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Posts posted by dingue2rep

  1. From a French perspective... to complicate matters, add in genders! :o

    définitions : accommodation

    Nom féminin singulier

    fait d'accommoder, d'adapter · en écologie, modification biologique afin de s'adapter à nouveau milieu naturel · en physiologie, capacité du cristallin à se modifier pour permettre une meilleure vision

    Seule forme : nom féminin singulier.

    forme de base : accommodation

    lemme, masculin singulier : accommodation

    forme au pluriel : accommodations

    Difficulté : accommodation

    Stylistique et sémantique : L'accommodation est une adaptation par modification souvent progressive d'un organe ou d'une conduite : "L'accommodation de l'oeil". Ne confondez pas avec "accommodement" qui signifie : "arrangement, accord, compromis".

  2. All countries have formalities that control the influx of foreigners, and all countries have civil servants who will make it as difficult as possible to find a place in the sun! It is like that everywhere in the world. So stop whining about the Thai visa rules... live with it, work around it but don't look for sympathy, not from immigration officials anyway! Pay to stay 'cos VISA RUNS are BIG business in Thailand! There are more and more people doing it, or wanting to do it - otherwise forums like this would not exist. Long live RED TAPE!

  3. The test that they have just introduced, can you tell me more about it i.e. what it involves and who to contact etc?

    You can find out about the Life In the UK Test here

    I would like to start gathering paperwork now for her indefinite leave and would like some recommendations on what I can be doing, documents and information I can save etc,

    28days before her current leave to remain expires you can apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain. Info on how to do that and what you require is here . Complete form SET(M)

    Read the notes on the bottom of the form regarding proof of living together.They need evidence over many months so the sooner you start to collect the better

    One final question, I am currently living in a flat and thinking about moving back to my mother

    With the wife :o ?

    So you are finding out that getting the visa was not the most expensive thing. :D There is nothing stopping you from moving accomodation with regard to the visa rules but cant guarantee that wife and m-i-l in the same kitchen will be ideal :D

    I coudn't agree more... the Chinese representation for the word "trouble" is the symbol for a woman, two next to each other with symbol for roof over both. In other words "two women under one roof = trouble". Been there done that and have the schrapnel scars to prove it...

  4. Just because others feel they can't use them and I am flaunting it?

    First of all, when I am on a flight, none of the passengers know who I am anyway. Second, I carry a very small MP3 player with tiny ear phones and I keep the MP3 down on my side under my lap so no one can see it. I don't flaunt it out in the open [see above quote] and I never get told about it.

    But your answer does imply the crew do know you are an employee, so my point stands. By the by if you worked for me, and people do, your attitude would not be acceptable, but you don't so it's moot.


    Isn't it odd the only countries that snag the toothepaste razors colonge or perfume water & whatever else they can justify are usually poor. When I went to Costa Rica they even stole my toilet paper. I can just imagine the horrible things a passenger can do to indanger other passengers with a roll of TP.

    I haven't gotten my toothpaste snagged in the U.S. yet but if they would rather have a bunch of Quai Mai Dee men breath heathens on board I guess its their call.





    All this fuss about nothing! Israel has been doing this kind of thing since, well forever. I remember in the 70's how they would squeeze out the toothpaste in front of you and cut your bar of soap in two. They even ripped the heels off shoes sometimes.

  5. Most Thai doctors have a HUGE ego problem. They'd rather have a patient die than to lose face by being proved wrong.

    I think this is more of a Doctor (although not just doctors, spans across a lot of professions) rather than a Thai thing.

    I also think it could be insecurity, for a lot of professionals dont like to have their knowledge questioned. More so, if it seems you know as much or more than they do on the subject.

    I know a lot about a certain skin condition, due to having had some problems. Of course I do research, or how else would i be informed. I recal going to a doctor here to continue my treatment and when i spent some time talking to him, i could see he seemed a little annoyed about my being informed. He recommended a couple of "new" options, including a laser, when i asked him the name of the laser, he told me it was a new laser and not to worry. When i told him that i like to look up information on the internet before going ahead and would please like the name of the laser, he smirked (in that way Thais do when they are annoyed with you) and said that i should not worry about finding information, that i should trust doctors, as they know better.

    Needless to say, i did not have the 'laser treatment'. :o

    It is a professional thing...

    Sometimes one should be more disrcreet about being informed. I know a plumber who gets up tight in the same manner. I suppose it is not just Thai doctors, Polish plumbers and American architects who feel this way. That is why we have professionals! Use them - trust them, but be self informed too...

  6. Bottom line is that if you want to have a good advice from a competent doctor, go to a good hospital............

    yes i agree, but where can you find a 'good hospital' in LOS......

