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Posts posted by dustybooky

  1. This hassurely been discussed before but its been a whlie back but as things change its good to have the latest.

    I put this up in an other VT forum this AM but that forum*, I now realise was not the right spot.

    Here's what I know and assume about Thai and euthanasia methods and regulations in Thai:

    There is info on the net about methods and substance (applies anywhere)

    Supply is supposedly local then shipped abroad (does not work for me, being local I don't need to do this)

    I'm looking for information of certain aspects of euthanasia, preferably from a VT member.

    Having said that:

    The subject matter could well be a minefield if dealt publicly on this forum.

    I've been a good member of TV for several years.

    I guess my best hopes resides in getting infor from long living VT members in Thai.

    if members are well versed in the subject and feels like sharing info, I may be contatcted from this post but also foom PM.

    Hope to hear from you soon

    TY VM

    • Like 1
  2. Instead of dwelling on this horrible accident, I prefer to give my opinion on the root cause: An obcession with amassing, hoarding wealth legally or otherwise.

    Curruption is often central to this

    People take bribes for overlooking safety regulations being applied Result (s), A few or a few hundred people die maybe because the installation of "copy" brake pads saved a few TBs.or cheaper materials were used in building an apprtment block or a dam. Key individuals who profess their love of country (often strident ultra-nationalists) are not immune from accepting tea money that will help sink an otherwise good development program.


    It hurts every facet of life (usually well beyond the value of the bribe itself) .

    Its not that people don't care...its worse they are immune to it, its at every level of society in many countries including ceartain "first world" countries where income inequality is just as bad as underdeveloped nations.

    A survey a few years ago said a majority of Thais were OK with corruption

    If the % is changing in a positive way (an awakening of sorts) it isn't enough because while many are against it for others...

    that 500TB bribe they just paid out will turn out to be a big timesaver time which will be used to gather substantailly moreTB

    My kid lost a contest in school not because he was second best but because #1's mom paid for her daughter to win.

    I know my wife still enters him in such rigged events and never comes in a winner but I'm happy that bothe she and he unsterstands why.

    3 to 500K bribes are paid out to enter the police force, how many years would it take for an honest cop to make that amount back on their meager salaries?

    Some may say my 2 bths work has little to do with the tragic death of 27 people, I beg to differ. There is at least one of the things I mentioned above or if not then another that was a major critical (if not The...) issue at the heart of this

    When money becomes the new religion (it has been for a while), the value of life and its quality take the hit and get de-valued.

    You only need have a good sense of observation a memory of how things have changed to see the big picture, fortunately these conclusions cannot be blocked out form your reasonong as ithe skyline has been by those huge advertisement signs.

    • Like 2
  3. Hi,

    Welcome toCNX.

    I'm married to a Thai woman and have been for nearly 10 years.

    I'm here on a non-o married visa and thats worked out good for the last few years.

    I doubt that you have a similar situation but you can opt for the 800K route if unmarried and its basically the same thing without the relationship..

    When we bought land I knew it had to be in my wife's name.

    The chenote was a real one so no contest there.

    My lawyer (here in CNX) is excellent and drew up a usefruct where my wife owns the land and I get to stay on it for as long as I want to.

    This is probably the best you could hope to get and no one could contest it unless they can prove you are the one who paid for the land

    You would need a trusted Thai individual to pull this off.

    Don't go for anything less than a chenote ti-deen and an airtight package or else save yourself some time and grief and flush your cash down the toilet immediately.

    The result will be about the same..

    The other option is going condo or appartment buyer, you won't own the land so no problem.

    In any case, be careful, very careful this will probably be your last home purchase.

    I say that because if you try and sell you'll only get a fraction of it back specially if people know selling is your only option and doing so within a short timeframe.

    I don't drive here but I will say this, there seems to be a marked advantage in owning a truck (I think SUVs fit into this category).

    You can buy a new one for cheaper than many used cars.

    Thailand has the 2nd biggest pickup market in the world after the US,

    My guess is because pickups are more utiliterean than cars, a people's vehicle if you will.

    In any case the difefence is so stark that it could not be other than gov. policy.

    Go to dealers and compare prices between new trucks and new sedans, it should confirm my point.

    Lots of good looking used vehicles most of them repos, yes many live well beyond their means.

    I guess you have enough frienship info already besides I don't get around much...I don't do bars, I do hospital outpatient appointments!

    I speak english and french as well and my wife who runs a claundry business speaks prety good english.

    We don't go out so we could not be counted on to be bridge players or do tea at 4..

    We've been here 5 years and apart from the air and noise pollution its quite good.

    My wife is not from here (closer to BKK originally) and she likes it to.

