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Everything posted by ebean001

  1. Most of the smoke comes from other countries is true. the problem is the other countries are poor. burning is best for them. so who is going to pay the price to stop the smoke. It will not be a small number. maybe an increase in the price of rice with the requirment to stop buring. if caught buring, then fine them because they now have more money. of course, thai has to remain competitve
  2. I have lived in other countries. it is best to pay your fine directly to the police. it is up to them to report it. this makes it simple for foreingers. it should be stanard practice. the alternative...arrest, court, lawyer, go to someplace you cannot find to pay fine....it really coild be a standard police to pay on the spot. they did it once where i lived in thaland. people got stopped. they completed a ticket, the person paid, and off they went. good idea.
  3. he would have lost that in the evening. no big deal. i would not even report 4k. i would think that I probably spent it and forgot that i did.
  4. how about someone who has lived here 15 years and spends 100,000b per month and already has a house but in daughter name.
  5. Drugs are a big business world wide. Good luck to thailand for taking a strong step.
  6. i actually honor Thailand for their driving behavior. there has never been a police stop of an individual car that i have seen in 15 years i have lived here. in USA there has been mulitple murders at traffic stops. huge fines. The drivers here are well discipline compared to other countries. i guess i am missing something in my 15 years here.
  7. i hope the police, parents, etc can find fun events for these kids. the worldis getting boring. allow this again .. just have proper people around for protection.
  8. i suggest you stop thinking of sex, etc. young woman probably not suited to be a good wife but can be. my point is being young is not the selling point for me. there are 24 hours in the day. what are you doing for 23 hours of it. give me a happy lady who i can make even happier. good enough for me. yes, her appearance must be acceptable but age is not the most key factor.
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