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Posts posted by jeffrosner

  1. Its all become clear now. I was worried that there was something seriously wrong with Rosner. Anyone who consistently talks in the "Third person" is subject to that kind of suspicion. But it turns out that he is just old and bitter that life didn't turn out exactly the way he envisioned, and he wants to dish out a little of his misery onto others.

    Ill be adding him to the ignore list now. Happy gas Ros!

    What are you on about? Live long and prosper Vulvan - live long and prosper.

  2. Whenever anyone here complains or bitches about something in Thailand there will be an onslaught of TV posters who will tell the poster that he has balls to complain about anything and he should like it or leave it.

    complaints are annoying when they are presented over and over again with respect to facts which will quite obviously not change in a century to come. a high percentage of the complaints remind me of little boys who ask "Mummy, why isn't it possible that Christmas is next week?"


    You're a negative person Naam - work on it.

  3. I'm not sure the word "hooligan" is correct for posters but you said it yourself:

    "USA is crap.

    GB is crap.

    France is full of venomous Muslims flipping cars instead of burgers at the local barf and brew.

    Wherever you come from is crap".

    So, most of us are happy here and intelligent enough to know this is not our country and it is proper to show respect. I have no say or rights in this country, that is to say it is not my country thus I do not have the right to complain about it nor do I have the right to complain about Canada, GB, France or any other country except the USA where I had the right to complain when I was a tax paying citizen and registered to vote.

    I look at it like this, if I run down some stupid idiot on a motorcycle in the USA he had it coming and the police can sort it out here I take special care when driving or anything else for that matter, no one invited me to Thailand to swim in their soup or pee in their tom yum so care and respect are in order.

    Ok Doc that's all well and good but who says you nor I have rights? Why do I have to show respect to the guy who cuts me off for no other reason than he is just a rude lawless bastaard who wants to be where I am at the same time? Why do I have to smile and like it?

    I am of the opinion that when we EXCUSE the lawless cretins (and yes dear moderators the country has many) with a smile and a wai we just make it easier for people of their ilk to continue to act in rude and dangerous ways.

    A guy cuts you off - mai pen rai - no problem. Next time though you might find that you avoid him but run over the pretty little thing crossing the road who had nothing to do with you or him but now she has one less leg.

    Why shouldn't we bring some civility to this country or any other country we dare bring our hard earned money? Dont' tell me that no one in the Thai Government ever gave thought to the money when they made it easy for the over 50 crowd to settle here and spend their life's savings. They want our money so why shouldn't we in turn be able to demand some civility.

    We aren't here mooching off these people, we employ them, we buy things in their shops, their stalls, their restaurants. We spread the joy around - why shouldn't we be able to demand some back?

  4. Having a bad day, Rosie?

    Not particularly, my little finger is broken, I've got Giardia, I haven't had a good crap in 3 days and the Metronidazole that I've been taking for the last week has made me nauseous 24/7 for the last 24 hours X 7.

    My husky is shedding her entire undercoat - everywhere, I've been meaning to drop off papers at Immigration for the last 3 days but the grumbling in my stomach has kept me from doing so and the threat of that monster crap that always looms when it hasn't happened has kept me indoors for days. My wife still insists on putting food to rot in the magic cabinet and then she eats while telling me it won't kill me to do the same.

    My cat barfs twice a day because he steals the dog's food and it doesn't sit well with him. My housekeeper throws away any paper that is important but leaves crap that isn't.

    My neighbor has gotten into a do it yourself kick and has recently been doing construction. The faceless workers behind my house are still doing construction on the new house behind mine and now I can't walk around naked anymore for fear of shaking it at some 14 year old painting.

    My dog ate the boy's toys out of the stroller and made <deleted>&$&$& mince out of the mosquito netting so now he comes back the other day with bites on his face. I've got tremendous gas that should require a no smoking sign and I'm fearful if someone lights a match or turns on the stove. My wife glares at me when I fart in bed and every fart is of the uncertain variety where you're just sure you should do it or not but not doing it becomes less of an option with each passing second.

    How are you doing?

  5. Whenever anyone here complains or bitches about something in Thailand there will be an onslaught of TV posters who will tell the poster that he has balls to complain about anything and he should like it or leave it.


    Is it that everyone here suffers from low self-esteem or is it the groupthink here that we should all put on a smiley face when someone dumps a ton of $hit in our front yard? I want to know what's with you hooligans who descend on any poster, especially someone who is just starting out here, who says anything that can be construed as a criticism of Thailand.