    Try Bumrungrad (not sure if you can afford it though.)

    expensive does not always mean good

    You get what you pay for! I suppose that is why this particular hospital has had good revues in international press. Just in case you ask which publications, I name them Le Point (French) and Time. I personally have no interest in this topic but I do remember reading that Thailand is one of the top destinations for certain types of health care. Of course there are other countries offering the similar package deal health care to foreigners.

  7. The quality off the food in the Old Dutch has gone way down since the Dutch owner sold the place to a Brit. The Dutch owner now is in Chiang Rai I believe and has a place there.

    Unfortunately the Brit owners have focussed on Brittish food (who needs yet another place to buy one of the worst cuisines in Europe


    Are you kidding. The Brits do the worlds best breakfasts, were not talking haute cuisine here are we (look at the thread title).. Studying in France with the "petite dejeuner" little breakfast was total crap compared to a big British fry up.. It is the most important meal of the day..

    You can still get a good English breakfast almost anywhere in India

  8. Update:

    AK47-armed gunman kills 3 in suburban Bangkok

    PATHUM THANI: -- Four persons died in suburban Bangkok Wednesday morning -- a gunman, a police officer, and two bystanders -- when a man armed with an AK-47 assault weapon and police here exchanged gunfire in a key green- and agro-industrial market.

    The unidentified gunman, believed by police to part of a transnational car theft ring, was killed in the clash with Pathum Thani police. The dead assailant had extra ammunition and a set of automobile master keys in the pockets.

    Police Corporal Wichet Samranlertwichai was killed in the incident, along with two innocent passers-by identified as Theerayuth Sriarayakul and Sa-ard Kamsri.

    According to police, the gunman -- whose identity is being investigated -- was thought to be preparing to rob a trader in Pathum Thani's Talad Thai.

    Police are investigating the incident and the car theft ring.

    Talad Thai is a central market for agricultural goods and integrated agro industries. Located on a 200 acre site, the market supports a flow of over 15,000 tons of agricultural produce and products daily, making it a busy meeting place for traders and entrepreneurs.

    --TNA 2007-05-23

    Could it be possible he was trying to get his hands on some ammonium nitrate based fertiliser. The type used by Tim in the Oklahoma bombing of Federal building. Just a thought...

  9. You'd think these lovely, smiling folks would run out of their gee-aren't-we-the-greatest stuff eventually, but I gather not. There seems to be an an iron law of mathmatics at work here: an inverse ratio between the significance of the country and the amount of self-congratulatory rubbish it puts out.

    I think (IMHO)that they are only trying to follow the USA model. If it works for America, why shouldn't it work for them. I think the American constitution covers these issues quite clearly! :o

    <deleted> ????????

    care to explain how you worked america into this ...........................

    It's a new game on ThaiVisa, didn't you know about it? It's called "Be the first to turn a thread into America bashing?".

    OP : Where can I buy labrador puppies in Thailand?

    Reply : Used to be a lovely place somewhere in Issan, can't remember exactly where, until the Americans took it over and turned it into a secret underground CIA death camp. It was all done as part of a hush-hush deal between George "baby killer" Bush and Thaksin "what 70 billion?" Shinawatra.

    Correction, THAI BASHING is THE new game on ThaiVisa or have we not already noticed? Don't need to work in Langley to notice that! The perceptions of America and Americans is what we make of it. It is our democratic right. CondyRiceGP_USflag.jpg

  10. You'd think these lovely, smiling folks would run out of their gee-aren't-we-the-greatest stuff eventually, but I gather not. There seems to be an an iron law of mathmatics at work here: an inverse ratio between the significance of the country and the amount of self-congratulatory rubbish it puts out.

    I think (IMHO)that they are only trying to follow the USA model. If it works for America, why shouldn't it work for them. I think the American constitution covers these issues quite clearly! :o

    <deleted> ????????

    care to explain how you worked america into this ...........................

    I was refering to the gee-aren't-we-the-greatest-stuff...and self congratulatory rubbish in the aforementioned post. Freedom of speech and all that. Sorry if you have been offended.

  11. You'd think these lovely, smiling folks would run out of their gee-aren't-we-the-greatest stuff eventually, but I gather not. There seems to be an an iron law of mathmatics at work here: an inverse ratio between the significance of the country and the amount of self-congratulatory rubbish it puts out.

    I think (IMHO)that they are only trying to follow the USA model. If it works for America, why shouldn't it work for them. I think the American constitution covers these issues quite clearly! :o

  12. So many of you who are lucky enough to actually live in Thailand can become rather annoying with your constant Thai bashing! Sometimes it's a matter of human error and not Thai error.

    Please recall the following events that did not take in Thailand, but all in USA:

    Factory in North Carolina with security doors locked (from the outside!) trapped many inside during a fire. Many killed.

