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Posts posted by yabs

  1. statistics mean nothing

    I look at the facts with my own eyes

    infratsructure, food, security are all very bad in the Phils

    maybe houses are cheaper to rent but quality is lower along with the security risks

    hotels are way more expensive making holidays or short trips virtually impossible on limited budgets.

    Dumaguete is really very boring and there are power cuts all the time and for a small town has a big traffic problem worse than pattaya.

    also beaches in the Phils are generally worse than thailand

    ie very narrow and rocky in most places

    apart from the one now ruined beach at borocay I have yet to see the big wide sweeping beaches of white sand of say phuket or samui

    in fact white sand beaches are few anbd far between in the phils

    the main concern is security with crime seemigly rising all the time

    dumaguete i hear is getting very bad for that as people move in from other provinces

  2. you are missing the point jin

    My point is they should sppreciate the foreigner more as if it wasn't for our countries providoing themn jobs they would have nothing

    which is why it gets my goat that they won't grant us foreigners the same rights in their countries that they have in ours

  3. yes a bad situation but good comes from all bad

    good thing is with all ther trouble means mining companies and arabs acnnot rape the island

    and tourist development stays away

    can you imagine what would happen if this island found peace?

    it would be raped in no time flat

    muslim extremist are evil but i n some ways good for the enviroenment

  4. filguy

    its even more sad then that your country is still racist towards foreigners

    You can come to my country and have all the rights that i have if not more

    and you take our jobs but we cannot go to yours and ever enjoy the same rights as you

    have a car crash and its my fault regardless, i pay i foreigner i have money

    of course. I cannot own land and i get double charged

    also don't think it would go down too well if I started taking jobs you can do

    out of all countries the Phils should be different in this attitide as if it wasn't for us foreigners giving you jobs in our countries

    the Phils would be even more of a basket case than it is

    makes my blood boil

  5. gary

    yes I had an icelandic bank but it is guranteed from the FSA

    what guarantees have you got in Thailand?

    <deleted> all

    I've got loads of investments none of them in thailand apart from maybe a small part of an asian fund

    two properies in the uk which i rent out for a good profit on my mortgage

    lots of cash and lots in stock though obviously the latter took a battering

    hopefully retire i n a year or so in my mid thirties

    but perhaps i should take your advice na d buy an overpriced and poorly built property in Thailand which i can never own out right and

    have trouble selling

    hmm thats clever

  6. guest

    you start off quite well

    of course thats why we all move there , for more freedom and excitemenet, but when has buying property been the ingrediensts of adventure and freedom

    but I would also say that if one buys a house sett;les down etc

    then if that is what they want then they are in the wrong place

    by the mere notion fo them buying suggests that what they are after in life they will not find in thailand

    if you want to remain footloose and fancy free then buying a property is not the eay to go

    is all I'm saying

    why buy when you can rent

    buy in you r own country where you have protection and rent that out to subsidide your life here in Los is my advice

    I would suggest by yiur response that you are the bitter one, not I

    I'm just facing the facts and the facts are its A GREAt place for fun but thats about it

    if you want tangible things in your life thejn I would suggest you are in the wrong place

  7. don

    then i'll say it again unless you are prepared to lose it all

    the I'm sorry you are a mug

    if you want beach property do it in a place where you own it

    not only is it a mugs game but it also pushes the prices up out the reach of locals

    all in all i think its a bad move

    I have three rules which i stick to

    1 never get involved romantically with bar girls ie take them on as gfs.

    2 never buy property unless you are prepared to lose

    3 never do business in thailand unless its some sort of export

    stick to those rules and you should be fine

    if not beware

  8. why on earth would anyone i n their right mind buy property here uinless they are seriously loaded and can afford to lose all.

    I can never get over how dumb some people are.

    I someone told that that what you were about to buy could

    1)never 100 percent be yours

    2)you are in a country that if something does go wrong you as a foregner have no real rights or legal recourse

    3)The next govnt in can change all rules regarding foreign ownership willy nilly

    4)it will be very hard ever to sell what you buy and in all likelihood especillay in the case of a condo it will fall in value

    yes all this applies to buying property here so why on earth would anyone do it?

