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Posts posted by MaaTini

  1. Land can be gifted to a Thai minor child of any age.

    However, the land is then effectively under the control of that Thai courts until the child reaches the age of 20.

    The child cannot sell the land, borrow money with it as collateral, enter into and lease or usufruct agreements or have any lien placed upon the land without the courts permission, until the child reaches the age of 20. These permissions are rarely if ever given.

    Of course, this being Thailand local Land Department Officials may have their own rules as to what they will do.

    If considering any lease or usufruct agreements then these must be in place before gifting the land.

    On a different point,op does not indicate if he is married to the mother of the child, if not then you are not automatically the legal father (even though your name is on the birth certificate)

    Thank you very much for your great Input to my Thread, very intersting, indeed

    No - I am not married to the Mother of my Child

    Now - after reading your Words about being the legal Father of a Thai Baby - how could I become the legal Father?

  2. there is a Person, who is selling his UK registered Car here in Thailand


    he states:

    ...This is the catch: It's UK-registered, so to transfer ownership you have to have a UK address to receive the certificate of registration. It enters Thailand on a temporary import up to 6 months, so has to leave the country for the permit to be reset. I've never had any troubles at the border and this can be done virtually indefinitely......

    if it would be that easy, many more People would own foreign registered Cars here in Thailand

    so I doubt, that this can be done "virtually indefinitely"

    what you say?

  3. Hope, somebody can help me out here

    I have added a second VOIP Service, but maybe I miss the Basics:

    the right additional Hardware

    a Headset alone does not change much the Quality dúring my Calls

    recently, I met a fellow German, who is using VOIP in regular Landline Quality even for national and international Calls

    he is using a "Fritzbox"


    is there anything similar here in Thailand available?

    as I live in Patttaya - aynthing in TCom available?

    Thanks for any Help

  4. You might get more help if give details - what country? what is the legal complaint? with police or what government office? why not use a lawyer?

    I think it sounds like you need to get someone there to act for you, and if not a lawyer maybe family member or a friend they might still need "power of attorney" to deal with the officials.

    Or you might have to go back there to take care of this business your self.

    thank you for your advice - to turn the power over to a close person could be the most resonable way for the moment

    I will consider to take a lawyer, once there has been investigated by authorites in my home country

    the rules should be quit equal for any country in the EU or USA

    as one live here in thailand - and I was stating this already - beside the embassy, the law can be inforced trough officals in your home capital

    interestingly - in the very beginning - both ( the embassy and the law authjorities in my capital ) have told me to contact the other first ,

    what means: nobody want to get bothered with

    and last but not least: if any authority has decidced not to take further action, at least they have to tell me this fact

    but as I said: nothing has occured yet

  5. I just got something interesting on my twitter account

    and idian guy states, that one can retrieve for free real time finance datas from Google


    as a non programmer, I can hardly understand anything - but a most real time finance datas are quite expensiv,

    maybe somebody can have a look at it and make something out of it

    ..and please SHARE with us

  6. Excuse my english, it is not my mother language

    I live in thailand since some years and have a legal issue with a fellow contryman back home

    I learned first, that all my legal actions can only correspond with my embassy here in thailand

    and any other legal issue has to be submitted to the authorities in the capital of my country and not in the city,

    I was living before - nor to the city authorities, why my opponent is living

    so it happened, that I have a legal issue with a fellow country man

    I contacted first my embassy, beeing told there to send my legal complaint to the authorities in my capital

    so I was sending my complaint via fax and registered letter to there - some months have past with no answer

    when I called there to the authorities and asking, if they have issued any file refering to my complaint,

    I was told, they can not give my any information by fone

    so I was sending another fax and letter to this office and asking to send me any refering file number - no answer after months again

    so what should I do now?

    my embassy is obviously not responsible - and my legal authorities back home dont react on my calls or fax

    dont forget, it is a legal complaint - and not a case for a lawyer....

  7. "...when it comes into effect in 2015..."

    The start date of AEC will be December 31, 2015, so practically speaking it will be 2016.

    IIRC the original start-date was put back, by 364 days, some months ago.

    But is still technically within 2015, so face is saved all round, phew !

    This gives an excellent example of just how well things will go, with the introduction of the new rules. rolleyes.gif

    interesting - could you give a link to this information?

    thanks in advance

  8. The legal channels for any kind of business are the same for everyone. Register a company, get licences, have Thai partners to 51%, have proper visa and work permits etc. If you are seeing some who seemingly are not complying but getting away with it, that just means they are breaking Thai laws.

    Thats exactly, what I was asking in my Thread: why "one" can - and others not

  9. I always wondered, how it works here in Pattaya - and in other Tourist Places as well

    "one" can do nearly any Kind of Business here in Pattaya - while others can not

    Due to the Forum Rules, I am not allowed to "point" anything out - but People with an open Mind and View

    will clearly understand, what I am want to state here with this Thread

    So if someone want to start any Kind of Entertainment Establishment here in Pattaya - whom to ask for "Permission"?

