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Posts posted by midbrowcrisis

  1. Meme,

    I've studied at Payap in the Master's program in TESOL. I wouldn't recommend the program to everyone but for the right student it can be a good program. It's not a nuts and bolts 'training' program in teaching so if that's what you're after you might be disappointed. It's also not like an M.A. in education where you intern with a more experienced teacher for a year or part of your year so if that's your expectation I wouldn't recommend it. The emphasis in the program is on exposing students to a wide range of ideas in language learning and teaching English to speakers of other languages. It is definitely not on ' the one right way to learn a language or teach it', with a training in teaching that particular trendy new methodology. Classes mostly consist of discussion about the readings; sometimes there is small group or individual presentation of a topic. But definitley it is mostly discussion about the readings.

    It's an academic program. For each course, students must write between 2 to 4 papers. Some courses require presentations as well. There is a lot of reading to do. Papers require referring to the research on topics and sometimes some research as well. It's fairly intensive. For people only wanting a training program this might not be appealing.

    Also, currently none of the teachers are American or Canadian. They are from Britain or Australia. If you are wanting Canadian or American teachers that might be something to consider as well.

    Personally, I feel I have learned a lot here and I'm a better, more thoughtful teacher than I was before. I especially like the classes in language system, language skills, assessment, and language acquisition. Some of the other courses I didn't get as much out of but that's just my personal experience.

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