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Posts posted by QualityTouristNumberOne

  1. What an idiot. There isn't enough money in the world to get me to risk prison.

    They are wrong about that gun. It's not a Spanish astra unceta y cia sa guernica. LINK

    It's an Italian Beretta 92FS 9mm. Link

    is there a bigger photo somewhere NeverSure?,

    I'm a bit of a Ballistics/Weapons corrector myself(my friends tolerate it :) and carry a 92FS on occasion for work,

    I also despair at the incorrect ID's given to many of the weapons found in this country(the "AK33" found at a bus stop recently being a prime example),but I really can't tell from that low res photo,even after copying and zooming in whether it's the Spanish .22 short or the M9/Berretta,I'm kinda leaning more towards Frank James in that it looks like a shorter barrel than the classic lines of the 92...not just idle curiosity either,the major source for the M9(military version of the Beretta 92fs)is soldiers selling/trading their weapons,

    also the fact that i'd rather have 5 .22's fired at me than 15 9mm's!

  2. "I have two little terrors ... Gay Uncles please apply here ... laugh.png.pagespeed.ce.SDkxrRteka.png"

    I think you'd need to screen the applicants pretty carefully David tongue.png

    Are you implying that gay applicants call for extra screening or did you mean that straight applicants should be equally screened? If the former please explain your reasoning.

    Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Not the former,unwad your panties.

    was making a light hearted joke about a very serious subject,and would expect gay,straight,male and female to be screened rigorously without favour/disfavour given to anyone IF David hadn't been JOKING in the first place.

  3. or.perhaps it was some Kid's Toy, which he forgot on the way to School!

    Considering there's no such thing as an "AK 33" you could be right...at least as far as I know.

    There's the venerable and deadly AK 47,the AK74,the AK 100 series developed in the 90's and the most modern version the modular AK 12(I won't go too far into the different models...don't want to "bore" anyone to death)

    Just on the Ammo thing-in point of fact there's plenty of variants on the AK floating around that are chambered for 5.56mm Nato rounds,so while I tend to agree with the "pig in a poke" diagnosis(nicely worded:) this COULD be a fully operational Sub Machine Gun,

    Looks more like an AK74 SU to me,(the folding stock variant for use in Tanks,Choppers and other confined vehicles where space is at a premium)...or one of the Czech copies of said weapon,

    its in terrible shape too,

    but they are nothing if not tough,and could probably be restored fairly quickly to full operation.

    • Like 1
  4. Ok, thanks for the comments, it helps to remove any doubt that anything can be done about it. As for accusing directly - not something I would ever think of doing, no matter how sure I may be. Yeah - schoolboy error leaving cash in the room at all, should know better by now!

    PS are you serious that this post can be seen as an allegation CMSteve? - i'm assuming it's under conditions of anonymity/hypothetical question. I guess you mean if the guy himself was to see it, right?

    yes indeed a very out of pocket school GIRL error

    Well spotted Gerry...

    another "clickbait"/ possible(I say POSSIBLE ,and if you are genuine skyhi then I apologise) troll post by someone with a low post count...

    seriously way too many of these lately.

    Having figured out what Clickbait means, the obvious question would be, what is in it for her if Thaivisa's hit count is increased?

    Second question, what is worse, trolls or people that think everyone is a troll?

    Maybe she has a low post count because she doesn't consider it important. As far as I know there aren't any prizes. Maybe she only posts when she actually has something to say.

    by that rationale you've had something to say 746 times in one year Joe.that's twice a day whereas I've posted 200 times since 2007.

    You must value your own opinion very highly. w00t.gif

    As I said in my post if its a genuine post then I apologise to skyhi in advance,

    it just bears a striking similarity to a lot of post's guaranteed to get the ol' "hang em high" and "som nom naa" crowd all fired up lately,and the main thing you missed is that this "farang lady who speaks Thai well enough to go to a Police station" referred to a mistake she made as a "SchoolBOY mistake...

    I DON'T think that every post is a Troll post,just pointing out something that many others have noticed too.

  5. Ok, thanks for the comments, it helps to remove any doubt that anything can be done about it. As for accusing directly - not something I would ever think of doing, no matter how sure I may be. Yeah - schoolboy error leaving cash in the room at all, should know better by now!

    PS are you serious that this post can be seen as an allegation CMSteve? - i'm assuming it's under conditions of anonymity/hypothetical question. I guess you mean if the guy himself was to see it, right?

    yes indeed a very out of pocket school GIRL error

    Well spotted Gerry...

    another "clickbait"/ possible(I say POSSIBLE ,and if you are genuine skyhi then I apologise) troll post by someone with a low post count...

    seriously way too many of these lately.

  6. I've always wondered why these people have a desire to undertake these moronic initiatives, such as descending into a 1,000 m (!) hole in the ground. And then - when they do get into trouble, huge & very expensive "rescue-missions" have to be undertaken to get the idiot onto the surface again ? ? ? ?