  10. my advice, which i spelled out clearly, for the OP is "stay away from hare-brained investment advice/ideas which might jeopardise the renewal of your retiree visa!"

    based on the OP's posting one must conclude that he has no cash back-up to compensate for any potential losses. if he had he wouldn't think of selling whatever he bought at the time when immigration says "show us the money!" any other advice i consider utterly irresponsible.

    case closed... next!

    How many People living in Thailand with this 800.000 Baht Rule and are bored by getting NOTHING in return?

    if YOU in the glad Situation, that you can afford just put 20.000 € aside for nothing - its OK for YOU

    but why in general this Money can not make some returns?

    why not let it work 9 Months?

    I assume, if somebody can let 800.000 Baht on a Bank Account with NO RETURN, he MUST have some other Funds too -

    hwo he would pay his Bills?

    so the OP has serious Reasons to ask this Questions ?

    why not open an australian Bank Account, move the Money for 9 Months there and "enjoy" a 6 % interest?

    Just 1 Idea


  11. Demo Trade First.

    thank you for your suggestion - and yes, I just opened a demo account

    I still study the facts of some traders in zulutrade

    what interests me most are traders, who are trading only 1 pair

    I assume, if somebody is trading - lets say GBP:USD pair since a longer time -

    this person might probably know all about historical, actual and upcomming trends

    just have a look at the mentioned forexfactory about this pair


    this memebers are doing nothing else than trading thiss pair - so their knowledge

    is great source of informations - and possible gains in any direction

    using zulutrader, I would be able to use their profound knowledge for my own good

  12. Fellow Investors

    I would like to discuss a probably very interesting Matter

    I thinking about to use Zulutrader


    to earn contantly Money through the Forex by experienced Traders

    What is ZuluTrade ?

    • ZuluTrade bridged the gap between valuable information in money markets and trade execution, by converting the advice of professional and talented traders globally to an executed trade rapidly and automatically in your account (from supported brokers)
      There was a time when trading was a headache. Not anymore! You don't have to study or monitor the market to make a good pick, because hundreds of industry well-known experts from all over the world are doing it for you. All you have to do is pick the experts you like, and ZuluTrade will quickly convert their advice into live trades in your trading account directly with the broker.
      ZuluTrade receives rebates from the brokers, for the trades generated and splits them with the experts that provide the advice.

    Who is placing the trades on my account? Do the experts know about my account?

    • None of the experts that recommend trades will ever know your account's existence. ZuluTrade receives their recommendations, and checks the experts you have subscribed with in your account profile, and decides whether or not to autotrade their advice in your live account using a secure direct connection with the broker's backend. ZuluTrade's patented engine places trades automatically with no human intervention. ZuluTrade service is server based, in other words you don't even need to have your computer on.

    How do I get started?

    • All you have to do is provide ZuluTrade with the name and account number of the brokerage firm you're trading with. Sign and fax the LOD required by your broker, to authorize ZuluTrade to bridge the experts advice with your broker account.
      If it is the first time that you will trade online or you never had an on-line trading account with one of the brokers we support, then the first step is to open a new account.

    Here is a Facebook Account, where 1 Forextrader posts his recent Trades


    Of ccourse, there is also a Possibility to loose Money, but if we would choose the right Signal Provider, we would have a high Probability to stay in positiv Returns


    anybody interested to discuss this Matter?

  13. I don't quite understand this. The "letter of residence" from the Immigration Office is a notarized letter.

    I don't believe it is:-

    "A Notary public is a public officer whose function it is to administer oaths, to attest and certify, by his hand and official seal, certain classes of documents, in order to give them credit and authenticity in a foreign jurisdiction.

    In Thailand, a person who is authorized by the Lawyers Council of Thailand to administer oaths and to attest to the authenticity of signatures is the lawyer licensed from the Lawyers Council of Thailand to practice law having passed the training course of Notary Public of the Lawyers Council of Thailand to certify and to attest the authenticity of the signatures.

    At present, the Lawyers Council of Thailand has passed the requirement governing the registration as an Attorney Qualified to Certify signatures and documents B.E. 2546 and opened training course for lawyers as well as the issuance of the license to the lawyers who passed such training course of Notary Public".

    Inexpensive is subjective.

    I have used the services of the law firm in Soi Day and Night next door to the little Indian food shop - can't remember their name.

    Make sure that you confirm that they are an authorised Notary - I wasted a lot of time and money with lawyer in Surin who said was a Notary, but the lying b4stard wasn't !!

    Hey Mate

    thanks alot for this information

    and I really appreciate your explanation, what a "public notary" is worth for

    thanks again

  14. for some simple reasons to confirm my adress here in pattaya, I need to certify my "letter of residence" by a local Notary

    As I have never dealed with any Notary Service here in Thailand and Pattaya - and would like to prevent me for being overcharged -

    does anybody know a reasonable Notary here in Pattaya, who just confirms my "letter of residence" with his signeture and stamp?

    thanks in advance for any advice

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