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Posts posted by BelfastMike

  1. Terrible news. Carryduff is not far from where I hail from. My heart goes out to the family.

    From the reports it sounds like this could have happened anywhere. When the drink's in the whit's out.

    I hope the British Consulate can help in dealing with the local authorities and repatriating his remains. Dealing with those arrangements can make a tragedy an even more horrific ordeal.

  2. I actually registered the marriage the day before the wedding... :whistling:

    It was at Bangrak, but we had an off-duty policeman running us around that day (doing all the paperwork) with enough English to be the translator and one of the witnesses (my father was the other witness).

    (At least I assume he was treated as a translator as we definitely didn't get asked for one.)

    So it's possible to register before having the ceremony?

    That would be very handy as I have to go to BKK for the Affirmation to be validated. We could then nip round to Bang Rak and do the necessary.

    The Amphur near the wife's home might not be so well practiced in dealing with Foreigners.

  3. I am aware of the risks involved in long-distance relationships, especially with Thai ladies.

    Obviously we do love and trust each other and marriage would have been on the cards at some point anyway. If that's what it takes to get a Visa for Germany, then so be it.

    A number of my friends also have Thai other-halfs so a social life shouldn't be a problem and hopefully these girls can support my partner while she settles into life in the West. Language and climate are going to be two big hurdles. Her spoken and written English is good but German is non-existent (like mine).

    Cheers for the comments. It's good to take a "glass is half empty" view on things now and again.

  4. It seems impossible to satisfy the criteria of "enduring relationship" without getting married.

    The annoying thing is. The embassy's descision was based entirely on one page of notes scrawled by the Thai lady who interviewed my girlfriend. When I spoke to the German staff member who had refused the visa, it was clear he had not passed anymore than a cursory eye over the fat folder of "evidence" I had provided.

    We're getting engaged soon and we will try again in March for a tourist visa. Not that I think an engagement ring will make a difference. Now of course she has two refusal stamps in her passport which won't help. Perhaps a fresh passport is in order?

    Thanks kf6vci for the offer of help. :) I may take you up on that nearer the time.

  5. Me and the missus are planning a trip to Chiang Mai over Christmas 21st - 27th December.

    Neither of us have been there before so I'm looking for a little advice.

    Any recommendations for a hotel, preferrably no more than 20 minutes from the Night Bazaar. Comfy a/c rooms with wi/fi and a pool/spa.

    Are there any events on over Christmas? It will be our first Christmas together, normally I go back to Ireland. So I want her to experience the full farrang dinner and celebrations. Presumably one of the expat bars will have something on?

    Also looking for somewhere suitable to "pop the question." Any nice romantic spots around the area?

  6. Not that keen on getting married before she has spent at least a month or two in Europe. For all we know she may hate it and that would mean divorce and even more headaches.

    From reading the the guide on the EC Directive, it would appear that once we satisfy the German Embassy of a "durable and duly attested relationship" then the application should go through. Here's the guide BTW.


    The question is. How does the German Embassy define a "durable and duly attested relationship?" So far they have been elusive in answering this question. I will keep asking until someone gives me an answer.

  7. Worldfun. Thanks for the info. Yes my G/F is from Isaan, so perhaps there is a little prejudice there.

    Particularly interested in what you've said regarding German Permanent Residence for her. But I'll ask more about that once she is actually able to enter Germany.

    I've been reading up on the EEA Family Permit thing (Directive 2004/38/EC) and it would seem that if I can satisfy the German Embassy that a "durable duly attested relationship" exists between us then the Embassy will have little choice but to grant a Visa.

    However, they have not responded to my correspondance requesting they specify the criteria which must be met to prove this kind of relationship.

    I'll keep faxing them until I get a response. Yes faxing. Germans love it, even in this day and age.

  8. Well I am now back in Germany. Yes here Visa was refused again.

    Same reason as the first time, she could not show adequate reason to return to Thailand.

    So, as Bastian has suggested. I will contact the Foreign Authority here in Koln and ask their advice on obtaining a Fiance Visa.

    I'll post my progress in this thread.

  9. Germany is though. Almost everything you are listing is against getting the Schengen Visa. You might try it again and use a third party on the 'Verpflichtunserklaerung', this is better then doing it with your name.

    Also, the fact that you are currently living in Germany and she has no strong ties to Thailand, is a big 'no no'.

    The best would be a fiance Visa to get married in Germany. Since you are not German Citizen she does not need to proof German language skills ( A1 test ). The marriage Visa will be valid for 3 month.

    So it is possible to get a German Fiance Visa? There's no info on the Consulate's website about this. Doesn't help of course that I don't speak much German either.

    We're both upset that they told us to come back when she owned some land. We complied quickly and now they reject the application without even assessing it properly!

    I don't have time to waste messing around with Embassies when I'm on holiday and I hate BKK with a passion anyway!

    Worst comes to worst. We can go to the Amphur and tie the knot. But there is paperwork I'll need to get for this and time is limited. Ultimately we were planning to marry anyway once she had come to Germany and learned to cope with the cultural and climate differences. We can always have a proper ceremony etc at a later date.

