasit and others, nothing good can happen.

    Who do u think should be Prime Minister ??

    Nattakorn Devakula. Will take a couple more years though.

    Still, you heard it here first.


    Isn't Nuttakorn one of the elites you resent so much? Now elite acceptable for you? Such an abrupt change of tune.

    He has billions of Baht in asset and lives extravagant lifestyle. Thaksin has properties here and there more than does Nuttakorn but he has never given away to the poor or at least rent them out cheap. Would Nuttakorn be that generous?

    Nominating Nuttakorn, you must be joking.

  5. I bet that extradition to TH will cause much more troubles than keeping him away of this country.

    If he is jailed WITHIN Thailand - we'll see the "Red riots part 2", as he will become a mortyr to'em. And it will be MUCH huger than Ratprasong.

    Better keep him away of TH borders. Or..emmm...it is a long story and long way to go to TH, may some very private road accidents occurs somewhere far in Montenegro, or something.... You know, there are LOTS of accidents... :)

    But bringing him back to TH will be a total mistake IMO.

    Many people think so. Many Reds take him as a cult leader already. So much that they can die for him and his whole family.

  6. She has proven that poverty in Thailand really got to do with the way some Thais think rather than alleged aristocratic system and widespread corruption only.

    Why don't she, Red sympathizers, and leftists ever take a look at ethnic Chinese and Sikh minorities as to why their living standards are way better than most Thais? Chinese and Indians immigrated to this country without a penny or knowledge about spoken Thai and started out negative while at least Thais had got fertile land to begin with.

    I am afraid schooling/education is not all the solution to Thailand problems. It's the Thai mentality in which Thais as serfs (Phrai) seek patronage from someone powerful (Ammart). They are not emancipating but enslaving themselves. Then blame their self-made ordeal on others.

  7. According to Wiki:

    Isan's total population as of 2000 was 20,825,00.

    The primary rice crop in Isaan is sticky rice, accounting for about 60% of the cultivated land in the region.

    Due the the desert-like climate and terrain, they can get one crop per year, two if they are lucky.

    Where I live, near the Chao Phraya, they get 3-4 crops per year, and the rice tends to be Hom Mali (Jasmine) or high-yielding Hom Patum.

    A large number of Isaan people work in the Bangkok and send money home.

    Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.

    Hey Reds:

    If Thaksin was really your friend, and not just using you as pawns in his Machiavellian plan to take over Thailand, he'd have developed better farming infrastructure in Isaan, and/or researched alternate farming plans, or encourage any other industry suitable for the region.

    Example: guayule

    This plant grows quite well in desert climates.

    What is this plant good for? Rubber.

    Not just rubber, but hypoallergenic rubber, which is required in medical applications.

    Thailand already is the world leader in Rubber, with all the processing infrastructure and techniques. But competition is close on Thailand's heals, being financed by the Chinese in neighboring countries. However, these efforts focus on the rubber tree, which is not hypoallergenic after normal processing. Guayule could potentially help keep Thailand ahead of the game, and give Isaan a new cash crop.

    Well, maybe, Thaksin has his reasons for not coming up with ideas like that for Isaan.

    Better to keep you poor and upset, so he can use you as pawns.

    You have demonstrated that you understand this country very well.

    I'd like to also add that it is Thaksin, who views agriculture and farming as backwardness. My wife told me that he had expressed that opinion in the public many times during his PM tenure. In a speech he wanted to turn farmers into engineers and doctors so they can get rich quick, and encourage more machinery in the farming. He did not mention though who were going to be the farmers or "above" the farmers with modern machinery in the paddy field. Could be CP or his Shin Corp. The farmers obviously could not afford expensive machinery. There must his cronies or giant conglomerates benefiting from importing the stuff from Japan.

    I agree with you that if Thaksin were for real, he would have researched vigorously for better ways to farm in Isaan. But he did were populist handouts, accesses to debts, and encouraging them to spend more!


  8. It is worth a reading indeed. :)

    Division is clearly part of their plan. What the government needs to do is not just busing them back to where they were right away. But to re-educate them. Many of them will be enlightened and even become excellent human resource for democracy. Failing to do so will only allow Thaksin to continue planting seeds of hatred.

    Reeducate them to vote dems ?

    Sounds familiar . Abhisit the new Pol Pot or Mao Tze tung ?

    You choose

    Good plan ... :D

    Did I say anywhere that they should be re-educated to vote for Dems? Do not keep politicizing every opinion in this thread in your favour.

    I hope you will be able to get out of the Red Democracy fantasy. Are you Thai? Shame on you sympathizing with the home wreckers.

    For now you are on my ignore list.

  9. It is worth a reading indeed. :)

    Division is clearly part of their plan. What the government needs to do is not just busing them back to where they were right away. But to re-educate them. Many of them will be enlightened and even become excellent human resource for democracy. Failing to do so will only allow Thaksin to continue planting seeds of hatred.

  10. Thaksin must be a psychopath, spending million dollars a day just to instigate violence and hatred in his home country which have killed so many people on both sides. Either for a revenge, serving his inner ego or taking back power ultimately. If I were him, I would have been enjoying sun and beach somewhere in the South Pacific or mountains in Switzerland. I can't believe someone still believe Reds are fighting for democracy. I feel sad for this beautiful country and its people.

  11. Seems the news reports never mention or follow up on their stories. :)


    - It happens on a daily basis left-right-and-centre.

    - Thais are used to it too. Nobody remembers which assailant belongs to which case.

    - Thai police is rarely successful in arresting the criminals. Put it differently they don't give a shoot coz a sense of duty is not as rewarding as licking their boss's shoes.

    - Public transportation is either so inadequate or pathetic that the commuters at their own risk need to depend on motorbikes and illegal vans with reckless drivers.

    Technically every system fails in this country.

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