    You can PM me if you need more info.

    Good luck



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  4. The US Govt and the Chamber of Commerce both lobbied and arm twisted the Thai Govt into letting in The Tobacco Companies that were being so badly treated in the US.

    Since that time cigatte consumption has gone up dramatically and now over 350,000 Thais develop lung disease yearly.

    I got absolutely no sympathey for the Tobacco lobby and the rest of that culture of death & violence that is being foisted on developing countries.

    It's neo-colonialism at its worst.

  5. Harry,

    Thank you much, I'm in CNX and have used Suan Dok a number of times.

    I'm gonna look into this asap.

    I have nothing against a state / university hospital like SD.

    When I need good medical care I don't need a private room nor do I need TV or pastel colored walls

    I never watch TV at home and frankly doing so in the hospital I know I'd feel worse.

    The nurses can be and are (I'm sure) as beautiful as at any private and my bill will range about 25 to 33% of a private.

    Now...if I only get them to up the morphine dosage I'd be all setbiggrin.png


  6. I'm not judging this case in particular but having worked in the ME and knowing lots of ME types I can say this.

    Lots of Middle East types come here with loads of cash but want everything for free or next to it.

    They look down on SE Asians (indeed all but their particular tribe or nation), so f%$&in' over Buddhists is a good thing

    See them on Sukhumvit dealing to no end for cheap knock-offs like watches...the gaudier, louder-looking the better.

    Sex is another commodity, they would not think of bar-fining a bar girl, too much moolah...costs 2-3 times as much

    So they do street pickup and deal that down to the insult level.

    Ask these girls what they think of them in general, if theyre candid their opinions vary from 3 to 0 stars customer, individual-wise

    Other cost saving measures- no condoms...bring the STDs back home to the wife whose caring for the six kids.

    The flip-side: One night I went to an Arab style bar in a Soi Nana hotel, action starts at about 2AM and runs to about 5 or 6

    The decor, customers all ME, you'd think you're in Cairo or Beirut.

    Drinks are 3-4 times more expensive than Thai bars,

    The girls are, for the most part, fat and ugly and dumpy, mostly Moroccan or Egyptian and the money flies through the air...literally

    These guys (i'm sure some of them weredealing down street watches that very day) are throwing 1K baht notes by the handful to these dancers.

    The fattest ugliest ones are always the biggest earners, same as in Muscat or Dubai.

    I could never figure out why since these guys have as much chance of getting one to their room as an ice cube has of surviving 24 hrs in hell.

    When something happens like this story happens (and I see it a lot ine the Visa News headlines), they're seen as the victims but if people knew the whole story...they'd often root for the freelancer.


  7. I don't think there is much to figure out or disect about Thaksin.

    He's a successful S.E. Asian businessman whose only concerns is money and power.

    He's clever about co-opting the rural peasantry but would only do something for them in order to stay in power.

    He should be taken serously because he can manipulate the rural masses and he is utterly ruthless.

    In this part of the world most people believe that its a leader's right to profit personally by whatever means

    What democracy means here is you get to vote and are paid to do so, its only natural that those costs be recouped at a later time.

    Thaksin is a disengenuous man and humorless man.

    To illustrate this point witness how he handled a question put to him by a young Thia reporter.

    Q: "What does human rights mean to you"

    A. " Human rights is the right to be human".

    By taking the question so lightly is proof that:

    A- He doesn't believe in the principle

    B) He'd never make it as a comedian outside of Thailand.

    So, anyone who believes he is the spearhead of a real democracy would be in for a rude shock if he were to regain power.


    • Like 1
  8. Hi,

    A site I visit often (http://www.bolt.cd/ ) has been inaccesible(for me at least) for close to 24 hours.

    http://www.websitedown.info says that it's up?

    I ping it at it seems to confirm what websitedown is saying but my browsers tell another story.

    Both FF and Chrome cannot access it > Server not found Firefox can't find the server at www.bolt.cd.

    One thing websitedown is in the US and I'm in CNX

    If you're in Thai what's it like for you?

    Other places are OK, just this one.

    Thnaks for taking the time to read this


  9. If its meant to help extort cash, I don't think it will work.

    Who has tried to buy health insurance for over 60 from a Thai Co.?

    Chances are (99%) they'll refuse anyone over 60.

    Is this the kind of stuff you want to advertize your country with?

    Age discrimination?

    The Thai companies (as others) like a sure bet.

    Consider these little gems of the Ins Biz in Thai

    I asked my house insurance rep. about insuring a laptop.

    She said yes but only valid if it was in my house ????

    A laptop...it's made for mobility for f&6%s sake.

    No longer insured!

