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Posts posted by jinjo

  1. I find it amusing at best and embarrassing at worst, but in actually I think this entire mask thing is a joke, if it's not a N95 mask and it's not being worn properly then it is medically useless...  Viruses are smaller than bacteria, and to recycle your own breath is more harmful than helpful to anyone's health...


    Strangely even here in United States you are ostracized if you don't wear a mask in many public venues...  But people are awakening to the truth of this whole plandemic...  I can only hope that the economy will recover quickly enough, and that the damage already done can be repaired...  For those who were lost, may it not be in vain...  May we take the lessons learned and grow and prosper from this very ugly event in history...  Absolute power always corrupts absolutely...

    • Like 1
  2. 16 hours ago, CNXexpat said:

    I was wrong. In 2017 Thailand is BEHIND the US. The most 2nd and 3rd world countries too - except them in middle or south America plus South Africa.


    Being an American I feel America needs to be defended, but as usual our so called friends are late as usual... So why would it bother anyone that someone has the ability to protect himself and others if need be.  With America's 2nd Amendment it has armed it self against all enemies foreign and domestic...  If you want to ban something that is causing needless loss of lives, oh I dare say SPEECH itself...

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  3. 3 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    A total, knee jerk misunderstanding of the facts. Perhaps you want to read the article over again, and stop listening to the very white house and fox news talking points for just one moment?


    Make America safe? What has he done about the daily shootings happening in the US? Anything? Has he honored his promise to seek better background checks? No. Has he done anything?

    If we could just take all the guns we would be safe, obviously those countries that are gun free have no killing taken place every day...

  4. 9 hours ago, Sakeopete said:

    Criminals don't stop being criminals when you take away a source of income. If anything violent crime will get worse. More kidnapping, extortion and home invasions for a start.

    Well said, Tigers don't change there stripes...  That being said this area of Mexico is giving Mexico a bad name, and it has been said that Mexico has become a Narco-State or is well on the way to becoming a Narco-State...  I do think Trump is willing to defend America's borders, and I only hope he doesn't have too...

  5. Is this really George Orwell's 1984.  Look it was very charming building obviously of a by gone era.  If it was that important with all due respect the ASA could of raise the funds to buy the property, or bid to do the demolition and removal of the building to a fitting location...


    Reminds me of the rao against the Donald Trump demolition of the Bonwit Teller Building in particular the Art Deco-Facade Sculpture for the erection of Trump Tower.  The Art community was asking for these two Facade Sculpture of Interest to be preserved.  But no one offer to lift a finger to remove and preserve, only lip service, and public ridicule was ever given... 


    And as most things in life goes "Time is Money."



  6. On 8/21/2019 at 6:50 AM, bristolboy said:

    Most people would be hard pressed to come up with a more ridiculous statement than yours about Greenland. Because refusing to sell Greenland to the United States means that Denmark hates America? Really?


    But you might just have done it with this: "I have to stop this madness at some point, if we entered and prevailed then what, which European Country would ask for protection next, England against the EU?" 




    Time will Tell, Time will Tell...  It's not like Britain did not need defending from other European Powers before.  

    • Haha 1
  7. 7 hours ago, Sophon said:

    It was a ridiculous idea. Sure, seen from a U.S. centric point of view there would be advantages to having control over Greenland, but to believe in this day and age that a country would sell part of their national territory (including the people living there) is absurd.


    How to you think the U.S. (and Trump) would have reacted, if the Canadian prime minister had started talking about buying Alaska from the U.S.?



    With a population of less than 57,000 and enough money to go around for each and every inhabitant might change people’s hearts and minds...  There are other powers in the world that might be interested in such strategic location between the United States and Northern Europe, and they may or may not be willing to pay.


    For example, a rising power like China could take it by force if interested.  Then who would the Danes look too to protect there interested in Greenland.  Just perhaps Trump is just trying to inoculate himself from having to come to the aid of Greenland, the Danes, and the European Union.


