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Posts posted by Lisaloo1977

  1. This is unbelievably sad. I can’t believe they are condemning a young girl to death.


    There is a request for anyone in Bangkok who maybe able to help legally to contact @brettbruen via Twitter. He has spoken with her, and confirmed they have told her she will be put on the 11:15am flight to Kuwait tomorrow.


    I have never wished I was in Bangkok more in my life ????

  2. I went travelling and was involved in an accident that required me to be taken to Samui, from KP, where I was given the necessary treatment to allow me to be flown to Bangkok for a further stay in hospital. I was eventually flown home with a medical professional on a flight to England, taking up a large section as I was laid flat on a stretcher. I was taken to the airport in an ambulance, and also met by one. My insurance company covered ALL of it, except the excess part. I dread to think what it would have cost for my care, a lot more than my insurance policy that's certain!

    I would feel terrible putting my parents in a situation, where their security and older years would be spent paying for an accident, I was involved in.

    I'm of the opinion that, if you can't afford the cost of insurance, you can't afford to go.

    My accident was not my fault, I was hit at night by a local riding a scooter. Not only did they leave me after the accident, they also stole my stuff. I was walking between Had Rin Nok and Had Rin Nai at the time. It was not a great time in my life, but I will always be grateful to the New Zealand guy who found me, stayed with me, and also made sure I got the help I needed.

    I wish the girl well, and her parents, with both her recovery, and the money issues its caused.

  3. Hi and congratulations on your son.

    I can only go from what we did, but i am sure some people will be along with heaps of advice.

    Like yourselves we had travelled lots before becoming parents and decided quite soon after having our son that we would return to Thailand as we both felt happy to take him there.

    Our son was 8 months old at the time we went back for month.

    Is your son breastfed? This will make things easier, our son was not by that point and we got some bags to sterolise the bottles in from boots. It held about 6 bottles and we had no problems. Whilst medicine is available in Thailand i would take some Calpol and teething medicine from home just so you have it at hand. Try to make sure that he is either having a bottle or dummy on takeoff and landing as it helps their ears not to hurt . Also ask for a bassinette on the plane as soon as possible, it makes the flight much easier.

    Obviously i would say the usual, lightweight long sleaved items to protect from bites and also all in one sun protection suites and a good hat.

    The worst thing we came across with our son was suncream and sand, he decided he hated both and especially together!!!

    The sunsticks are great for putting on the face without getting it in their eyes. We have taken our little one back 3 times now and are heading over for a month in April and cant wait. The thai people are amazing and love babies, many nights the waiter or waitress would be entertaining our son whilst we ate in peace.

    Oh yeah last piece of advice, do not take heaps as you know you can get it all out there and getting around with baby, buggy, suitcases, backpacks etc is a blumming nightmare. I still have nightmares about getting on the ferry, down steps, across a gap of water trying to carry it all, needless to say we travel lighter now.

  4. Would prefer from Manchester but happy to go from Heathrow if an Eva flight direct. Looking at going end of march, any time from about the 26th for 3 weeks.

    I hope they are going to go down again as they shot up by about £150 on Kayak for that period. I am thinking it is so they can claim to be having great sales soon, whilst really just putting them to the previous prices.

  5. Thanks everyone for the replies.

    Going to hang on for a few more weeks and hope Eva have some cheaper ones. I would go for the Ethiad, but the hope of a cheaper direct flight is stopping me.

    I did try to search for the review on Jetairways, but could not find it. Would you be ble to put up a link?

    Thanks again everyone, cant wait to come back.

  6. Hi,

    Firstly Merry Christmas to everyone and if you don't do Christmas i hope you all have a great 2009 despite all the doom and gloom. :o

    I was hoping that someone could maybe help me out with some flight prices.

    I have been looking at flights over to Thailand for Febuary onwards, we usually go for 6 weeks from start of december but as its son's first real Christmas that he understands, we put it off this year so that we could spend it with family here in Blighty.

    We usually fly with Eva, and the price is usually alot better than i am finding at the moment. In the article regarding the TAT cutting hotel prices on another thread it mentions Eva and Thai are going to be cutting their prices soon, does anyone have anymore info on that?

    With things being a little crazy in the world right now, i guess i thought that flights would become cheaper, but if anything they are going up?? I know Thai cut some routes, are others flollowing their lead?

    Should i book something soon, or do you think some bargains will start appearing after the new year? I have found Jetairways for a fraction under £400 with a good connection that is very tempting. I would just rather fly with Eva or even Ethiad, if the connection was good.

    Sorry for the waffle, it is so frustrating trying to time the booking right to get the best price. I do not have any experience of the January airline sales, as we are usually not looking having just come back.

    Are they worth waiting for?

    Thanks for any advice.

  7. When you looking at flying? I am trying to find some myself, well not dirt cheap as bar the AirAsia flights i am not sure dirt cheap is available anymore. I am coming up against an expensive brick wall for the times i want to travel.

    I would not mind, i had the AirAsia flights the other day but decided against it as they were valid from March. I am wishing i had booked them now and just waited a little longer.

    It seems that Thailand is very much in demand still. Which of course is great news, unless you are trying to book flights.

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