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Posts posted by stormnut

  1. In the village it's standard practice to go to the village shop buy 3 bottles of Change and 2 kg of ice, you put the ice in the glass then pour in the beer, and you know, the ice seems to counteract the dehydrating effect of the beer as you never wake up with a hangover and boy have I had some drinking sessions in the village, especially on Sunday afternoon as we sat ate pork crackling, drank Chang Beer and watched Muay Thi

  2. Abhisit's doing great. Hard to do good in this environment, politically or economically. Thaksin saying "you" robbed me of 40M Baht. Ha! More like he robbed it from the citizens of Thailand...he did earn money because he has a brain. He is dang smart. Too bad he opted to use corruption to enhance his wealth instead of good ol' business logic...not so smart after all I guess? Can't wait until he fades away...

    My Thai wife tells me and so does what I have read, that Thaskin made his money BEFORE entering parliament fom companies he owned. I believe he sold a brewery to Singapore (Tiger Lager ??? ) and also a telecommunications company.

    Don't know if what i have read is fact or fiction tho

  3. It's not going to work as planned.

    Ok, maybe a bunch of people will show up, but the existing government will be fine after the dust settles. Have there been reports of payments for attending?

    The Abhisit government is legit and decent. There's no real groundswell against him and his administration. It's another last-ditch and desperate means for an extremely selfish man to try and put his hands back on big money and absolute power.

    I see the OP photo of Thaksin with the words "Thailand needs change" He's trying to copy Obama's success with that line. Yes, Thailand needs change, it needs to get good people in leadership roles, and get away from the ugly patterns of having people like Thaksin in the driver's seat. Thailand needs to change being so tolerable to treasonous people like Thaksin. It needs to change being so forgiving to Thaksin's puppets, like Sae Daeng, who toss explosives here and there.

    The sooner Thailand changes from being harassed from Thaksin and his followers, the sooner Thailand can get moving forward to improving quality of life and cleaning up the environment and doing the many other things that have been put off because of the incessant hassling from Thaksin and his paid intimidators.

    Thai 'yellow shirt' political leader shot

    How can Thaskin copy obamas success ??? Thaskin entered politics in the mid-1990s and briefly held ministerial roles, but failed to make much impact.

    Business in trouble rallied behind the new party. Between its foundation in 1999 and the general election in January 2001.

    Are not the red shirts now doing what the yellow shirts did ? try and topple the government

    I suggest you read PLUTO-POPULISM IN THAILAND: BUSINESS REMAKING POLITICS by Pasuk Phongpaichit and Chris Baker in the Bangkok post August 28 2002

    before you say Thaskin was greedy, he did a lot for the rural sector, the backbone of Thailand, where the food comes from.

    Thaskin made his money BEFORE coming to power by doing things the present government never thought of doing.

    " Thaksin and TRT also appealed to the rural mass that had borne the brunt of the crisis

    through the collapse of crop prices, and the decline of remittance income from migrant

    relatives working in the city. Between 1996 and 1999, (before thaskin came to power) the official count of the number below the poverty line had risen by 3 million,

    The red shirts are protesting for a number of reasons, including the FACT the present government was not elected it came to power through parliamentry reshuffle not an election by the people.

    This is a revolution I think, previously the yellows and the yellow ministers got rid of Thaskin, now the reds and the red ministers and the " watermelon army" (so called because they wear green but their heart is red) are trying to do the same

  4. if anwar agreed to 150 Baht ($4.52 US Dollars) then only offered 100 Baht, and DID kick the tyre and be rude to the tuk tuk driver then he deserved to get punched for the sum of $4.52 i bet Anwar would do more than that if someone tried to rip him off in Canada.

    Thailand, like Australia has 1 golden rule......................................if you don't like it F%#k off and go home !!!

  5. Hi, My wife came out to Australia on a tourist visa after we had married in a non registered Buddhist Ceremony in her village of Bankao.

    We married at the registry office here in Brisbane as we had our big wedding in Thailand.