    Another, related to health ins.:

    You buy HI and go to the hospital stated in your policy

    They're invariably full, cannot take another patient...unless he pays cash

    Bozo ends up paying at least 2 or 3 times what he would have if he paid cash when required to

    Given he thinks he'll be better off at a private inst., he ends up paying about 10-12 times what I pay at a gov.t hospital

    I was sick a number of times last year, a few emergency trips,2-3 week stays

    Doesn't cost me more than HI policy which is probably not worth the paper its written on.

    "Oh, did you not read the fine print ? ...we only pay if you were hospitalized on a Sunday, Tuesday or Thursday...You were? Ah but those days were even-numbered days, we only pay...and if it was a non-raining but cloudy odd-numbered day..."

    I would prefer put my money in the toilet and flush than deal with those guys.

    My odds would be better that the toilet would pay off like a Vegas slot machine.

    I don't own wheels so I have no ins.of any kind, pay as you go, so far I've saved a lot.

    Over 60 would be forced to buy HI outside Thailand.

    Not cheap and, frankly I don't think that much better, unless we're talkin non-American.

    Am I being harsh on US companies?

    ..just look at what Big Pharma and HI do to ordinary Americans.

    Why not export those successful techniques?

    Guess that's where the Thai co. got their inspiration.

    As for hospitals, I not longer do the Bumrungrad shuffle, a good university (govt.) hospital will cost me about 20% with the same diagnosis, treatment and meds. I will do without the pastel walls, private rooms, TV (sheet, I don't watch it at home, gimme morphine and I'll make my own Panorama) and other non-essentials if I pay for health care vs health insurance.

    Yeah, I know, they look more like real Drs. but haven't you learnt anything about looks, appearances in Thai Yet?

    In time, the cheaper Gulf Arabs will figure out you get as good or better HC in Chennai than BKK at a much cheaper rate, with as good if not better professionals and with less flying time.


  10. Here's what I remember: If you put some on tin foil and cooked it all that was left after was a thin sticky red film nothing else. I tried that with other varieties and there was always a thick black crust (impurities). If some water was added to it (as in a spoon say) it would dissolve autimatically, no need to stir or filter, it simply vanished. I myself would still use a filter but only as a "cushion" to prevent barbing the needles. The outcome of those operations are to me, the standards by which to measure all other varieties. Its the first and last time I ever saw quality other than clinically made. The latter were never any better. However, the kicker was that it left you with no pins and needles just a nice warm wave, like being inside ypur own air-conditioned balloon.

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  11. Yes I remember the heroin 96% pure and less that $10,000 a kilo, $10 a gram. Those were the days my friends. Now in Lao $60 a gram. Afghanistan has taken over the worlds production, dirty brown stuff, not taken to the fourth step in the process.

    Pang/pong Khao.

    Yeah I remember that as well, they called it Chinese Pink No.4. You mean to say noone makes that any more?

    I thought they still did so in Burma. If what they seize (small quantities these days) is not No.4 then its No.3 and made in Afghan? That does not add up. I hear there are labs as close to Tachilek and they make it the good ole fashioned way. If its brown and from Afghan why would they export it here? I presume it goes through BKK and not Rangoon and if it does go through Rangoon why haul it all the way up to Waland which is the hottest border crossing point.

    Just trying to make sense of the whole thing


  12. Every time I read or hear about this, I'm reminded that not all "foreigners" are born equal in the LoS.

    My landlady is snapping up land 50 / 60 rais at a fast clip, pays top baht.

    She and her husband, kids have Thai passports.

    They came here less than 5 years ago from China.

    The land is in a Thai cousin's name but what about the passports?

    Maybe the passports are a bit too new to have her cousin sell her back the land for 1 baht, go figure.

    In the meantime poor Thais split 1 to 3% commissions 15 ways and are sometimes landless themselves.


  13. I think I can see which way this will be going.

    Remember the dark years aka the Bush2step?

    Yes, who can forget!

    Here's the scenario (modified to fit the circumstances):

    1- Posts will be given out based on ideological adherence instead of competence (the rot has already set in)

    2- The hidden agenda is brought out and put into action (Not a Coalition of the willing but a simple 1 man invasion)

    3- All goes rapidly downhill due to (choose 1 or more options) incompetence, corruption, lack of or bad planning, whistleblowers and other evil-doers, croynism leads to rapid fossilization, opaqueness slowly becomes translucent until transparency lets the sun shine through once more >> leads to exposure and public knowledge / outrage and cries of "We've been F$#@&d again".