    Who does he think has to bear the enormous cost of his rescue anyways ? ? ? ? ?


    Just like those morons who go out on Sailing boats and get in serious trouble...who foots the bill when Helicopters and Coast Guard Launches,etc have to go and rescue them?

    A great example being the 16 year old little rich girl Abby Sunderland whose disastrous attempts to circumnavigate the Globe cost at least 300,000 Dollars,and her well to do family never kicked in a penny.


    Those who live in glass boats shouldn't cast stones...would you STILL rather be sailing?.

    • Like 1
  7. this is(mainly) PURE SPECULATION so please don't have a go as a result...

    Actually the fumes are usually the cause of explosion and fire on Oil Tankers,

    crude oil in general(there are a lot of types of crude though) is about as flammable as tar...but the fumes range from "a bit touchy" all the way up to "make sure you're wearing a non static suit or KABLAMMO!",

    so empty is more risky in terms of fire,but (obviously)not leaks,

    you can actually see where the initial blast occurred in the second photo,

    I agree with the "glad it wasn't loaded" comments though,

    because that explosion could happen mid way through loading,or unloading and that would be hellish.

  8. I'd put my Cambodian friends above the Thai gun owners I know in this comparison,

    I have a "friend"(more of an acquaintance really) in Phnom Pehn who bought a Para Ordnance .45 after he heard me recommend it,

    he knocked on my door(rented apartment) with his new gun and was so excited about it that fired it into the air,all 14 shots in the mag to "celebrate" with me that he's bought it...that's 14 HEAVY .45 calibre rounds fired in the air centre of a busy city in the afternoon...

    what goes up must come down!,

    even amongst my more safety conscious and classier Cambodian friends there is a genuine love for firearms that leads them to display and decorate them in a similar way to some Mexican and American friends(expensive scrolling,Pearl inlaying etc),some really awful gaudy examples,but also some truly remarkable works of art,in comparison I find the general Thai view of weapons especially Firearms to be more that they are a tool than anything else,although there are some exceptions.

    I realise this topic is more than likely Troll bait,but decided to answer it seriously,and am not in getting into the "Amurkans Lurve Guns Mkay" debate as it's a transparent ploy to start trouble. :)

  9. Why is the OP's writing style so similiar to more than a few other newbie posters over the last few months who just have a few (or no) posts, and then post a very long convoluted story almost too ridiculous to be true.

    Just sayin'.

    my suspicions exactly.

    there have been some stories that seem so designed to provoke high post counts and anger/condescension that they almost read like scripts.

    • Like 2
  10. This is setting a very dangerous precedent where a lynch mob get away scot free, today it this deranged

    young man, whose to say that tomorrow it going to be just a normal citizen who would be involve

    in a similar accident albeit innocent? would he lynched too? how about a farang being lynched?

    where dose it end?

    Precedent was set a long long time ago.

    you're right there ezzra,

    and was it not a Farang who attacked one of the most popular Shrines in Bangkok with a sledgehammer and was(literally,not figuratively)torn apart by the "mob" if you want to call them that?(I could be wrong,it was around 2010 or so)

    Hi Qualitytourist,

    You're referring to a event that occured in March 2006 and the shrine in question was the Erawan Shrine, dedicated to the Hindu god Brahma (the 'Creator', called Phra Phrom in Thailand), in front of Grand Hyatt Erawan. Built in 1956 by the state-owned Erawan hotel (demolished in 1987 to be replaced by Grand Hyatt) in order to shoo off bad luck, this shrine has been attracting people who believe that if you make a wish there, you have a good chance that it will be granted. As always with this kind of place, it generates biiiiiig bucks.

    The guy who attacked the statue was not a farang, I don't know where you got that idea, but yes, he did it with a hammer and yes he was torn to pieces by the wishers and the merchants around.

    No one ever really found out why he did it, but it was established that the guy was 'not 100%' as Thais would put it. The statue was rebuilt and in no time at all, it was business as usual. The strange coincidence here is that the lynching of the young guy a few days ago occured in the very same perimeter (the Ratchaprasong crossroad). That's also where the Red Shirts set fire to Central World Plaza in May 2010. My Thai friends tell me that this intersection was once used for public executions and /or displaying convicted criminals to the public.

    Thank you for setting that straight Yann,I appreciate it,made me think back,

    I think I initially heard it was a Farang from a Thai friend who said "no Thai would do this",

    and then said exactly as you quoted "not 100%" when he found out it was.

  11. This is setting a very dangerous precedent where a lynch mob get away scot free, today it this deranged

    young man, whose to say that tomorrow it going to be just a normal citizen who would be involve

    in a similar accident albeit innocent? would he lynched too? how about a farang being lynched?

    where dose it end?

