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Posts posted by jimithai

  1. Yawn - anything new, anywhere?

    Those who get enraged about this story are either naive or new to Thailand (and similar countries).

    well - I am not new to Thailand - but I am enraged - for one that sort of news is why many people across the world consider Thailand to be a cesspool of filthy perverted people living here

    If the Thais would change that image by prosecuting the people and judges involved - it would be a good start to acceptance

    for now - when I say where I live - everyone relates Thailand to sex industry and sex tourists

  2. I am not a seasoned member here - but if I may - I thought that some civility was here - no hang-em-high - all that - but nothing in this is factual if you have to use alias' - and if this pervert has been indicted before and has a past news piece - then why all the clandestine wording

    if there are corrupt judges and this guy has committed a crime and not punished - then the world needs to know the facts and show to the world what the Thai justice system is all about - expose them for what they are

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  3. This news exemplifies the strong negative attitude Thai's have for Farangs and the "Get What You Can" attitude underlying with many tourist related services. This should be shared with as wide a group of tourists as possible to thwart the continued use of the tourism companies.

    Maybe groups should hire a car and learn how to avoid these companies entirely.

    If the Thai's working in these service companies are slicing their own throats and do not know it - then let it be - allow them to take away their own jobs and earnings from tourism. There has been murders of tourists for only a few baht. Extreme violence at many tourist destinations across Thailand.

    Tourism accounts for 28% of the national income per year. Noticeable decreases in the amount of tourists visiting has been evident for quite some time now. The many tourist worker's actions are already having a profound effect on the earning potential of the Thai tourism workers and NOW IT'S SHOWING WITH THEM ROBBING BUS LOADS OF TOURISTS.

    There is much more to this story than is being released to the public. This was an opportunistic crime with roots in planned and organized robberies - this will certainly not be the last - as as many have mentioned on this forum - this activity is fueled and perpetuated by this news coverage and the slack actions by the Thai police.

    TAT is not publicizing its statistics for the DROP in tourism. This DROP indicates to many tourists of a deeper problem here in Thailand and will have them choosing other destinations to vacation.

    Those of us who live here will certainly suffer from being the only ones left exposed to these bandits. Possibly being the only prey they will have remaining as the tourists numbers decline more and more each day.

  4. This is a tragic and pointless act by this man. If that’s what anyone should call him! Yes - let the inmates sort it out now. One thing for everyone and most relevant to the officials serving the courts is to recognize that this man is NOT sick. He has no mental incapacities.

    He does deserve the death penalty no matter what insight he provided to the system to what? JUSTIFY? Justify his act or insight to determine his actions that day or his motives? That’s all totally irrelevant at this point.

    He deserves the death penalty - no burden to the already crowded and costly prison system - and most of all a message to everyone that this sort of behavior is not tolerated.

    The Thai government can deal out death sentences for drug trafficking but fails to reinforce acts such as this by punishment to death. What message does that send - that maybe there is hope that if you murder someone you will get a reprieve from your sentence of "Life" some time later while you serve the sentence.

    This man is not sick by any standards. He acted on an impulse. Such people should be punished to the maximum extent the law allows for. Many people everyday suppress wants or desires they recognize as immoral or illegal. Why else would this man plan and even lie about his nationality. Someone like this does not deserve to exist and possibly infect others with his way of thinking.

    Are we going to hear about this man 10 years from now doing the same thing in another country? Death makes disposal of these social parasites so much easier.

    Social parasite – praying on simple social values – like praying on a child in the park saying you have lost your puppy and need help.

    This was an innocent meeting for a woman looking into her future. I am sorry to her family for not getting closure with this man still alive.

  5. Midnight Express - movie about Turkey and hashish. The consequences are simular and what the foriegner did, what the family went through and how he ESCAPED are a true event.

    Good watching and educational pertaining to many countries where the drug cartels - no matter what ethnic origin - have the ability to make big issues out of foreigners - and their exploits and habits - to mask what is really going on behind the curtains they keep so rigidly closed to the rest of the world.

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