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Posts posted by cmep

  1. But embassies are required to give all lawful aid and protection to its citizens...that means doing what it legally can(not breaking US laws int he case of the US Embassy) is protecting US citizens. In the confines of your embassy, you are subject to the laws of your country. That means that they have to provide you with a new passport. They have to do everything in their power to smooth things for you. The press back home would have a field day if the embasies were handing over their people to a thai jail. Heck if a US citizen commits murder in Thailand, he will not be deported back from the US.
  2. This may all sound too easy but if you are American, why don't you make a quick trip to your embassy and report your passport lost. Report it lost and get a new one, just $65. They can issue it in one day and it is good for 1 year. (turn it in later to get the 10 year version but that takes 2 weeks to process.) You can head down to immigration and go through the hassles to get your new stamp and then exit out of the country. No worries about anyone looking deep inside your passport. Or if you are really paranoid, just take a trip down to Sadao and just continue through to the Duty free center, at the duty free just walk down and enter Malaysia. Lose your passport in Malaysia and come back with a completely clean passport and record.
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