    Precedent was set a long long time ago.

    you're right there ezzra,

    and was it not a Farang who attacked one of the most popular Shrines in Bangkok with a sledgehammer and was(literally,not figuratively)torn apart by the "mob" if you want to call them that?(I could be wrong,it was around 2010 or so)

  12. Jaysus...

    I can feel nothing but sympathy and gut wrenching pain for this poor man and his family,

    I can literally feel this man's pain,having caught the butt of an FN Rifle wielded by a Para(ps I'm not saying all para's are bad,it was just a bad time for all involved),

    when I was 14,for asking why they were kicking and punching my father while questioning him after carrying out a controlled explosion on his car in Antrim in Northern Ireland when I was a young kid(he was a salesman for a stationery company at the time).

    I've never forgotten the fear I felt as I thought we were both going to be shot and buried in a field.

    Ironically,we were pulled over by an IRA checkpoint the next day to be questioned as to why we were...talking to the enemy!

    and after they verified my Da's story they tried to recruit me!(obviously I said no!).

    I honestly don't know which scared me more-the Para's or the Tiochfaidh's(short for Tiochfaidh ar La,which mean's "our day will come,and a common nickname for the IRA at the time),as tensions were high at the time as both the combatant's had recently suffered losses.

  13. I gotta be honest with you Scarpolo,

    I was actually going to delete my post to you,as I try not to be a "Thaivisa Grumpster"TM,

    but you answered so politely that I am simply going to doff my imaginary hat to you and leave you to it,

    just get a few survival courses under your belt(and learn Chinese wai2.gif cause BOY are they kicking you asses) for when that illusion collapses and your country winds up looking like the set of "the book of Eli"

    good luck,enjoy it while it lasts.

    Lets agree to disagree.

    • Like 2
  14. /cut,sorry had to cut some of the quotes.

    Just wondering, where did "they" state that they don't want pensioners, backpackers, etc? Happen to have a link? American guidance would be a HUGE mistake. Nightlife in America is almost non-existent now. Thailand is booming while America is in a MAJOR Depression. America now has 50 million people on food stamps and 20 million people unemployed (the highest amount EVER) It also has the largest Prison population on the planet and that's not even per capita. They have armed Police in almost every bar every night. Doesn't sound like the Land of the Free to me.. It's the last thing they should mimic. I am American and know a bit about what is really going on there. They've already told America where to stuff their GMO's.. Time to tell America to stop shipping over their fluoride, spying on the world and all their other high ideals.

    it doesnt matter how many people are on food stamps in the US

    as much of that is a voting bribe scheme

    the fact is the US is booming again, and so is all of the americas

    there will always be poor, but it will never be as bad as thailand

    thailand is poor, and while it continues to have the reputation of being an open air whore house, all it wil attract, is scum

    the US is booming?

    are you on drugs?

    the only thing American thing booming are Predator drones attacking kids.

    The country is bollixed,the Roman Empire is falling again,the only thing making money is war,

    and when you have a huge standing army,you NEED war,

    Hence the "America,F-uck yeah" "World Police" stance of the government and the general "lets attack everybody!,get our retaliation in first!" attitude.

    jesus christ,so many Americans whine about the world hating them nowadays,

    with self delusion like that it's no wonder.

    here,have a slap of reality...


    quote "

    Almost a third of the city's 140 square miles is vacant or derelict.

    Portraits by French photographers Yves Marchand and Romain Meffre show the breathtaking decline of once-proud buildings - allowed to rot and crumble from a former glory.

    It looks more like a Hollywood film's futuristic vision of a post-apocalyptic world, than a 21st century American city.

    The decay does not discriminate, public entertainment venues such as cinemas lie in ruins alongside banks and medical centres.


    and I haven't even bothered to post pictures of the state of New Orleans...

    By the way,if you live in Thailand you just called yourself scum,

    if you don't...then how do you know it's an "open air whorehouse"?

    I'd apologise for being so belligerent(it's not how I usually am) but your post is just so typical of the "grand delusion" that it set me off a little.

    • Like 1
  15. Thailand...

    the "Hub" of bullshit announcements.

    the Bangkok BiB only crack down on nightclubs etc when they want more money.

    them "REALLY" cracking down would be like an extortionist shooting his victim in the head(can't get any money then)

    I'm sorry,I'm not usually so negative,and am by no means a "Thai Hater",but sometimes I just want to grab some of these smiling little liars by the collar and slap the "face" off them(of course I'd be deader than a doornail if I did something so foolish!),but sometimes "Lieland" can get to you.

