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Posts posted by Mamboking

  1. Two Managers at the Center, Khun Yosawat aged 56 and Khun Patanan aged 30 were arrested and 22 Russian Tour Guides along with 4 Cambodians who did not possess work permits were also detained.

    Is it still the same bs that Russians are the only ones who can fly in directly via Utapao? Gotta laugh my arse of that they're all "tour guides". How many of these "tour guides" work only in Pattaya?

    Don't they sell guns and drugs there? And the Russian prostitutes without passports and visas swam through the red sea to Thailand, I'm sure.

    They might have access to Santa's reindeer fleet. Nastrovie.--coffee1.gif

    Especially to you they must sell small piece of brains.

  2. people you all sound like u've been paid by Russians smile.png really there's too many of them there, they are trying to survive doing anythibg that brings money ( remember the couple of Russians who were offering to tourists make photo with their monkey ) its rediculous!!! Soon you will see beggars and street bums from CIS countries !!! Really, i hope this will help to clear up the space a bit. Thailand is a nice place no need to fill it with rubbish people.

    Rubbish people? Our Lord, is that You? Please re-login.

  3. Here is no simple answers. How do you know that he is bad guy? From media? Do you really trust media? I believe that in fact nobody care what he's doing, it's only abou business, about competition.

    Everything is about Competition With remarks like yours You have proved you are in competition with other fools to be the head fool.

    Smartest opinion here, yeah...

  4. Well, what can I say. I always know that Thai are the beasts. This case just proved again it's good idea to left this country.

    With that kind of slur against Thai people perhaps it is a god idea that you have left this country.

    Hopefully someone will be held accountable, but we all know how the corridors of justice work.

    The vast majority of Thai people are gentle and kind.

    A tragic situation for the Swedish man, R.I.P. , but what were the reasons he was so grievously assaulted?

    Thais are no more vicious than a gang of English high street thugs, or any other nationality for that matter. B)

    The reason why I said you has been many times on Thaivisa already - assulting and muredering foreigners. An police just don't do any movement because they are Thai but we are nobody and nothing here.

    Do you know statistic of insurance companies - the most number of foreigners asking for medical help exactly in Thailand. Guess why?

    And.. Do you really think that Thai people will be gentl to you if they need something from you - you money or your property or you life?

  5. Well he may have tagged the wrong city, but Russians have been rated the #1 worst tourist in the world.


    According to ATOR Analytical Service, the number of Russian tourists visiting Thailand is showing high growth with the number of Russians visiting in January high season up 48% from the previous year.

    Thailand's biggest competition in the future will be the Caribbean, particularly Mexico, said Mr Clemens.

    Russians are the only guys who are allowed to fly into Thailand via Uta Pao airport. Sorry, but the majority of them are part of the Mafia, most of the females are illegally here to sell their bodies to rich Thai men.

    Most of them behave very badly, money solves all problems here. Free Wodka for all TV members !!!!!!!!!!!!!:jap:

    Yeah, one more brainwashed person - bears, vodka, balalaika, Russian mafia.

  6. I am originally from BKK. Have moved to live in Pattaya somewhat 10 years ago. So Pattaya is now my home.

    Pattaya needs tourists. We had a lot of Russians early this year. Now more Indians.

    I am Thai and I do respect different cultures.

    Talking about politenes, most nationality have good and bad people. Personally, I find Russians stick to their own group. They have different manners as they were brought up that way.

    They come to Pattaya to enjoy. I see them shop a lot more than other nationalities who just come here for sex.

    Ones can be noisy and disrespectful. No matter they are Russian, English, German or etc... They do things that they would not dare to do in their own countries.

    Wise words.

  7. In my experience Thai drivers have no respect what so ever of anything on the road. Ive seen drivers purposely aim for dogs, drive carelessly close to the bumper of the car in front, try to ram other cars out the way. I consider myself a good careful driver, but when driving here in Thailand my nerves and wits are tested to the fullest! I guess they all think there invulnerable and good old Buddha will take care of them because they got that special amulet given to them by the monk who said if you wear this you can never die!

    About amulet it would be kind of irony but they are really think so and they don't care about their life and people around because of that!

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