    And let's get all the crap out of the way:

    USA is crap.

    GB is crap.

    France is full of venomous muslims flipping cars instead of burgers at the local barf and brew.

    Wherever you come from is crap.

    Got it? So don't bring up how things are bad in your country or freaking Albania for Christ's sake as an excuse why we should smile when there is a steaming pile of poo in our front yard that the neighbor just happened to put there instead of his own.

  6. OP,

    You blow into Thailand, and get a woman pregnant...and then you complain that someone who puts a shopping cart in the middle of a store aisle is impolite. What are you, a comedian?

    Someone abandoning a cart in the middle of the aisle isn't rude? I guess instead of parking on the street, it's ok to put my truck on your front lawn? Why shouldn't he complain?

  7. I know I'm going to get a lecture for this but money is a limiting factor right now.

    the immediate problem I have rght now is I am dehydrated, I have been taking loads and loads of water with electrolite suppliments in it all day - probably about 4 ltrs worth and it ain't going anywhere, I still have not been for a pee or anything else for that matter, dehydration has been one of my issues last few days so I started drinking electrolite suppliment water to try and rehydrate

    my urine system has basically ground to a halt.

    Those electrolyte drinks have a heavy salt content. Try water with lime or lemon. Try hot tea with honey and lemon - drink it at close to body temperature. Watch out for the salt, it is in everything here.

  8. These stories are heard all the time. So much for Buddhism and Thai Culture - it is festering at the younger levels. The ones not caught will continue their assault against women who seem to hold a second-class status in this society.

    Man Good.

    Woman expendable.

    Disgusting - and yet they go to temple to make merit to cleanse their sins.

  9. man talking to himself me thinks

    This dude is toast man. Isn't there any way for the moderators to reign someone like him in, or ban him or whatever?

    Mr. Rosner is dismayed by chinthee. Mr. Rosner in good faith agreed that he would move out of the third person should chinthee make a poll. This flies in the face of what chintee wrote - change your mind son?

    Ban? For what? Please state the infraction.

    I'm not your son, Jack, probably your father. Do you really think anybody would trust Mr. Rosner's word to abide by any poll based on his disregard of all other social conventions seen on this board? Not likely. You lost your social currency long ago.

    Why don't you give it up? You seem like a smart guy, with lots to offer in the real world. Let go of your fantasies and see the possibilities.

    Interesting. 30 minutes ago you ask Mr. Rosner if he will stop using the third (third) person should you make a poll and the majority says yes.

    Mr. Rosner agreed.

    Then you make a faulty poll and decide that Mr. Rosner has no honour. You dishonor yourself with your actions.

    Look in the mirror. You botched it big time.

    P.S. - how funny is it that you yourself refer to Mr. Rosner as "Mr. Rosner" and not as "You"


  10. man talking to himself me thinks

    This dude is toast man. Isn't there any way for the moderators to reign someone like him in, or ban him or whatever?

    Mr. Rosner is dismayed by chinthee. Mr. Rosner in good faith agreed that he would move out of the third person should chinthee make a poll. This flies in the face of what chintee wrote - change your mind son?

    Ban? For what? Please state the infraction.

    For the rectord jdinasia Mr. Rosner complained to the ever diligent and "fair" moderators about your breach. We shall see what we shall see.

  11. Up to him really.

    One thing I have noticed however, is that most of what he says gets lost as the delivery is so tedious.

    He may well be making some fascinating points, points I may agree with. Most of us, however, just read as far as... Mr Rosner, think twaaat and pass on!

    Think I have looked at most of his posts today, and I cannot tell you one single thing that he said!! IMHO it's not a very good tactic if you want your opinioins aired!

    But if you are just looking for attention ..... well this thread workd for him

    and his reply .....

    Personal Message


    You win, Today, 2007-06-13 17:19:42

    Senior Member

    Group: Members

    Posts: 247

    Member No.: 41,594

    Joined: 2007-02-04

    You are the minority that gets it. Congrats.


    Mr. Rosner - Mild mannered millionaire playboy by day and church deacon by night. On the weekends Mr. Rosner works in a slaughterhouse.

    just another troll

    Mr. Rosner fought in the first Gulf War and he recognizes your type. He knew you would post a PRIVATE message and as such requests a moderator to deal with you appropriately. You took the bait, fell into the trap and then posted what I'm sure the rules say not to post.

