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Posts posted by changhighlily

  1. Just been reading an article in the Uk Telegraph newspaper saying that anyone who lives in Europe for over 6 months lose all entitlement to NHS services.IE Doctors, Hospitals Social Services Etc. If you live out of Europe and in our case I mean Thailand it applies after 3 months. It does not matter if you have worked in the UK since you were 15 years old and have say paid 45 years contributions. You still lose out. What do you all think.


  2. My Brother died of asbestosis just a year ago come the 10th of April. This was in the Uk by the way where the regulations on using it are noe very tight where as before it was just like Thailand as they had no idea how dangerous it was. Now its as been proved without any shadow of a doubt that its lethel. Clifford my brother was very fit lad up to Christmas when he started with a chest infection. He worked on building sites and 57 years old. By the time he died it had eat one of his lungs away and half of his ribs and he died in agony. I would not wish that disease on my worst bloody enemy, anything but that. So you can talk all day about the pros and cons of the stuff. All I can say is that I have seen the full reports of what happened and its really awful. Like some of the poster say its used all the time in Thailand and to me its an irrisponsuble government that lets lets its use be legal. There are plenty of alternatives asbestalux one good example and for the a little extra cost what should be the problem. Just think of this when you are sitting and watching one of your loved ones sat there with an oxygen bottle bthat for a few quid it could have been avoided.

    Thanks for listening


  3. Maybe it would be a good thing if speed cameras and more police were put on the roads and more fines and banning applied. It would certainly slow a few up and make then aware that the law exists. Also the country would be well in pocket. It would generate more income for the treasury than the 7% VAT. They do it all the time in Europe so why not in Thailnd

    Are you sure over regulation is a good thing? :o:D

    Many expats in Thailand have over reugulation in their home country high on the list as to why they moved to thailand in the first place. :D


    Mybe so but it is all about saving lives and with so many deaths surely it cannot be wrong

  4. Maybe it would be a good thing if speed cameras and more police were put on the roads and more fines and banning applied. It would certainly slow a few up and make then aware that the law exists. Also the country would be well in pocket. It would generate more income for the treasury than the 7% VAT. They do it all the time in Europe so why not in Thailnd

  5. I think you are right Simbo. It is the same person. The girl in Kanchanaburi says the baby is due soon and has not heard from him since he returned to the UK. All I can say is get your arse back here, forget the women in the UK and do the right thing by the girl over here. By the way Your landlord is asking if you are still coming in April and needs you to send him a deposit for the room

    I know the guy in question and you are a mile of the truth, but very 10 out of 10 for effort on your post.

    Please no rude comments on my freind as he his a great guy!!!

    Sorry changhighlily for any offence coz theres none intended.

    Chris. :o

    No Problem Chris

  6. This is what you do.

    Thai Driving License for a UK Citizen

    Paperwork Needed

    • UK Driving License Plus copy
    • Application Forms
    • Passport plus copy with visa stamp and TM Card you must have and none immigrant O visa
    • House Paper to say where you live
    • Doctors Medical Letter.
    • Picture for immigration and 2 for Driving DVLA
    • Fees of 105 baht to DVLA


    1.First go to immigration with No 1, No 2, No 3, No 4, No 5 and 2 pictures from the booth outside the immigration, which will cost about 150 baht, make sure all the copies are done from the booth, as they are part of the immigration. If you get elsewhere they will make you go to the booth. Take the form into the immigration and they will give you a letter to take to the DVLA to say you are living in Thailand.

    2.Go to DVLA with letter from Immigration, 5, Doctors Certificate, copy of passport same as the immigration. UK Driving License 2 pictures from the shop opposite the DVLA (Small ones) and application form plus fee of 105 baht

    3. You give all the above at 2 to the counter and then you have to go for an eye test and color blindness test and emergency brake test. After hat you have to wait about an hour and then pick up your license, which lasts a year. After that you do all the same and you get a license, which last 5 years.

    Good Luck


  7. I think you are right Simbo. It is the same person. The girl in Kanchanaburi says the baby is due soon and has not heard from him since he returned to the UK. All I can say is get your arse back here, forget the women in the UK and do the right thing by the girl over here. By the way Your landlord is asking if you are still coming in April and needs you to send him a deposit for the room

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