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Posts posted by aanon

  1. construction: X ให้ X

    type of word(s): X is a verb or adjective

    meaning: If X, so be it.

    example: 1) ตายให้ตาย 2) พังให้พัง

    translation: 1) If I (am about to) die...well, so be it. 2) If it breaks, never mind.

    In response to a query from a fellow student here, I would like to change my earlier translation and say that I find the tone of ตายให้ตาย to be more like "Bring it on!" than a calm "So be it." It contains more bravado than fatalism. That is my sense, anyway.

  2. This is only a maybe: จารบี was once explained to me as derived from a brand name. Anyone else heard the same? Don't mind being wrong, of course...

    Here's more information about the origin of this word.



    They say it comes from Hindi, which got it from Sanskrit. In Sanskrit is means cow fat.

    Thanks Kris, that helps clear up that one.

    I'll add เซเวน to the list. I've found people use it to refer not just to 7-11 but to any similar store.

  3. The word "blackmail" is well understood by Thais, so you could try อย่าคิดเลยว่าจะแบล็กเมล์ฉันได้ (do not think you'll be able to blackmail me) or ฉันไม่ยอมให้ใครมาแบล็คเมล์ฉันหรอก (I'm not about to let anyone blackmail me).

    Depends, of course, on the situation. PST? Any details?


  4. Hi David,

    It's been a while. Glad to see you're still pushing yourself and us fellow learners with the questions...

    I would suggest that 'whether' is perfect but you will need to structure your translation so that the 'whether' covers everything that was between ว่า and หรือไม่ in the original. You'll probably end up with just one sentence...and may need to forego some of the redundancies in the Thai...

    With that, I encourage you to have another go at it.


    I like Software's rendition, although I think that "the public" is an indirect object of ให้, rather than the subject of the final clause. Nonetheless, his translation carries the meaning well. Here is another suggestion:

    "[These incidents] have drawn the attention of both foreign and domestic NGOs and of human rights groups as to whether or not [the government] has extended its powers too broadly. In addition [the government] is being accused of using threats and intimidation to prevent witnesses from speaking publicly."


    นอกจากจะเป็น X ยังถือเป็น Y

    on top of being X, it's also Y

    all of the above needs to be covered by the "whether" in the sentence. there is no new sentence or change from questioning to accusation.

    by the way, what in particular is it that is drawing this attention (if it's something we're allowed to talk about on TV)?


  5. Hi David,

    It's been a while. Glad to see you're still pushing yourself and us fellow learners with the questions...

    I would suggest that 'whether' is perfect but you will need to structure your translation so that the 'whether' covers everything that was between ว่า and หรือไม่ in the original. You'll probably end up with just one sentence...and may need to forego some of the redundancies in the Thai...

    With that, I encourage you to have another go at it.


  6. Well, this is a question which requires a good knowledge of Pali/Sanskrit and Buddhism, as well as perhaps Brahmanism, royal history and a number of other subjects. Which is to say that I can't help you much here. As a translator, I would use the accepted English title for the person, accepting some loss of information for the sake of clarity and brevity. I'm sure there is a lot to be learned, of course, by analysing the full name. I would certainly be interested in such an analysis. For anyone who wants to try, here is the full version:

    "สมเด็จพระบรมราชาธิราชรามาธิบดี ศรีสินทรบรมมหาจักรพรรดิราชาธิบดินทร์ ธรณินทราธิราช รัตนากาศภาสกรวงศ์ องค์ปรมาธิเบศร์ ตรีภูวเนตรวรนายก ดิลกรัตนราชชาติอาชาวไสย สมุทัยดโรมน สากลจักรวาลาธิเบนทร์ สุริเยนทราธิบดินทร์ หริหรินทราธาธิบดี ศรีสุวิบูลย คุณอถพิษฐ ฤทธิราเมศวร ธรรมิกราชาธิราช เดโชชัย พรหมเทพาดิเทพนฤบดินทร์ ภูมินทรปรมาธิเบศร โลกเชษฐวิสุทธิ มงกุฏประเทศคตา มหาพุทธางกูร บรมบพิตร พระพุทธเจ้าอยู่หัว"

  7. The long title is referring to the third king of the Rattanakosin period. You might refer to him as Rama III, or King Jessadabodindra, or look around the net for other possible titles based on this starting point.

    Hope that helps.

  8. Is there a code at the top of your form (perhaps one or two Thai letters and a number, for example)? If so, that could make finding a translation easier.

    Thanks for your help :) .

    I've looked over this document and also last year's contract in detail (we rented the same home)

    and everything which is printed on the latest is in the scan. Unfortunately, there's no document number, on the front or back. Does the writing under the signature spaces have any identification numbers?

    No, it doesn't. Never mind. Mike_l has given you a good indication of what's in the clauses anyway.

  9. This is not the same form but it might help you in a discussion/negotiation or in the future:


    I found a few such things but none exactly the same as your form. Is there a code at the top of your form (perhaps one or two Thai letters and a number, for example)? If so, that could make finding a translation easier.

    Also, speaking of bookstores, you could try asking the staff at SE-ED to point you in the direction of this book: http://www.se-ed.com/eshop/Products/Detail...CookieSupport=1

    It's a collection of bilingual legal documents, including rental contracts. If you don't find this exact book, you may well find another like it.

  10. ผมเองแค่นึกถึงว่าเหนื่อยยากแค่ไหนเวลาหาเสียง ผมก็ไม่อยากกลับไปเลือกตั้งหรอก


    Merely considering the exhausting nature of campaigning, I would of course rather not go to another election; however, dissolving parliament is one way of demonstrating responsibility.

    I think the link between the first two parts here is your main source of difficulty. Hope this helps.

  11. Thanks for the typo, anchan.

    David, I'm not sure but you seem to be suggesting that ปูเสื่อ is linked to women. In any case, let me just point out that ปูเสื่อ means "to lay out a mat" and that bamboo mats (for sitting on) are tied with receiving guests and sitting down together.

    We came across the ubiquitous เสื่อ previously with the saying รับหน้าเสื่อ. I can also think of ม้วนเสื่อกลับบ้าน. I wonder how many other sayings/idioms involve เสื่อ?

  12. sorry, should have addressed the other part as well:



    feel free to ask if there are any further questions.

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