    Nightclub in Rhode Island ~ band pyrotechnics set the ceiling on fire; inadequate adherence to fire code restrictions ~ many people died in this fire.

    Also a club in Chicago at around the same time.

    There are many others. No need to list all.

    Anyway, you probably have gotten the point by now.

    This isn't meant to absolve anyone from their responsibility to be aware of fire safety.

    Thai bashing gives these lucky people a sense of superiority, that's why they don't leave if things are not to their liking. Life is a little harder if you are an insignificant nobody, in a country that enforces the regulations to the letter. In fact many have forgotten why the came to live here in the first place. The easy life...

  13. but dangerous as she is always looking for something better.

    Do people have thier right to choose a better thing,don't they?

    Anyway .. It's not my point that i have made a thread here .Im not that horny ..Eating chocolate make me feel as orgasm(s).

    If i am that horny ,I will ask a flavour from Mr. Rosio Fingero Palmo.

    MY POINT is...Even we girls are happy with our life ,we need a helping hand from guys sometimes.

    that's it.

    PS..You don't need to worry about me to have a rusting pussy . If i wanna shag with (a) guy(s) , I can do anytime as i want . They are queuing.

    I just DO want a guy who can open a lid of peanut butter jar for me sometimes.

    Can I get in the line to open the peanut butter? I love peanut butter!

  14. My Wife is on a long Holiday back with the family in Udon Thani,

    while the children are young, I sugested that the children and herself

    stayed with her family for 3 months, as when they get to school age

    this will not be possible,

    So far they have been there for 2 of the 3 months, tonight I get a phone call, telling me that

    her Father has kicked the crap out of her,

    The reason is from what I can gather, my wife has made her family loose face,

    She has met up with some old school friends (male) and gone out for a drink at the local

    bar with them,Nothing untoward has happened,My son was with her at the time playing with the Bar owners childeren,

    Father has seen red and punished her.also hurt my son accidently in the process,

    Now I have to arrange some flights so that I can bring them all home.

    I am very very angry at his reaction in my opinoin is way over the top.

    When I get to Udon I want to punish him for his actions, but as a farlang I know I can not.

    (fight fire with fire) any sugestions as what I can do.

    Sorry if this does not may 100% sense but the red mist is still with me

    I will be flying out from the UK on Tuesday, from the UK, and want to sort the problem out, one way or another, before we return.



    Married close on 20 years to a Thai girl - and have lived in Thailand with her and our children all the time - so heres my advice.

    I suggest you keep your cool and just bring the family home if that is what you wish.

    Then if need be, try and establish discreetly through a 3rd party what dad's take on the situation was - as somone else has said, it's a little odd (but not impossible) that he has re-acted so strongly to what you have been told was a perfectly innocent encounter. By the same token, I find it odd that your wife would be confiding in you about this if it was anything else other than completly innocent.

    And as always is the case - there is always 3 sides to these stories: first his, then hers - and then the truth!

    But whatever - keep a straight face, stay your cool and treat Pa as you always have - however looked at, there's little doubt he was batting for you (even if he did get it wrong this time).


    Women usaully also exagerate in order to get YOUR sympathy, sothat you would be mad with dad and overlook her little indiscretion (indeed if there was one?) At least that is what I have experienced a number of times. (not with Thai women, or should I say - not yet). Stay cool on this one, and I am sure dad was batting for you too or should I say beating :o

  15. Thailand's population growth rate declining

    BANGKOK: -- Thailand's population growth rate is on the decline, according to the National Statistical Office (NSO), even as the kingdom's women are living longer lives then the country's men.

    NSO official Patama Amornsirisomboon told a Bangkok seminar on the change in the Thai population structure that a survey between 2005 and 2006 found that the population growth rate was at 0.41 per 1000 of population.

    The birth rate was at 10.85 per 1,000 population, she added.

    The Northeast was the region with the highest birth rate, with 12.24 per 1,000 population, and the lowest was Bangkok where birth rate was recorded at 8.83 per 1,000 population.

    Meanwhile, the death rate of the Thai population during 2005-2006 was at 6.8 per 1,000 population. The highest was in the North with 10.28 per 1,000 population while Bangkok has the lowest rate at 4.23 per 1,000 population.

    A survey on average life expectancy in the last 30 years found that women lived longer than men. Women's average lifespan is now 77.6 years, while men at an average of 69.9 years are living, on average, eight years less.

    Women in Bangkok have the highest average life expectancy at 82.85 and men at 74.57, while men and women in the North have the lowest average life expectancy at 67.38 and 73.05 years respectively.