    You see adverts all the time for exclusive units in phuket etc

    my questions are as these are not condos how can foreigners possibly buy them

    and 2 what sort of mug even considers the idea

    really really unbelievable

  9. opebo

    your point about hotels i n especially true

    it is unbelievable how much hotels in the Philippines up their prices

    In bangkok hotels are still roughly the same price they were 7 years ago

    each year in the Phils the hotels seem to go up at least 20 percent if not more

    tyhe rates now are just scandalous but I'm sure all that wilol change with the currenbt crisis

    they will have to lower artes again I ma sure

    point 2 about being afr more dangeorus is also true and not just terroroism

    crim ein general is higher

    I think this is because of the latin influence and the american gun culture

  10. there are no comparisons with the danger in thailand and in the Philippines

    There is almost all out war in the Philippines right now on Mindiano with several radical islamic factions with international terror links

    The problem in thailand is domestic and confined

    there is always the danger of it spilling over in the Phils

    There was a big explosion last year in manilla which everyone seemed to think was an al queda bomb

    At foirst that was how it was reported

    however everyone is of the opinion that there was a cover up to say it was a gas explosion.

    There have been other high profile terror attacks outside of Mindinao in recent years

    bombing of a large ferry and the tourists kidnapped from Palawan

    There are not only islamic terrorists but also communist rebels in most areas

    only last month there was a gun battle in negros not far from cebu

    All in all its dodgy and a last resort if you want to live in SEA

  11. somn eislands may have good beaches but if the food is crap and towns are dirty who cares?

    You have to go to an established touristy island to get good food at foreighn owned places

    all phil owned ones will have bad food.

    Another downside is these islands are full of Koreans in large groups of 20 or more

    so very crowded and noisy.

    So with the crap food and danger its a no no really

  12. I agree with Johnie bangkok

    No comparison at all

    only can be recomme nded over Thailand for diving but you can get that in Malaysia, and indo as well

    plus more culture and better food.

    its a one stop shop: diving only

    girls are not as atttractive either i n my opinion ands generally less educated.

    People may be thinking Angeles is an alternative to pattaya but there is no beach and after the volcano eruption, dust is evreywhere

    with pollution to match bangkok

    horrible place

    plus with the rapidly strengthening peso ther is really no need to go there

  13. chawng beats borocay anyday

    White beach near PG used to be good 4 years ago

    lat year when i returned it was really badly overdeveloped with buildings being buitl on the beach itself

    which is a curse of the Phils

    god help it if it attarcts even half the number of tourists as thailand it will be ruined in no time as there are less building laws than in thailand

  14. nicely put jadie guy

    having spent time in both

    pros: less tourists, most speak english but don't undestand it as jadie says.san miguel beer

    cons : terrible food, way more poverty and diabolical infrastructure 100 km can take 4 hours

    much more dangeorous and all in all more like South america than Asia

    not an alternative if you co mpare apples for apples really, just an entirely different choice

    the other major con is that given it was an American colony it has way more americans there than thailand and crap junk food ie macdonalds and a poor mans local variety called jollibee

  15. jens

    where was the white sand?


    yeah but that is worse than samui in myopinion

    way too overdevelpoped

    i've never seen white sand like samui or phuket with the big wide beaches. Ph tend to be way smaller

    and I like some culture along with beaches otherwise we could all go to miami

  16. I really don't think its an alternative to thailand at all

    it has no culture to speak of

    infrastructure is 30 years behind and its much more dangerous

    it really has more in common with latin america than asia given its long time as a spanish colony.

    it may be a good alternative to south america but not to thailand

    it also has a really big problem with terrorism

    southern philippines is a haven for al queda and other groups

  17. only comparison is the beaches

    everything else is way different

    no culture to speak of in PI

    food is terrible and more expensive

    hotels are also more expensive

    infratrsucture i n the PI is way behind Thailand.

    Beaches while some nice ones still in my opinion do not compare to thailand

    they are often smaller and not as many white sand beaches

    mostly grey or brown sand

    also in many places they make a habit of building on the beach and don't really take care of them like in thailand

    I would say malaysia or cambodia is a much better bet than PI

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