  10. Having some problems obtaining a Passport for my Thai G/F to visit me in Germany.

    She has been to the German Embassy in BKK twice now in the last 2 weeks and been declined on both occasions. Naturally she is very upset, as am I.


    - I'm 32 she's 26. Been together 3 years.

    - She used to work in her family's boutique but it closed 9 months ago and since then she has been studying English. Doesn't have much in the way of qualifications, she's been to Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia and Singapore before but never further afield.

    - We have rented an apartment in Phuket for the past 2 and a half years. I used to fly back and forth to Thailand every 6 weeks but changed job and only go there for a few 3 week visits yearly now. Been supporting her financially (paying the rent and household bills plus a little spending money) for the past 2 and a half years.

    - I'm UK National with Dual Irish/UK Citizenship (N.Irish) working in Germany on a 6 month rolling contract for a multinational. Have a leased apartment here in my name and I've registered my residence at the local town hall.

    I obtained a "Verpflichtungserklärung" from the local "Foreigner Office" here in Germany. This is an Official Procedure where they checked my work contract, bank account and lease documents, then produced a certificate saying I am capable of providing for her during her stay. This supposedly negates the need for her to have savings or show financial independence.

    She has reserved a flight 19th Sept Out - 18th November Back and purchased travel insurance with 2 Million Baht of cover.

    I also wrote a letter explaining our relationship, inviting her to stay with me, promising to cover all expenses whilst she visits Germany as well as guaranteeing her return to Thailand at the end of the stay.

    First application rejected. They told her she can't demonstrate adequate reason to return to Thailand. She needs to own land or have a hire-purchase agreement for a car or something that ties her to home.

    She visited her folks and they agreed to sign over some of their land to her.

    Second application this morning. The Thai staff at the Embassy flicked through her paperwork and told her she still couldn't show adequate reason to return and that she shouldn't even submit the application as it's just a waste of 2900 bht.

    Obviously we're both upset. There doesn't seem to be anyway we can get a Visa now.

    G/F wants me to go to the Embassy on the 8th September. I'm visiting from the 2nd to the 19th. But I don't think that's going to make a jot of difference as they haven't questioned any of my documentation. The onus is on her to prove she'll return to Thailand before her visa expires.

    I don't think there's such a thing as a Fiance Visa for Germany, so that's not an option.

    Her folks have suggested going to the Amphur and getting married on paper, no ceremony or parties. But again, will that make any difference. Seems a bit crazy getting married just for a Visa!

    Can anyone offer some advice?

  11. Hi there,

    A couple of friends of mine are heading to Phuket in September.

    They're in their late twenties, male and female and they're looking for a quiet up-market beach resort in Phuket.

    Why Phuket? Because there's plenty to see and do during the day and there's nightlife in Patong if they fancy it.

    I was thinking Karon as it's not too nightlife orientated but it's not far from Patong or Chalong for the boat trips.

    Unfortunately I don't know that area too well.

    So if anyone can recommend somewhere I'd appreciate it.

  12. Difficult but not impossible.

    DELL Thailand were extremely helpful when I had problems with my US purchased and still under warranty laptop which is not even a model available in Thailand.

    Unfortunately they were unable to repair it but identified the problem and gave me a report which I was able to send to DELL US along with the computer so they could fix the problem.

    DELL US were extremely helpful as well but they would not send the replacement part to Thailand to be fixed here.

    I'll second that. The Motherboard on my Dell XPS M1710 died a day after I arrived on a 2 month break. I had purchased a 3 year international warranty with the notebook. Dell Thailand were very helpful and diagnosed the problem quickly. But as this model was never sold in Thailand they could not source parts. In the end I got a cheap flight to KL, met the Dell Malaysia engineer at my hotel there and he had it fixed in 30 minutes. Wasn't planning on going to KL but I really needed the notebook for work etc and it was a good excuse for a 3 day sightseeing trip. Can't fault Dell warranty support. Had issues with the same machine in Belgium and Germany (it's the traveling that kills it) and on both occasions an engineer has been out and fixed it within 24 hours.

    Back to the OP's question though. I would definitely buy in the UK. Much better range of notebooks available at much better prices. But try and buy a model which is also available in Thailand.

  13. Arriving Singapore on the 13th Sept one night stay then onto Phuket.

    Same same for the return journey from Phuket on the 9th October.

    Any recommendations for a decent Hotel within 30 mins of Changi Airport?

    Looking for a comfy room wi/fi and good food.

    Budget around the 4000bht mark.

  14. Yeah, forget the Tuk Tuk mafia. They'll never learn as their are enough Tourists who don't know better to keep them in business.

    It's the low season now, so let's hope some of them go bankrupt.

    There are some private taxis around, I've used them in the past to go shopping at JungCeylon. Suspect they are actually just blokes with cars moonlighting as they don't have meters or signage.

    Take a motocy taxi or two if you're with the missus. Much more fun too :o

  15. ArranP. I'm working in Mons Belgium at the moment. Just arrived a week ago and enjoying the long weekend this week.

    Would be interested in chatting to you off-line about Visas etc. I'm in the same position as you although I'm not engaged and my g/f isn't pregnant. We want to live together for a few months (or longer if at all possible) in Belgium.

    I haven't a clue about the process for applying for a visa for her. Perhaps you can offer some advice?

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