    BTW, Phases 2 and 3 only kick in when its safe to bring the don back from exile in (take your pick (Sicily, Montenegro, Dubai, Phnom Pen). I'm sure he'd make a great guest of honor at a BBQ in Crawford but his Sriracha is still too hot for Thai-US relations right now. Besides W don't like being used, he's a user.



  14. Hi,

    I've been living in Thailand for some years but without actually doing business here.

    Maybe someone has been some experience in this.

    I have an off-shore company registered in HK that markets Thai-made goods abroad.

    I was hoping to get Paypal HK to accept payments before I transfer them to my commercial account in HK.

    Paypal says that they can open a company acct no problem but I must be in HK to make the transfers to my commercial bank acct.

    With tens of thousands of companies listed in HK there must be a workaround to this, if so PP isn't telling me.

    To me PP is a way to make purchases more customer friendly... I'm open to alternatives to PP.

    PP HK suggested that I open a (commercial) account here in Thai but I'm asking myself will PP-Thailand not say no because my company is HK-registered???

    BTW, I'm only considering PP since it has more "visibility" in western markets where most of my business comes from.

    What I really want is to keep as much as I can in HK (you can do so much more with capital there) and avoid bank transfers wherever and whenever possible.

    All suggestions are welcome.



  15. Every now and then there will be an article about a farang killing a Thai woman. Usually those cases are not about a married couple but about a boyfriend or customer. But you are correct, I also cannot recall (but I am sure someone else can) a case where the farang husband killed his Thai wife.


    There was one recently (less than 1 year ago) here in Chiang Mai. A Frenchman if memory serves me right. She was found in the trunk of a car. But oyu are correct to say the score seems a bit lob sided...money is a big motivator.


  16. "Anyway, you people can afford it" is an insulting, racist comment and I ask the forum moderators to remove it!

    I don't agree, leave it there.

    This forum is being read by as many if not more people who are outside Thailand, let them see it for what it is.

    Too many people think like that, its the ugly side of nationalism, it is chauvinism.

    When people go somewhere and find out they are charged more than others based on their ethnicity, background or because they are perceived as well off or just plain suckers...word gets around.

    This kind of behavior certainly is for something in the dwindling tourism numbers...word gets around.

    Its short term group think and it stinks.

    The person who wrote that is not alone and has just done a great disservice to his/her country.

    This mentality is well entrenched here, it is taught in the school and at home.

    Those who traveled abroad have a better chance of ridding themselves of it although that is certainly not a guarantee.


  17. Thanks PMNL,

    What you say is surely the case but my wife met with a wall of Uhhs! & Dunnos today.

    Some days are like that.

    I told her she should complain to admin about the service but...

    She couldn't even get a phone number from a couple of places.


  18. Hi,

    I want to keep this short, I'll skip the why and go directly to the what.

    Please tell me where, in CHX, can a person get tested for possible mercury poisoning???

    This is a rather simple procedure (a blood test analysis) but it seems difficult to get an straight answer even if you are Thai.

    My wife tried to find out today but the hospital information counters are akin to the Micro$oft help files...unhelpful

    She even spoke to a doctor and the best she was able to find out is "you can send it (a sample) to Bangkok" without even telling her where in Bangkok. I would have expected such unreponsiveness more in places like Cambodia, Burma or Laos but, I guess, the concept of preventative medicine has yet to even reach here.



  19. I posted before on this subject, I mentioned that I'd seen some RSs acting like fascists.

    I haven't changed my opinion on that, some do and are.

    You need to look at individual's motives ,

    I'm sure most aren't fascists but rather people who simply want respect and a piece of the pie.

    No, not a bier piece, some haven't even had crumbs yet.

    I wish those the best but I'm not overly optimistic about their chances.

    The bullies are the ones you need to look out for, they're not out there for "democracy", they just want to be the new rulers, like their paymaster.

    Get the old oligarchy out and it will be replaced by these guys PDQ.

    They're already well off, have more than they need.

    But they're not where they want to be just yet, this is their chance.

    BTW, my guess is none of them are amongst the injured or the dead, they stand way at the back where its safe.

    After all, somebody (with the right qualifications, ie: lotsa TB) needs to be there to fill the vacuum when the time comes.

  20. I don't buy the decoy thing, not in this case.

    Who wants to put up 7 pounds of pure snow as a decoy?

    Someone also mentioned why don't they just tag her and follow her to destination.

    Maybe they would but they'd have to 1- know for sure she's got it; 2-where she's going an; 3-wire the bags, put in a device.

    The reason that's not being done is either that theydon't have preventive means (intelligence) to know what these people are doing ahead of time and/or they don't want to know. Having been here a while my guess is that its the former. Crime prevention ain't big here, it's less work to just clean up the mess or at least the part of the mess that's showing

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