    Let's see what Trump could say if he chose not to defend Greenland;


    "Look I offered to buy Greenland and they said never, we never want to be American."  "How can I demand the American people to shed American Blood and Treasure for a people who hate America."  "I have to stop this madness at some point, if we entered and prevailed then what, which European Country would ask for protection next, England against the EU?" 

    • Confused 5
    • Sad 1
  8. Unfortunately like most problems it has to have a dramatic economic impact before it will be address.  I am sure their are enough laws on the books, their usually are.  They just need to be enforced, unfortunate may that be on all concerned.


    We're is Big Joke now, when the country needs him...  Quick someone turn on the Big Joke Light...  No one likes control, till things get out of control...  

  9. I don't see a problem here, it's their freedom, and actual causing little harm to anyone.  I share your amusement. 


    But imagine the boys doing stupid daredevil tricks, they got to get their kicks somewhere.  And the boys taking video of there Daredevil exploits, all's great till someone breaks a neck...  Granted it's not as safe as playing Video Games...  Actual I would rather the boys be involve with Scouts, Organized Sports, or other more beneficial Clubs, but the 50's are long gone...  I can remember the 60's generation who could be encapsulate as "Turn on, Tune In, Drop Out," and I am not sure it ever stopped...  


    Yes, you are right it's very superficial, but is it strange that females often take pictures of themselves especially when they are at what arguably could be there best times in their lives.  I bet many middle age and older women would like to have pictures of themselves at that very same age.  

  10. 15 hours ago, direction BANGKOK said:

    I have no problem with presidents being compelled to release returns in all future elections. That would have probably precluded all of this mess. 

    As an American I would think Americans should make the decision on who is president and who is not.  True current law does not require any submission of ones tax records publicly, and that law could change.  But let me assure you Trumps taxes have been thoroughly investigated by the Obama politicized/weaponized IRS and there was no there, there.  Don't worry it will all come out, all of our political institutions have been damaged and found corrupted.  Be patience Time will Tell all.  My only tip is invest in popcorn, it's going to be a great show.

    • Like 1
  11. On 2/12/2019 at 11:21 PM, SammyT said:

    "Sanook said that the arrest of the Myanmar nationals was as a direct result of their body odor."

    Using Sanook as a reliable source of facts is a dangerous game...

    I am a nobody, but I know that at times unscrupulous employers of illegal labor will use their labor, promise to pay once they reach another job sight, then called the authorities who setup a stop and then detain and return to them to their country of origin, without ever being paid. 


    I feel for all involved, the authorities are being used, the bus company is being used, and other passengers are being used.  This is a vicious cycle, used over and over.  It's terrible travesty of justices.

  12. On 3/23/2019 at 2:06 AM, Skallywag said:

    What do thai's need to "give back"?  The Thai are a people and we are the temporary visitors in their Kingdom.  The people, the food, and overall cost of living are all positives in my opinion


    I lived in the USA for 60 years and do not believe I got back anything that I did not work for, pay taxes for, or pay insurance for.   Even visiting "National Parks" and "public beaches" costs money in the USA


    Cannot find data on the economic input of European and american full time residents, but likely fairly small (not including tourists)  maybe 6%:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Thailand   


    I could not agree more, possibly like you I am a Ugly American who had to work for everything I received, and have never look for a hand out.  But I have put my hand out to help many, because I could, and I wanted too.  So, I ask what's wrong with us Ugly Americans?

  13. Simply put, at what point does the legal citizens of any country have a right to say enough with immigration? 


    I agree that most citizens within the USA have family members who migrated to the USA.  I ask does that make it right for any and all to migrate to the USA at any time, without being put thru a legal process to ensure they will not become a burden to all the citizens?


    Do the USA citizens have to wear Yellow Vest to have there voices heard, do they have to burn down and destroy their cities to seek redress of their grievances?

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