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Posts posted by bgebhardt

  1. If, just if, the girls were killed elsewhere

    Do you really believe the women walked topless to the beach? if not then, where are their clothes?

    .. and be kind enough to put them in the beach-chairs.

    A 9mm slug fired at close range goes right your body, but the sand under the chair is strangely clean of blood, and the chairs free of bullet holes. How do you explain that if the girls were shot while sitting on them?

  2. they must have been shot at the beach coz someone heard gunshots...

    The older girl was topless, and neither a bra or a bikini top was found on the scene... it is not logical for a woman of her age to walk topless from the hotel to the beach

    The younger one was wearing a formal shirt and a panty, who goes to the beach wearing only underwear? very odd

    in the video you can see how the shooter found the spot where the bodies were without hesitation, he just went there to fire shots in the air - for the record - and fled, it took him only 9 seconds to go from his motorbike to the set-up murder scene and back

  3. By boat...even more odd.

    His theory: the girls were killed elsewhere, put in a boat and put them nicely in some deckchairs.


    not odd, it is the better way to move the bodies to the beach unnoticed

    what is the alternative? to load the bodies on the back of a motorbike and drive them there in plain sight would be the most stupid thing to do

    there should be bullet holes in the chairs, and they should be soaked in blood... but the chairs look oddly clean, makes no sense unless the bodies were planted there long after the bleeding had stopped

  4. When I said absurd, I meant his theory that the 2 girls were not shot at the beach but elsewehere and moved there and put in the beach-chairs....

    Anyone who knows Jomtien beach and the road along the beach will agree that that theory is plain absurd.

    He obviously has never been there.

    His theory is that the bodies were moved to the beach by boat. I see nothing wrong with that, the sea was just 3 meters away from the victims.

  5. bgebhardt - no worries, I'll fwd the url to the appropriate individuals in Patters. :o

    It would be a good thing to do if you have the possibility.

    The persons running this forum don't want to have the maffia knocking at their front door, something likely if we post a good lead to the murderer.

  6. I seriously doubt he started the hread to pool all the brains online at Thaivisa and solve the crime!

    Seriously, I don't understand your priorities.

    Why is it more mportant to please the one who started the thread (did you even ask his opinion about it?) than solving this crime puzzle?

  7. I have removed several speculative posts in this thread!

    The previous thread on this subject in the news section had been closed because of this out of control speculating!

    You call it speculating, I call it brainstorming, and it is how difficult problems are solved.

    If you want to keep this thread brainstorming-free then why not create a parallell thread where everyone feels free to play detective? This is the power of the Internet!

  8. A post has just been deleted about the 25 year old who had a profile on a Russian love website. I see this as very important information which should definately be passed on to the authorities. Maybe she met someone on this website, who payed for her flight to Thailand? But the post has now been deleted..

    yep, the moderator deleted the info I posted, good job!

  9. A little detail that could be revealing:

    In the attached picture it is apparent that both victims had a finger-sized bruise on the front of their thighs, at exactly the same level. The usual origin of these finger or thumb-sized bruises on a women's legs is sexual activity, so they are colloquially called "f.ck bruises".

    The similarity in size and position of both bruises can indicate that both girls were having sex with the same man, probably the one who took the picture in the flower garden. If the girls were not engaged in prostitution at least it appears they were engaged in sexual activities with someone.


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