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Posts posted by pingman

  1. I've been going to Bangsaray(10-15kms south) for 13 years and all manor of refuse washs up on the shore. I kayak there but never swim as it doesn't really look inviting. I occasionally get rashes up my legs from walking knee deep along the shore.

    What would the Pattaya region be without the filth anyhow?

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  2. My wife(Chiang Mai native) and i(Australian) gave birth to our son 15 months ago and i cant help but notice that most of his food is highly processed garbage from seven-eleven. I work in Australia for 2 weeks at a time and spend the 3rd week in Chiang Mai, so my control over his diet is limited. She understands basic nutrition but its the excessive amount of junk food hes eating thats bothering me. I get the feeling my comments on this are perceived by her as digs at her mothering abilities, so she doesnt want to hear it.

    Does anyone have any suggestions? She might listen to a nutritionist, or someone who could explain it a little better than i.

    She does have a point though. It must be hard to listen to a speech on the dangers of excess by someone who drinks as much beer as i do.....

  3. a remark to those who might want voice a different opinion about prison conditions in Bangkok.

    I was working a few years as a volunteer social worker in both prisons - Lard Yao and Bangkwan and IDC too.

    got some good stories to tell....

    Thought Social Workers respected privacy - even volunteer ones.

    You are just dying to drop the dirt, just like that moron Fellows.

    They laugh at him in Bangkwang and Klongprem - just too far fetched to be true.

  4. I know this is probably a thread that has appeared many times, but the Thai Visa search function has been much help this time.

    I need the name of some good schools that teach the Thai language in Chiang Mai

    If this needs to go to Thai language forum, that's fine, but I feel this is mostly a Chiang Mai question.

    I found the best way is to buy the books they use to teach the 5 year olds to read and write at school. The same way you probably learnt to read and write english. Get youself a nice uni student to correct your pronounciation.

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