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Posts posted by sbkk

  1. You have three possibilities:

    - register a 30 year lease;

    - register a usufruct; or

    - register a superficies

    I suggest you consult a lawyer.

    Not referring to any of those, specifically to a charge / lien.

    Hi - security over land in a Chanote will not automatically give you security over building on that land - a registered security over the house itself would be a separate process and query whether the local Ampur would be receptive to this. If the house is to be built on land owned by the recipient, you could obtain a mortgage over the land to secure amounts loaned to acquire/build the house. Agree with previous post that it's time to consult a lawyer - preferably one in the area of the house who will be familiar with what the local land office/Ampur is used to seeing. Good luck.

  2. I had my dog cremated at a temple at Khlong Toei, by the River, several years ago. Can't remember the amount of the donation but perhaps a couple of thousand Baht.

    Is it a normal practice for temples to cremate family pets if requested?

    If so, what is the normal costs? If not, are there crematoria that provide these services?

  3. Last week I recieved a letter that there will be a shareholder meeting of the Thai company of which I own 40% of the stocks (4 million registered capital). The meeting will be april 28th. I can't really make it on that short notice to appear at that meeting.

    I have some disputes with my Thai partner over some bills he sent me for work done in December 08 and January 09 (I let people there manufacture stuff for my clients here). For that he already sent a lawyer/representative to face me in court in 3 weeks.

    But now my questions:

    1) Can I send someone else to that Shareholders meeting? Who can use my voting rights there? I can arrange some legal paper work so that person represents me in that meeting.

    2) Without me being there, can they decide to somehow get rid of me, and 'destroy' my shares? (if point 1 fails)

    3) There's some profit made last year, will it have to be given to the shareholders?

    Another option is to join the meeting by web-conference, but I'm pretty sure there won't be much cooperation to arrange that.

    Hope anyone can shine a light on these matters! Thanks in advance!

    Hi Dutchguy - ask your lawyers to attend the meeting as your proxy.

  4. Hi Ric

    Did you get my reply to the PM you sent me? I can put you in touch with the owner of a 2br at Baan Talay Samran who might have what you are looking for.

    I keep hearing some good things about BaanTalay Samran. Can I get a private rental from an owner? Also, are any for sale by owner?


    rick :o

    We have a two storey house in Baan Talay Samran which we throrougly enjoy - they have a a low rise condo building as well as detached houses, all on condo title. BTS is close to but North of Cha Am , which makes for a slightly quicker trip from Bangkok. This is a wonderful family venue we would recommend to anyone and it has a good mix of Thais and Europeans.

    We also have a 2 bedroom condo (newer than BTS) on the top storey of a 4 storey low-rise in Puktien - a very sleepy town maybe 20km North of Baan Talay Samran that not many people have heard of and which is enjoyable for that reason. Nicely fitted out building managed by the owners of the Puktien Cabana Resort and beachfront restaurant across the road but smaller than BTS. Ocean views from the en-suite bathtub are a plus but some might find the location a bit too remote compared to Hua Hin.

    You are welcome to PM me for details. Are you in Thailand?

    I am interested in Cha Am/ Hua Hin. I would like a condo for 5 to 6 million. I see some advertised, but do not know what buildings are in good shape and well managed.

    Several ads show beach front, large two bedroom, sea view, furnished, etc. in this price range. I will only purchase foreign freehold (otherwise might as well buy a house).

    If you live in a place like this, that is a good peaceful :D building, and you would recommend; please give me the name and location of your condo project. Perhaps you can have a new neighbour.

  5. We have a two storey house in Baan Talay Samran which we throrougly enjoy - they have a a low rise condo building as well as detached houses, all on condo title. BTS is close to but North of Cha Am , which makes for a slightly quicker trip from Bangkok. This is a wonderful family venue we would recommend to anyone and it has a good mix of Thais and Europeans.

    We also have a 2 bedroom condo (newer than BTS) on the top storey of a 4 storey low-rise in Puktien - a very sleepy town maybe 20km North of Baan Talay Samran that not many people have heard of and which is enjoyable for that reason. Nicely fitted out building managed by the owners of the Puktien Cabana Resort and beachfront restaurant across the road but smaller than BTS. Ocean views from the en-suite bathtub are a plus but some might find the location a bit too remote compared to Hua Hin.

    You are welcome to PM me for details. Are you in Thailand?

    I am interested in Cha Am/ Hua Hin. I would like a condo for 5 to 6 million. I see some advertised, but do not know what buildings are in good shape and well managed.

    Several ads show beach front, large two bedroom, sea view, furnished, etc. in this price range. I will only purchase foreign freehold (otherwise might as well buy a house).

    If you live in a place like this, that is a good peaceful :o building, and you would recommend; please give me the name and location of your condo project. Perhaps you can have a new neighbour.

  6. Hello, I am new to the forum and working in the marine industry here in Thailand.

    Recently, a new company approached me to work for them, they are a bit different to where I work now, they are a fully foreign company with no Thai shareholders and all foreign directors.

    They mostly produce boats for export and are wanting to expand. They don't have BOI or any special privileges I don't think.