    *ahem* /rant over.whistling.gif

  16. I got the necessary kick up the arse 3 months ago when I was diagnosed with type 2 Diabetes(I'm 6ft,and was at the time 105 Kilo's which is 16.5 Stone),I'm a big lump of a lad,cycle regularly,do a very intense self defense regime as I am in the Security Business so wasn't worried about it too much,and the diagnosis came as a bit of a shock(no family history,no classic buildups(I don't eat chocolate,or drink fizzies etc),

    then I came across this study (sorry for link from a daily paper,I had the proper one before I rebuilt my PC) http://www.express.co.uk/news/health/452220/How-a-strict-diet-of-800-calories-a-day-can-cure-diabetes-in-weeks,


    I don't recommend the full 800 calories only plan for longer than a few months though,I would start there,and move up to 1500 calories a day(the daily recommended for a man is 2500,and a big lad like yourself could get through a lot more!),

    you can do it!,


    it's these little moments that'll keep you going,Transam is right,extra exercise is not the answer,it takes too long to burn calories(although it helps with general fitness),

    LESS calories(of any kind,you don't need to be too strict,although I did cut down on proper junk food)is the answer,

    and don't beat yourself up if you have a slip up here and there!,I was talking to a mate of mine on Skype and he was stuffing his face and I literally snapped and ran to the chipper and stuffed my face!,

    good luck,

    I disagree with you on many points.

    At 105kg, that's 25% overweight. You should be between 69Kg and 79Kg for someone 6ft.


    I use a heart monitor and wrist recorder, my basic exercise uses 2000+KCal/week, but I can use 8000+KCal in an excessive week. (total 8-10 hours exercise in a basic week)

    Cycling, swimming, hiking, running. No gym work at all, I don't find it interesting or effective.

    Junk food,

    I have to eat at least 4 junk food meals a week in order to keep from excessive weight loss.

    I'm having to force food down when I'm not really hungry. I find excessive exercise inhibits hunger.

    Overweight is a lifestyle problem, too much available food, too much free time, not enough physical activity.

    Sorry to hear about the diabetes, but with that much excess weight only to be expected (that or a similar problem).

    well we can agree to disagree then.

    and I guess you didn't read the part where I'm down to 99 kilo's already(well actually 97 now),and as a result of the diet I am no longer diabetic? and train harder than everyone I know,except for one man?,and that's how the Diabetes thing came as such a shock? kinda looks like you barely skimmed my post before firing off your own.

    I was 79 kilo's when I was 19 years old,that's 12 stone...15+ stone looks a lot better on me(I'm a lot broader in the shoulders and arms and bigger in the legs nowadaysbiggrin.png ),

    my speed is still the same(I'm a left hander and won the genetic lottery on reflexes,us lefties are on average 18% faster reflex/hand eye wise,and even though I'm 20 years older,the last reflex test I took after recovering from a nasty injury leveled me out at about 25% faster than average..,and I have 4 extra stone of mass behind every maneuver),

    we see it all the time in training,a good big guy will beat a good small guy in 99.9% of street or security situations.

    BMI is bullshit,pedaled by the same corporations selling diet products.

    My best friend,been through an awful lot of hard times and unfortunately violence together(that's the security game for you though...every part of it from doing doors and static work in parts of North and South Ireland during the troubles to stuff I'm not going to discuss on a public forum),

    This guy is 6'4 and 22 stone...that's 139kg,hell by BMI he's obese,but looks like Bas Rutten.

    His training regime includes repeated reps of 700 kicks per leg to a height of 7ft 4inches,he regularly destroys training bags with punches and kicks is crazy into the Gym and can do all kinds of ridiculous weight training(sorry I can't be specific,he doesn't brag and I like you,HATE the Gym)he can move faster than a Ballerina(doesn't look as good in a tutu though smile.png ) and on his last visit to the doctor he was told he has the resting pulse and heartrate of an olympic athlete...I'm just using him as an example of how ridiculous BMI can be,by BMI The Rock is obese...think about that blink.png .

    I'd be as worried as hell if I ever went down to 12 stone again!,I'd think I was seriously ill,

    no-15 stone or so is where I'm gonna level out,

    I'm with you on the Cycling, and swimming,I also Scuba dive,and do Animal Day style training(look it up) at least 3 times a week,maybe more,and most of the time I'm trying to take down this behemoth of a friend of mine,

    toughest training I know!.

    but that's NOT how i went from Diabetic to Undiabetic in 2 months...it was diet,simple as that,

    I cut my calories to a 3rd of normal,its in the link in my former post if you'd care to read it,it works,

    and that's a fact.

    That's why I recommended it to the OP,for the short term,WHILE keeping up some form of exercise.

    and then to move up to just less calories in than out til he's satisfied.

    I repeat,BMI is bullshit,

    Obesity is a modern day plague(Ironically a 1st world problem) but I'd rather be big,strong,fast and 20% larger than some arbitrary set of rules drawn up by ONE man in 1830!.

    Marylin Monroe was 16 stone too by the way(but again,I don't look as good in a dress!whistling.gif .)

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