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Posts posted by Falux2

  1. [

    Good post Dude.

    The other day I made a comment that Thailand is still a Third world country and is going backwoods at a fast rate, all I got was FLAME from the ones that refuse to take off their rose coloured glasses.

    In a couple of years the powers to be in Thailand will be sitting around scratching their heads saying none of this would have happened if the foreigners had not come here. Then say where have all of the Farlangs gone?

    I have made some comments about this in different topics on TV and all I get is FLAMED by idiots that would not have a clue. I get my information from Thai business people here and they are saying now where are all of the Farlangs gone. Vietnam, China, Cambodia, Malaysia, etc etc.

    Thailand has changed and still changing not for the better though. I would like to take a look at this situation in about a year and see how Thailand is coping IMO it wont be good.

    There are plenty of options around this SEA area and the Foreigners are voting with their feet.

    Before the members start FLAMING me again I am NOT a sex tourist, I dont have any Visa Problems and I couldnt care less about the price of Chang. (Do you get all of that Bendix?) There are also people on TV that know me and met me and can verify my statements.


    Have a nice day Gentlemen. :o

    It's so sweet to read the post of some loner who wants all the foreigners out so he can get all the pussy for himself. You're not alone, actually you folks could form a club: falangs who want falangs out.

    The Thais will be there long after you passed away, Mr. First-World-Monkey.

    PattayaTony, hehehe. That's like calling yourself MiserableFailure. Uh, I'll be blocked for this again.
    Well Falux2 - is that the sum total of you literary efforts?

    Where do you get off making these filthy and totally unsubstantiated insinuations ?

    Does it make you feel good?

    I carry 3 work permits.

    I am bothered each and every day with Thais thinking that I'm no more than an ATM

    I see falangs like you on a daily basis, let's get out! (But I stay here)

    Thais do create a real mess, with the loosing face and all, but the fact that hundreds of thousands of us, westerners, and another hundreds of thousands of japs come here for an obvious reason, deny it or not, will run this economy.

  2. Only children won't understand that the US weakens the dollar to export more and import less.

    I see.

    Is that why the US has the highest deficit in the world ?


    The US is fighting the most expensive war ever, and the House of Senate doesn't back it up. So it's a good idea to keep the dollar low to let the American economy run. I personally don't know a single person who'd actually buy any American things, if it wasn't for the fact that the dollar reducwed from 43 to 33 in a year.

  3. I think that people are partly correct in saying that the military dicatorship ruling the country doesn't care so much about these sorts of things. Toxin's policies encouraged western influence in Thailand and we now have a dictatorship that encourages the opposite. In spite of their cries to the contrary, the dictatorships interpretation of "sufficiency economy" is to a great extent isolationism...but pragmatic isolationism. The dictatorship in power represents the old guard to a large extent and their view of the social structure is that raising me up AND PUTTING THE GENERAL POPULATION DOWN is what gives them the most power and satisfaction in life. Foreign economic influence was getting out of control in that it was usurping the power of the old guard and empowering some of what the old guard would refer to as the general population....those who rightfully belong in a lower rung of Thai society. The talk of establishing Buddhism as the national religion and changing the name of the country back to Siam are symptoms of the old guards collective psyches desire to recreate the class stratification like the old days.

    Of course all of this is only my personal opinion on all this and I can not support it with any facts....its all just imaginary I guess.

    My humble IQ of 167 has no idea what you are talking about. isolationism? Thais are Thais, and they do not grasp the concept of mondialism.

  4. WB warns Thailand of falling private investments

    The World Bank (WB) on Thursday revised down its forecast for Thailand's economic growth in 2007 from 4.6 percent to 4.3 percent.

    Kazi Matin, the WB's lead economist on Thailand said that confidence Thailand's investment climate has hit a new low.

    Following the coup last year, the military-appointed government has imposed measures that have shaken the foreign business community, such as the capital controls in December and proposed amendments to the Foreign Business Act in January that block loopholes which allowed foreigners to control local investments without holding majority equity stake.

