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Posts posted by bobbyd1

  1. Writing is on the wall for O/A extensions of stay. Best to explore medical insurance options and not be faced with issues at the 11th hour, we have been warned, just as the income requirement saga. I started beating the bushes with the designated medical insurance companies. Because I am an old man, I will need a physical along with application form, so I will have to pull the trigger on this at some point in time prior to my extension stay expiration date. I am learning the insurance companies and immigration officers are willing to work with us on this. I have lived here in retired status many years and would prefer to stay. 

  2. Since there are so many different Visa's and many complicated situations, I want to just address the over 50 folks that have a retirement visa on the income rules. (Because that is me) For many years we all have been here and used the easy source of getting an income letter verified by our Embassies. (for me USA) Well we all know that process has gone by the way side. And the Thai Immigrations is wanting a way to verify income to fill the void. The Thai Immigration system is not to blame and this rule has been in Law for many years. It was easy to process our yearly events and go about our business and life.  Now we must all try to adjust to the current rules and processes. I honestly believe that no one wants to see families in distress or folks having to go back to there home countries, especially for us folks that live here by choice. Now what has happened in the past is water under the bridge and we all have to move forward. I recommend that we commit to the rules at hand, as I have learned through you all. The immigrations offices are trying to work with us on a case-by-case basis. This is best for us folks that have committed to living here, not discounting the folks that want to burn the candle at both ends. We all have to make a serious decision now. So, do not be stressed, keep reading and asking questions and do visit your local immigration office for current updates. Remember if there is a Will, there is a way. "Just Saying"

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  3. I need some valid inputs, trolls please do not response out of respect to the Widow. My Thai sister-in-law loss her Dutch husband last year in November 2017, who she was legally married to for many years. Supposedly he split his inheritance in Holland between her and his two biological children in Holland. She even traveled to Holland to set it up this way and sign papers apparently. It has been almost a year and his children keep saying that it takes time for the settlement, i.e they have to run through the tax system, and she still does not know if she will ever receive any money? What is your take on this? Sad, that this unknown is happening? But, I am not a lawyer and surely do not know about Dutch Law. Lots of stories about how Thai girls that advantage of Western men, but seems I have seen way more Western men take advantage of good Thai ladies, so I am not totally feeling good about this.  I feel sorry for her and hope all works out..... oh by the way the Dutch Embassy in Bangkok is Worthless, just saying., So do not say contact them, been done many times. They are only good for reporting deaths to host country, not there to Help Dutch citizens or there legal spouses... Do not take this as a slam, the American Embassy is no different or even worst.

  4. You will find a big scale of budget here in the LOS, as you would in any other country. The more money you have, the better the quality-of-Life. Important that you have medical insurance. The replies to this post are plentiful. Good luck! You might apply these percents to your budget to see how it would work out for ya.

    Screen Shot 2018-07-29 at 11.44.26 AM.png

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  5. (Mr. Dirk Neil) (German National) - Passed away this morning at Overbrook Hospital after a long illness (14 Dec 2016)- "May Dirk Rest in Peace now" - You'll be sorely missed by everyone here in Chiang Rai.


  6. It was that time again to renew my Five Year Private Car and Motorcycle License here in the Rai (Not expired, but coming due) It was a breeze and went fairly fast considering our population growth here. I will give ya a brief on my experience. As we all know, it can be different. I used the Pattaya City Expat Club guide as my reference going in. It surely made my experience enjoyable.

    1. Photocopy of Passport pages showing identity and visa/visa extension stamps.

    2. Original Residence Certificate from Thai Immigration's for Car and I made a copy of the original for the motorcycle, which is acceptable in this case.

    3. Photocopy of Original 5-year Thai driving license as a back-up (Have original available as they attached them to processing paperwork.

    4. Went to Second floor Station 3 to get started, (Get Blueish customer card) then I was directed to Third Floor room 5 (I think) for vision color testing. Then over to room 3 to watch the training movie.

    5. Then back down to Floor 2, station 3 or 4 to pay the fee for License, Car License of 555 Baht and/or Fee for Motorcycle License 305 baht. Turned in Bluish card after paying fee, giving an Orange card for license picture and completion process. As they take the picture, your license is printed out and complete. 100 Baht each charged and then it is out the door until the next five years.

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