    We then got the "Spouse Visa" forms while she was here in Brisbane and she took them back with her to Bangkok, had her blood tests and X Rays there (A LOT CHEAPER THAN HAVING THEM DONE HERE) note if she has children they will have to have blood tests too even if they are not coming over at the beginning.

    She took everything to the Australian Embassy in Bangkok and one week later had her spouse visa which enabled to get a job on return to Australia, and to get a medicare card.

    The spouse visa goes for 2 years then is changed to a residents visa.

    If you live in Brisbane, want to come see us and talk, drop me a line, we have helped 2 guys bring their Thai wives here, and have made some good friends.


  6. Hey guys,

    This is the situation. My fiance is in Australia with me now....she originally came across on a 3 month tourist visa, and sucessfuly had that extended another three months. She is due to leave start of September. We are then going to apply for a prospective marriage visa, but I believe this had to be applied for in Thailand - is there any bridging visa that she can apply for so in the five months meantime that this visa is processed she can stay with me in australia?

    Also, because I am just about to finish my postgraduate studies - I havn't worked for a while and don't have recent pay slips showing a huge income...maybe just partime work about 400-500/week. Would this be sufficient to show that I can support her, or is it possible to use my Mum and Dad as sponsors for the application of such a visa?

    Is there any better way to be doing this? Do you think she will be able to successfuly get another tourist visa if she has already stayed with me for 6 months? Would prefer a visa that she could work with......help with the cashflow :o

    Thanks in advance for any comments/help

  7. I am wondering if anyone could give the the name and email address as well as physicall address of a company in Thailand that manufactures baby cot sheet and blanket sets as well as baby cots.

    The company I work for are looking at importing sheets, blankets and cots from Thailand to here in Brisbane Australia.

    The manager and I are visiting Thailand later this year with my Thai wife on a business trip to place some orders and need to get in touch with some manufacturers.

    Any assistance in pointing me in the right direction enabling me to contact the manufacturer would be appreciated.

    You can contact me by the link below

    Cot Sheet and Cot Manufacturers Wanted Link


  8. I think if Thailand did start making and exporting computers, tv's radios and a lot of other things then it would be very beneficial to the country.

    Maybe it would make the world stop and think about other things other than Thailand is a cheap place to visit for everything, and I do mean everything.

    I only spent 16 days in and around Pak Thong Chai, but the people were the most friendliest, and gentle people I have met, but also very poor because of the lack of work, and what work there is, is very hard and for very poor pay.

    My wife is still in Thailand, (I am in Brisbane Australia) and she works in a laundry ironing clothes for between 12 and 16 hours a day 7 days a week for 15,000 Baht per month.

  9. I live in Brisbane Australia, my Thai wife is in Pattaya but will be joining me here soon.

    I look at news items like this and wonder if Australia will eventually head down the same path.

    I cannot remember who said it the other day, but a visiting professor said that we need to close the migration door to Islamics and Muslims for fear that they will unite, organise and turn on us.

    We had riots in Sydney NSW 2 years ago that basically isolated 3 or 4 suburbs because of the street riots, burning cars, mobs attacking Australians and property of anyone else that voiced an opinion against them.

    News reports showed muslims openly stating (quote) "We may live here but we don't live by your laws"

    Australian Women have been raped, the rapists protected by their families and by the muslim community with the attitude of,......."They deserved it, asked to be raped by the way they dressed, short skirts skimpy tops or on the beach......bikini's "

    I am NOT racist, I have no ill feelings toward any race creed or colour, HOWEVER I do believe, if you live in a certain country, learn the language, adopt the language, the culture, the laws and blend your beliefs with that of the country you have chosen to live in.

    AND if you don't believe in their laws, don't like their laws, their culture go back to your own country, run for parliament and change the things the citizens of your birth country do not like.

    Let everyone live in peace together, we can all learn a lot from each other, I have learnt many interesting things about Thailand, about the culture the religion and have met some beautiful gentle people who although poor and without much food, always amazed me by putting a glass of scotch in one hand, a plate of food in the other and told me to join them if they saw me walking up the street in my wifes village

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