    Shame on you.

    What part of PRIVATE in PM didn't you understand?

  12. You have gotta wonder about all those market stalls selling big swords & machete's in the tourist areas - Pattaya for example.

    Could just about see some farang on the edge, lose it for whatever reason, go buy a 4 foot long sword, ninja stars, and Stallone Cobra type brass nuckles - enter a bar & start chopping away.

    I am in preference of un-regulated markets - but these stalls selling weaponry to the public put that to the test...

    I actually seen one guy hacking away at his own face with a fork in Pattaya. Did a good job of it too. No sh!t!!!


    Mr. Rosner wishes to know if they gentleman lost face?

  13. I really hate John Stossel, he's a right wing putz, but the book looks like it has some things of interest.

    Mr. Rosner hopes that each word John wrote churns bile in your belly. Good for you to read Stossell - he's a Libertarian, not a right wing putz. Go out and rent SUPERSIZE ME while you're out and about.

  14. It must be hard for some posters on this thread (mentioning no names but looking firmly at JimmytheMook and jeffrosner) to square their innate views that Thai men are either jealous, stupid, lazy or a combination of all three, with the fact that they have had their asses kicked intellectually in this debate by one such Thai guy.

    How ironic.

    Yes, pat yourself on the back and have someone give you a prostate exam. Roll your eyes laddie buck -

    Mr. Rosner has yet again spoken.

  15. Dear Mr. Rosner:

    Today I would like to bake a cake. If Mr. Rosner were to bake a cake today, can you please inform/suggest what flavor it should be and would icing be necessary in this heat ?

    Mr. Rosner is only too happy to advise on culinary topics be they of the confectionery variety or relating to livestock. One could always cheat with a simple vanilla cake but the climate here in Thailand demands a moist to almost wet cake. Mr. Rosner's mother in law, pritapaporn singna had a great recipe that she penned shortly before her death in the lemon grass fields of Buri Ram.

    Prissy as she was known to the locals met her death after being thrown into lemon grass from the back of a buffalo. Mr. Rosner will always remember her that way -

    Here is Prissy's famous Buri Ram Pineapple Upside Down Cake Recipe.

    May she rest in peace.


    • 3/4 cup butter
    • 3/4 cup packed dark brown sugar
    • 3/4 cup unsweetened pineapple juice
    • 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
    • 2 teaspoons baking powder
    • 1/2 teaspoon salt
    • 1/2 cup white sugar
    • 3 eggs
    • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
    • 1 fresh pineapple - peeled, cored and cut into rings


    1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (205 degrees C).
    2. Melt the butter. Brush a little bit of the butter on the inside of a 9 inch cake pan.
    3. Mix 5 tablespoons of the butter with the dark brown sugar and 1/4 cup of the pineapple juice. Place this mixture in the bottom of the cake pan. Arrange the pineapple rings on the brown sugar mixture in a decorative pattern (be creative). Set pan aside.
    4. Stir together the flour, salt, white sugar, and baking powder.
    5. Separate the eggs. Beat the whites until stiff but not dry.
    6. Beat two of the egg yolks until lemony yellow. Stir in the remaining 1/2 cup pineapple juice, vanilla, and remaining melted butter. Add this mixture to the flour mixture. Gently fold in the egg whites. Pour batter over the top of the brown sugar and pineapple rings.
    7. Bake at 400 degrees F (205 degrees C) for 30 minutes. Let cake cool in pan for 10 minutes then cover pan tightly with a serving dish and invert so that the pineapple side is up.

  16. Mr. Rosner being a medically licensed Physician in some other world diagnosed the disgusting, foul smelling $hits he as taking as Giardia. Fortunately for Mr. Rosner, he had plenty of Flagyl left over from the 2 other times he had Giardia and the time his wife had a foul smelling, putrifying stench from her Vagina due to a Vaginosis infection caused primary from plastic sanitary napkins used to stem the tide from afterbirth to the month long period she had after liberating Mr. Rosners only begotten son.

    Mr. Rosner does not recommend Flagyl for the weak as it taxes the body in many ways.

    While Mr. Rosner is not sure that his current stomach upset, and 20 times excreting per day is the fault of Giardia he does have this advice ....

    Don't drink and take Giardia 500mg 3x a day with meals.

    Mr. Rosner has thus spoke.

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