    - The Nation

    I have been re-assigned on a part-time basis to Ho Chi Minh City due to a lack of work in Thailand, and having been here for several days, all i can say to the Thai government is Wake Up!, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam here is deregulating industry and opening almost all doors to foreign investment, all this while the Thais are wringing their hands over over their stupid existential needs. the new Law on Enterprises released by the National Assembly does not descriminate anymore between local busineses and foreign joint ventures. the people here are young, polite, eager to learn, and very energetic. the world is not standing still while Thailand moves backwards, its forging ahead, so if and when Thailand finally wakes up, they have to run double fast to catch up. seeing the industrious and motivated people here in Vietnam, i have serious concerns if that will ever happen. i wished i could bring some of my thai staff here to see the incredible work rate at my vietnam office, even the secretary is a dynamo, she literally runs from task to task in the office, always on top of matters, i feel tired just looking at her work. it seems the world has already forgotten about thailand as they all descend on this city, its all buzzing with action here. hotels are 100% occupied and turning away people, offices are crammed with no space left for expansion. i have business deals coming out of my ears. the Thai government has no idea what is happening at their doorstep. :D

    Good post Dude.

    The other day I made a comment that Thailand is still a Third world country and is going backwoods at a fast rate, all I got was FLAME from the ones that refuse to take off their rose coloured glasses.

    In a couple of years the powers to be in Thailand will be sitting around scratching their heads saying none of this would have happened if the foreigners had not come here. Then say where have all of the Farlangs gone?

    I have made some comments about this in different topics on TV and all I get is FLAMED by idiots that would not have a clue. I get my information from Thai business people here and they are saying now where are all of the Farlangs gone. Vietnam, China, Cambodia, Malaysia, etc etc.

    Thailand has changed and still changing not for the better though. I would like to take a look at this situation in about a year and see how Thailand is coping IMO it wont be good.

    There are plenty of options around this SEA area and the Foreigners are voting with their feet.

    Before the members start FLAMING me again I am NOT a sex tourist, I dont have any Visa Problems and I couldnt care less about the price of Chang. (Do you get all of that Bendix?) There are also people on TV that know me and met me and can verify my statements.


    Have a nice day Gentlemen. :o

    It's so sweet to read the post of some loner who wants all the foreigners out so he can get all the pussy for himself. You're not alone, actually you folks could form a club: falangs who want falangs out.

    The Thais will be there long after you passed away, Mr. First-World-Monkey.

  5. are there any videos out there with peoples really requesting this dongles in 7/11 ?? LOL

    sorry no video, but real time report

    I just was at 7/11 when someone asked for a dongle and heared the cashier saying : Phuket no dongle, only in Bangkok (I guess this was the easiest way for her to avoid telling him that she does not know what it is)

    I told her what it is and she said "joke no good, all day people comming and ask for dongle



    Yeah, yeah, and I saw Santa Claus shagging Superman.

  6. Why did OP feel the need to write "the gay guy from gay.com"... that seems totally unnessecary and as though OP was hoping to discuss that fact... OP, go to gay.com and discuss it there if that is what you want.

    I originally posted this in the "Gay People in Thailand" sub-forum .... but if you have an issue with gay folks then perhaps Thailand isn't the place for you!

    This is a sad tale of a young man that was gay. That happened to be murdered in Thailand. Since many users of the gay chats etc in Thailand also use Thaivisa it was appropriate BIG news to be placed here. The guy earned $ as a "pro" etc etc etc but if you knew anything about him (through the use of those other resources) you'd know that being gay in Thailand was important to him.

    There are many people that are NOT gay that still are concerned by this violent death for the simple fact that it was a farang murdered in Thailand. Not to mention those of us that know gay people that come to Thailand (one of the most tolerant countries in the world towwards gay people.) We as of yet, do NOT know WHY he was murdered. At this point it is all speculation.

    <again my condolences to the family of this poor young man!>

    Uh, yes, sure. I love your comments. It doesn't matter that he was a german male gay prostitute in Thailand (please get the sarcasm), right?!. To tell you the truth, that is one ugly way of embarrassing your parents, your nation, your friends, actually anybody that ever knew you. Dead or not, I don't care, it's an insult to humanity.

  7. "QUOTE(Oswulf @:02:42) *

    QUOTE(RHCP @:47:05) *

    ... Another thing that becomes legas is driving on the main road under the elevated expressway when it rains ...

    Er, I do not understand that. What is the "main road" and why would it not be a normal thoroughfare in the normal case ??

    Motorcycles are allowed on the Bus / very left lane only and forbidden on bigger bridges and all flyovers. You can only use the right lane in case you turn right.

  8. Indeed, anybody with a decent website / domain name can signup for this service with google. We have it on one domain in the company for almost a year now. But still, hey, it's a good idea to use it for TV members (and who wouldn't be tempted to use a headline like: Google And Thaivisa.com Launch[es] Branded Email For Members)... :o:D It does sound bold, doesn't it ...

