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Posts posted by scotty123456789

  1. Hi all,

    Not been on for long time but would like abit of help if possible.

    Me and the Mrs are off to Thailand in a couple of weeks and iv just got a question regarding exchanging cash.

    We will be taking cash, no bank cards as I get charged, and will be changing it at the airport when we arrive.

    Do you know if there is anyway I can keep monitering the exchange rate at the airport, like a website they have or anything?

    i have noticed that the Baht is going up within the last few weeks in the UK, I think its around 45-46 at moment.

    I would be happy with 50 to the pound, you think it could reach that at the airport?

    Last time I went I got 71 to pound, suppose its not a cheap country anymore.

    Anyway, cheers all


  2. Hi,

    Wondering if you could help me?

    My friend is wanting to bring his girlfriend of 3 years to the UK on a tourist visa, shes Thai.

    What visa application form does she need to download??

    What is the address of the office she needs to go to for her T.B. test??

    And what is the address of the visa centre in bkk she needs to submit her application.

    Its been nearly 3 years since I did this for my wife and iv forgot.

    Many thanks all


  3. You need to be assesed at which level your lass is at.

    She then needs to progress to the next level, and the course needs to be delivered in a citizenship context.

    My Mrs went to a little course centre, not a collage.

    She paid £5 per week and could attend upto 3 times a week.

    She was assesed at level 2 and failed the test 1st time after just 5 weeks.

    The women then put my wife at level 1, and passed after 3 weeks.

    The test cost £50 each time.


  4. you'll be fine shady.. ignore the negative folks

    Be sure to have a healthly bank balance (about 2k) in your UK account for when you supply bank statements with your application. Anything you've got that proves a relationship between you both will help, ie. photos of you together sight-seeing, letters, b'day cards, emails, msn, evidence of gifts, money transfers etc.

    If her visa history is clean, you'll be fine. I'm currently going through the Appeal process as the application was rejected for the smallest reason. I thought I had supplied enough evidence and so left things out of the original application. I've now supplied reams of paperwork.

    good luck!! :)

    Disagree with you there matey,

    When my wife applied I was £1500 overdrawn, money is not important, as long as you can maintain yourselfs without recourse to public funds your fine.

    With our application I provided bank statements, pay slips, marriage certificate (eng + thai ) phone records, money transfers etc etc.

    Got the visa after 3 days.


  5. Myself and the Mrs had known eachother for 1 year before we married and applied for the S Visa 2 weeks after we married.

    We had know Thai ceromony just registered at the local ampur in her village.

    We was there best part of an hour and paid the 80 baht for tax and received the marriage certificate.

    So know my friend, you dont need to have a ceromony, registering at the amphur is legal in enough.

    Good luck with the sin sot.


  6. Yes we applied by post and we sent our application approx 12 days before her visa expired.

    The ILR came back after 1 month.

    I only said it could take 6 months as on the website it states postal applications can take up to 6 months, during the visa process your Mrs is still legal in the UK, to work etc etc.


  7. Well I have wrote a fair few posts over the last few years or so but this one gives me great pleasure in posting.

    Yesterday morning my Mrs received her ILR after just a month.

    I found doing the application for my wife pretty easy and straight forward.

    I would just like to say a big thank you to all members on this forum who have helped me over the last few years especialy Scouse, who helped us through our Settlement Visa.

    I do still think the price is abit harsh though, I meen, £820 by post, £1020 by appointment, come on.

    The Home Office website states 95% of postal applications are dealt with in 6 months, and appointment only applications are dealt with in 24 hrs.

    Just shows you its all about money.

    Anyway we got it, so a big thanks to you all

    Scotty @ K

  8. Hi,

    My wifes application for ILR arrived at the office on thursday 31-12-2009.

    The money was taken out on monday 4-1-2010 so I suppose this is a good sign, but what I want to know is, whats the average waiting time for the application to go through.

    We supplied more than enough documents so I cant see a problem with this.

    Anyhow, any help would be appreciated.



  9. Hi,

    The wifes ILR application is ready to be posted, but due to the xmas holidays where the post offices have been closed iv been unable to send it earlier.

    The post office is open today, but if anyone could tell me if the UK Border Agency in Durham is open tommorow?

    I dont want to send it today if its going to be closed the rest of the week.

    Im sending it next day special.

    Anyhelp would be very gratefull.



  10. Thanks all,

    The covering letter, do I just need to explain what is enclosd in the application?

    Im not good with big words, I meen, could the covering letter have big influence on the decision of the ILR application?

    We have all the documents required, tons more, but just abit paranoid of writing the covering letter.

    I will be writing the letter on behalf of my wife, and I will make this clear I am writing it in the letter, will this be alright if I write the letter on my wifes behalf?

    Cheers all


  11. Hi,

    My wife has her ILR coming up in the next week or so, and id be gratefull for some help.

    My wifes visa was granted on 9/01/2008 and expires 9/01/2010, she arrived in the UK on 16/01/2008, so what date is the earliest we can apply, and how long have we got to apply?

    Where can I find the application form for ILR?

    In the covering letter should I just state where we live, and lived.

    Where we work etc

    That my wife has passed and esol course.

    Do I need to explain our outgoings etc I meen for example

    RENT £300

    C TAX £89

    BT £11.25

    SKY 38.50

    And so on and so?

    Any help would be appreciated


  12. Hi all,

    Just a few questions which maybe you could kindly answer.

    My wife is here on a settlement visa, visa granted on 9/01/08, arrived in UK on 16/01/08 so when do we apply for her ILR/FLR?

    We lived at my mothers home until august where we then rented an apartment in the city, but the landlord has put the rent up to £500 per month so we have moved back to my mothers again until we can find something a little cheaper, but my question is, if we dont find anything cheaper by the time my wifes application comes around, we will be at my mothers still, would they see this as a problem, living at my mothers twice during her settlement visa?

    My wife is currently doing an ESOL with citizenship course, test coming up in june, but she has aleady failed her previous test, so if my wife still cant pass the test, we would have to apply for FLR right?

    How much are the costs etc for FLR/ILR?

    As for paper work, we dont have any joint bank accounts, all we have in joint names is, council tax bills, water rate bills, electric bills, we then have in seperate names but addressed at the same address, bank statements, credit card statment, phone bills, NHS letters, NI letter, working tax credit letters etc etc.

    When the time comes around for us to apply, we properbly will have no savings, maybe a few hundred pounds or so, is this a problem?

    My wife works part time, me full time.

    Also, are many FLR applications refused? I meen, they cant exactly just put your wife straight on a plane back to Thailand can they?

    I couldnt bear to think beng apart from my wife :)

    Many thanks

    Scotty & K

  13. I still say this is hard to belive that you need 10,000 or above

    I did my wife's fltr and i can say there was more like 10 pence in bank account not 10,000


    When we put our sv in I was 1500 over drawn, no savings whatsoever and we got the visa after 3 days.

    Dont know where you get the 10k from.

    I believe and are almost certain the requirement for you and your wife to live on is round £96 per week, thats after your bills.

    Thats what it was around 18 months ago anyhow


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