    Before I even consider working for them, I would like to know the impact of the FBA on this sort of company, because I know where i work now are majority Thai owned to get around this issue, and anyway, there are only 2 non Thais out of 50 people.

    - Can a foreign company registered in Thailand engage in boat construction under the FBA 2007 (construction is an annex 3 activity); or is boat building covered somewhere else

    - Does it make a difference whether the boats are for export only, or for both export and sales locally

    Also, I have the questions on work permits. This is a company with a capital of 20 MB. They already have several foreigners working for them. Does it make a difference or is there some ratio of Thais to foreigners and/or foreigners to registered capital?

    And if they offer me a job, and then don't make a profit, will I still be eligible for a work permit?

    Since I have to possibly know answers to all of this since they could not easily answer in the job interview, I do not want to leave my current job, move north 600km and then discover I can't work!

    Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.....

    Hi Bert

    Manufacture for export is generally regarded as not being caught by list 3 (or lists 1 or 2) and as a result many large manufacturers are overtly foreign owned (as for construction in list three, think immovables). The work permit issue is really separate from the company's FBA status - even a Thai company would still need to comply with per-expatriate capital requirements and Thai staffing ratios.

    If in doubt, you could stipulate that acceptance of the offer is conditional on a work permit being issued to you.

    All the best.

  7. Hi Brett

    I used to stay at Amar Garden on Sukhumvit Soi 2 on an annual lease - they had no problem with my Dalmatian so maybe try them. (2BR 120sqm or thereabouts THB 45K/pm a few years ago).

    Let me know if you can't find contact details and I'll dig them up.

    I'm having trouble finding a condo (2-3) bedrooms that will rent for a 1 year contract that will allow a golden retriever. It seems that most condo buildings do not allow dogs and if they do, they need to be small dogs. Does anyone know of any condos or apartments in Bangkok that allows dogs? (preferably in the 40,000 - 50,000 bht range a month.
  8. Dear Aikido

    Just out of interest, in what part of Thailand have you seen mud huts? I ask because in all my travels here I have not seen any (other than those at the Evason).


    Look its this simple whatever people try to tell ya Thailand is still third world and is moving backwards! its 500 yrs behind the rest of europe and as long as the idiots maintain this stupid face thing about not wanting to give up the land here it will remain so.

    my advice to anyone who wants to move to los is to rent not buy till the morons who try and run the country finally scratch their tiny brains and realise people who invest in something want something for their hard earned cash.

    without Farangs the Thais would still be in mud huts fact, you only have to go into a real Thai village to see how backward the place really is.

    its all about perception and face and in the glossy mags on the face of it, all looks great untill you get here and get to know the real animal.

  9. Norh manufactures monoblocks in Thailand that could be what you are looking for. (I planned getting some a while back but have not yet started the assembly of the valve pre-amp that was to power it.)

    A google search on that name should take you to the website - this is the same company that makes marble speakers using scanspeak drivers.

    Good luck and please let us know how you go as the reviews to date on these monoblocks have been good and it would be nice to hear the views of someone in the industry.


    A guy I used to know in Pattaya knew someone - I believe an American - who manufactured monoblock amps here. Sounded good and weren't expensive. I'm looking for at least 4-6 individual amps, or amps with a total of 6 channels + subwoofer output. If they're good ones they don't have to be tube (valve) amps.

    I have what have been called the "best bookend speakers of all time" Six Spica TC-60 Speakers. I used 2 of them for recording monitors, with a reworked Hafler amp and a 400 watt Bag End Infrasub-18 Subwoofer. It was sublime. They've been in storage for almost 10 years. I added 4 more Spicas, but now don't have the amps I need. I could easily have a tremendous quality 5.1 or 6.1 system, but for the amps.

    The Spicas are 60W (120W peak) and can't take 'house rocking' volume levels. That's not what they're about. In the mid-90's they retailed for $1,000 a pair, and are no longer made. They have banana plug inputs. The Bag End is a different story. Made primarily for an overkill home-theater, it has a built in crossover, and has a low-end way below the threshold of human hearing @ 8Hz, and retailed at $1600 10 years ago. I don't need an amp for it, though seat belts would be helpful. When I used it with the 2 Spicas, I don't think I ever had it turned up above 2 - literally! It has RCA inputs.

    If anyone knows of anything about this amp builder, or any quality amps available in Thailand, please let me know. If I don't get this problem solved look in the classifieds here in a couple months. I have an excellent system I'm using now, but nothing ever beat these babies!



  10. Hi JB

    Before one party can assign the contract, the other party needs to provide its prior written consent - there is one exception: If a party has transferred its business to a third party, it can assign the contract to that third party without the need to obtain consent.

    This allows assignment of the contract as part of a business sale, but otherwise consent is required.

    Good luck in Vietnam.

  11. Thai wines have made considerable progress in the past half decade - if you are ever in Khao Yai, try Granmonte - they do a nice Chenin Blanc and their Shiraz isn't too bad either. PB Valley is also worth a look (from memory they have some of the largest winemaking infrastructure in Thailand, with some other labels being made there). The major problem facing the Thai wine industry (putting aside consumer preference and high tax rates which severely impact on the local market also) is the fact that the tropical climate results in two crops a year with only one of them (generally speaking) being suitable for wine production.

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