    --TNA 2007-04-07

    Gosh! does that mean I got another 30 years to go? Is that good or bad? I was hoping to live forever :o:D:D . I think I am going to move to Bangkok and get another five years on my life expectancy. Traffic and pollution must do wonders for the organisms :D As for the cost of living...

  16. Think yourself lucky that you are being stared at. It should be in a way a compliment. When you are an old boiler you will know what I mean. In the meantime enjoy

    Despite your avatar I doubt you are female. Women do not find this type of staring (prolonged and rather hostile leering) to be a compliment at all, nor is it intended to be. Clearly the men reading this do not know what it is we are talking about....understandable since it is not something that ever happens to them. We are NOT talking about the kind of stares you receive, guys. Nor are we talking about glances, admiring or otherwise.

    At 54 I assume I qualify in your terms as an "old boiler". I still get these stares but indeed much less often than when I was younger. I did not "enjoy" it when I was young and far from missing it, I count it as a blessing to get less of it now...and will be delighted when I finally get none at all (delighted as to the absence of the stares and leers, that is...not so delighted with other aspects of being old!)

    Anyway...sbk, I think it's time to either close or reclaim this thread. My vote would be for the former. I think women readers have already provided pretty much all the insight and advise possible and from here on it's just men misunderstanding the topic....or hijacking the thread to propound their own issues with women.

    Please don't close the thread just yet...

    I adore the females of our species, and I try not to stare. I admit I get a good look in nearly everytime ladies! Most times you wouldn't even notice and I am never disappointed as I always find something beautiful in every woman I have looked at (sheer appreciation)!

    Having said that, I hate men who STARE (there is a difference!). I know what you ladies are talking about. And I know the LOOK. It makes me angry when I see guys (Thai or Farang) staring at my sisters, wife or daughters (in no particular order of preference). They sometimes got to hold me back because I just go crazy! And then I accused of being too overprotective!

    Hey, criticize me as much as you want, but it's tough being a guy too! Guys please don't get uptight with me now.

  17. Don Muang forever!!!

    ah the memories, the ease of use, the 7/11 in the building, right on a main road. I would rather go to Don Muang than the new one anyday.

    :o I have never used the new airport, not yet anyway, but the old one worked well for me! :D

  18. And the end result = No weapons needed (unless you are a yank, in which case just show me the catalogue) :o

    Two policemen gunned down

    By Muhammad Ayub Pathan

    Two policemen were shot and killed in broad daylight at a crowded market in Bacho district yesterday. The attack took place around midday at Ban Tonsai market on Phetkasem road. The daylight shooting sent terrified shoppers scurrying for cover.

    Pol Cpl Teerayuth Yangsung, 30, and Pol L/C Assawin Chaisaj, 25, were pronounced dead on the way to hospital.

    Police said the officers, part of a team manning a checkpoint opposite the market, were shopping when the assailants, mingling among the crowd, opened fire.

    Meanwhile, Pol Col Phumpet Pipatpetphum, chief of Muang district police in Yala, said more security officers were being deployed and regular checks made on rented houses to make sure no militants were infiltrating the area.Elsewhere three villagers in Kabang district were injured in separate gun attacks on Friday.

  19. Beretta-1.jpgf14c8e4b-9538-4416-9f1e-abca86dc2414Large.jpg

    We take off, nuke them, only way to be sure.


    A trusted brand in stainless steel, inox. A good choice for hot and humid climate. As for calibre, I think it comes in 9mm Parabellum and 40 S&W. Personally I would go the 40 S&W, more stopping power, less problems with over penetration with a good jacketed hollow point munition :o:D:D

  20. Isn't there some offering by the mobile phone companies ?

    I don't know if it exists in thailand but there was a promotion in europe for mobile phones you could find the position of it on the webpage....

    Quite right, I think that one of the operators is ORANGE. Saw it in France. try the website www.orange.fr

  21. One should be very careful how one refers to another country's currency... a little more respect should be due. Since the image of Thailand's king appears on the banknotes, one should think twice about about calling it monkey money. IMHO!!! Think about it next time you apply for a VISA...

    ...And I if you want to live somewhere where the country's currency drops to the depreciated US dollar, try South Africa. ZAR (Rand) Check out its dismal preformance and their immigration laws. Broaden your horizons, change your point of view and next time a little more respect!


    Someone have a stick stuck somewhere??????

    Reference to a currency has NOTHING to do with disrespect to a King or the country.... :D

    I agree, until one starts using terms like monkey money etc.

    Some Thai people even take offense if one folds the notes over the king's head! I think they teach that it is incorrect to do so in Thai schools. Of course I am open to correction on that.

    I wonder what Thais think of their money.

    Are they monkeys if they use monkey money? Let's not get lost in the translation thing now. If you couldn't get the message in English, don't expect a self respecting average Thai to understand either.

    As for the stick...

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