    Regarding "Firefox" as email client, it's called Thunderbird and is from the same family than FF.

    (Yeah, yeah, those geeks)


  9. This sounds like great news for the motorcycle riders. Presumably the government will be building suitable shelters for them off the pavement so they aren't exposed to the sun and rain day in, day out - somewhere they won't have to breath in exhaust fumes all day. And it will undoubtedly provide toilets for them, too.

    These guys provide an essential service, yet currently have awful working conditions, and work for a pittance. I'm glad to see that the authorities are giving them their full support.

    You're perfectly right. Only, I cannot believe City Hall proclamations before they are really turned into facts.

    A reduction of the number of Motorcycle taxis in CBD is an awful joke. How do you go to work in time sitting in a car and waiting for movement on the road ?


    I agree with both of you! They are even half-gods! - Hold on, did you say motercycle driver? Sorry, I thought motorcycle racer ...


  10. I guess the only way Thailand would do anything right in the eyes of these pompous farangs is to keep depending on their technology forever (i.e keep being their economic slaves.) Of course, if Thailand failed, it would be even better. Why would you not be thrilled to see 50 bath per dollar exchange rate, right? Who wouldn't like having cheap beers and cheap prostitutes while laughing your asses off at their backwardness at the same time?

    That's the mentality that stops Thailand from getting anywhere. I live here, I love Thai people, and none of you can do what I do. That's why I got invited here.

    You, ThaiGoonie, and this minister hurt your own by thinking that we want your money and your girls only. 98% of us have dark skin girls that you wouldn't even like as maids. And we love them even after they are 30. A thing Thais are very uncapable of.

    All of us want a life, that's all.

  11. *** UPDATE ***

    SOURCE: Pattaya City News: February 26th 2007

    Update on the Russian Double Murder case on Jomtien Beach.

    An update now on a story that has sent shockwaves through the Russian Community here in Pattaya. As we reported on our last program, two Russian Female Tourists were shot and killed on Jomtien Beach in the early hours of Saturday Morning.

    The bodies of Miss Tatiana Tsimfer aged 30 and Miss Liubov Svirkova aged 25 are now in the hands of Russian Embassy Officials as the murder investigation continues, overseen by Police Lieutenant General Asawin, the Region 2 Commander of Police.

    The all important CCTV Camera footage has now been examined by Police and excerpts of the tape were released to the press over the weekend. They showed a man, thought to be of Thai origin and wearing a baseball cap, loitering near the two women on the promenade for a few minutes. He then makes his way down to the beach and remains out of site of the camera for a period of 9 seconds before he is seen running back up to the promenade and is then seen on another camera leaving on his motorbike.

    Footprints at the scene suggest he was wearing combat boots and although the identity of the shooter is unknown to us, the Police tell us they believe they known who he is and for fear of compromising the investigation, his details are being held back. Further investigations into the murder victims suggest they are from affluent families back in Russia and because they were only checked into their Hotel for a short period of time, Police believe they were not involved in prostitution as claimed in a number of Thai National Newspapers.

    This intense Police investigation continues as the eyes of the world are on Pattaya and the Police who are under intense pressure to arrest someone and fast. That is all the information we have for now, but be assured we are following this story very closely and we will report any updates to you as soon as we receive them.

    Thanks for that info. But I'm sure some will still not feel sorry to have talked out of number 2

  12. It seems this thread collects a lot of people who never were in Pattaya.

    I believe the old Las Vegas agogo closed long ago. Instead they now have an agogo on 2nd floor right in the middle of walking street, with a bit show window with changing girls dancing all night and a big sign on the window saying "European Girls". NO attempt is done to hide this is a "European" (Read: Russian) agogo.

    For anyone else who doubt the nature of all the single russian female tourists in Pattaya, I suggest you take a walk down walking street any night, they are all over the place.

    It has nothing to do with disrespect for the dead, it's just the way things are here. Instead of the PC attitude come over and look for yourself.

    I'm in Thailand for many years, and the cheap, ridiculous decadent human beings and dogs I saw in Pattaya made me decide not to visit that place ever again. Not even the whores look good. I went with my GF, and they still proposed their services, even though they looked 100 times worse or were ladyboys.

    Pattaya is a good concept. It keeps those who love it really cheap from those who give a shit.

    If what you say is true, then that would be a good point to start looking for the killer!

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